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This page contains all data pertaining to Seadall's supports in Fire Emblem Engage.


Small portrait seadall fe17.png
Support information: Small portrait alear m fe17.png
3 support points
15 support points
30 support points
Pact Ring:
Obtain from The Connector, then select

C support

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B support

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A support

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Ring support

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Small portrait seadall fe17.png
Support information: Small portrait chloé fe17.png
3 support points
9 support points
18 support points
Pact Ring:
Obtain from The Connector, then select

C support

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B support

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Small portrait seadall fe17.png
Support information: Small portrait yunaka fe17.png
3 support points
9 support points
18 support points
Pact Ring:
Obtain from The Connector, then select

C support

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Small portrait seadall fe17.png
Support information: Small portrait alcryst fe17.png
3 support points
9 support points
18 support points
Pact Ring:
Obtain from The Connector, then select

C support

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Small portrait seadall fe17.png
Support information: Small portrait citrinne fe17.png
5 support points
10 support points
20 support points
Pact Ring:
Obtain from The Connector, then select

C support

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Small portrait seadall fe17.png
Support information: Small portrait amber fe17.png
5 support points
10 support points
20 support points
Pact Ring:
Obtain from The Connector, then select

C support

Seadall: What? Really? Here? Am I...reading this right?
Amber: Seadall! What's going on? Is everything OK?
Seadall: Just doing a bit of fortune telling. The cards say that a man foretold by legend will soon appear.
Amber: Whoa! A man foretold by legend? Where? When? What else do the cards say?
Seadall: Well, this legendary man is young, gregarious, energetic...and rather handsome.
Amber: Ooh, that profile sounds an awful lot like me. If only my name was Greg! Man, so close.
Seadall: Ah, but he's also a fool.
Amber: Oh. That can't be me, then. Heh, poor Greg...
Seadall: Hmm... This fabled fellow also has a powerful connection to a certain animal. The...alpaca?
Amber: Alpacas?! No way! That has to be me. I AM the legendary Greg!
Seadall: You're the figure my cards are heralding?
Amber: I guess so! But what does that mean? Am I supposed to do something?
Seadall: Well, according the cards, sometime in the near future, you are going to be a savior.
Amber: Whoa! A savior? Me?! That's the best! How near is this near future going to be?
Seadall: Eh, that remains a bit...foggy. But never fear, I'll give you a shout as soon as things are clear.
Amber: Got it. I'll keep my ears perked up and my eyes pointed in both directions...just like an alpaca!

B support

Seadall: Ah, it's the alpaca-loving savior himself. You made it.
Amber: Hmm. I know you mean that, but the way you say it makes me sound...uncool.
Seadall: Well, how's this for cool... According to the cards, today is the day you become a savior!
Amber: Really? Today?! That's great! So, uh...what should I do?
Seadall: Make it rain.
Amber: Hah, uh... Make it rain? Like, actual rain? From the sky? How do I do that?
Seadall: That...I do not know. I'm not the savior. You are.
Amber: Oh, come on! You can't just make rain happen.
Seadall: Look, if you're the savior of legend, then you should be able to do it. So sayeth the cards.
Amber: Wow. The cards really believe in me that much? I can't let them down. Right. OK. No big deal. I'm a legendary savior. I already have everything I need to make it rain. ... Ain-ray... Ain-ray... Ain-ray...
Seadall: OK...
Amber: Ain-ray, all-fay own-day ow-nay...ease-play?
Seadall: I have never heard before.
Amber: Alpaca! You'll 'paca! Everyone will 'paca... for rain, rain, raaain! Whoaaa, RAIN!
Seadall: Oh boy.
Amber: How was that? Is it raining yet?
Seadall: Not a single drop.
Amber: Oh, come on!
Seadall: I guess...the fortune was off. I'm sorry. I thought I had it right.
Amber: No, you're fine. I'm the one who just made a fool of himself. Tell your cards I'm sorry...

A support

Seadall: Amber, can I have a word with you?
Amber: Oh, Seadall. Sorry, but I kind of want to be alone for a while. I'm still pretty embarrassed about that whole "rain savior" thing. I really am a fool.
Seadall: That's what I wanted to talk to you about. It rained. You're a savior after all!
Amber: Uh... Whoa. Wait, no! I was there. I did all that stuff and it didn't rain a single drop! I appreciate you trying to make me feel better... But that kind of coddling just makes me feel like even more of a fool.
Seadall: I wouldn't do that. I'm telling you, Amber... You made it rain─just like the cards said you would. It didn't rain right where we were standing, bu it did rain in a village just a few miles away.
Amber: It did?!
Seadall: It hadn't rained there for ages. In fact, the crops were on the verge of turning to dust. Then all of a sudden, it started pouring. I'm telling you, it happened right after you finished that weird rain chant of yours.
Amber: Whoa. What? No. Really? I did that? Really?! I did it! I'm the legendary savior of some village somewhere! I'm so...happy. Saving people is the best feeling in the entire world.
Seadall: When the fighting settles down, how about we pay a visit to that village? I'll introduce you. "Hear ye, humble townsfolk. Come, meet your alpaca-loving savior!" Yep, that's what I'll say.
Amber: No, don't say it like that! You're making me sound uncool again.
Seadall: Don't worry. I promise to properly introduce the "man foretold by legend." You deserve it.
Amber: Yes! And when you do, I'll thank the genius fortune-teller that predicted me!
Seadall: Haha, now it's my turn to be embarrassed.
Amber: We make a pretty good duo, y'know?
Seadall: I don't think we have a choice. According to my latest reading, we're destined to be friends.
Amber: Hah! Man, those cards are so smart. Here's to a budding friendship. Nothing's gonna rain on our parade! Uh, unless I make it, that is.


Small portrait seadall fe17.png
Support information: Small portrait kagetsu fe17.png
3 support points
9 support points
18 support points
Pact Ring:
Obtain from The Connector, then select

C support

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Small portrait seadall fe17.png
Support information: Small portrait pandreo fe17.png
3 support points
9 support points
18 support points
Pact Ring:
Obtain from The Connector, then select

C support

Seadall: At last... I think I finally got the steps down.
Pandreo: Seadall, your movement is so…graceful.
Seadall: As it should be. I am a professional dancer.
Pandreo: You know, watching you has given me the urge to cut a rug myself. What do you say? Wanna dance together?
Seadall: Yes, if you'd like.
Pandreo: Flawless finish. That ought to go down in history as the best dance ever.
Seadall: Eh, Pandreo... I've never danced like...that. The movements...they don't match the rhythm. At all. I understand why the others call it the Dance of Darkness. What a grotesque pantomime.
Pandreo: Really? I had a great time.
Seadall: A great time? Is that enough for you?
Pandreo: Um... Define "enough."
Seadall: I take it you like to dance, yes? Well, to really and truly dance, you have to work at it.
Pandreo: Hmm. So that's how it goes, huh?
Seadall: Yes, that's exactly how it goes. But don't worry, I'll teach you to dance correctly.
Pandreo: All right, if you insist! I doubt it'll take me too long to pick it up.

B support

Seadall: One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. Two, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight.
Pandreo: Ughhh! Seadall, you're counting wrong! It's messing up my flow!
Seadall: No. You're not staying on the beat.
Pandreo: I can't help it! I've been dancing to my own beat for so long.
Seadall: Hmm. We have to break old habits and really hammer home a solid foundation.
Pandreo: You're saying I can't dance the way I want?
Seadall: I'm sorry, but no. It's for your own good.
Pandreo: Urgh...
Seadall: Look, when I started, I couldn't dance a single step. But my master worked with me, tirelessly. Sometimes the training was so hard, I wanted to run away. But now, I'm grateful for all of it. And now I can teach you to dance, Pandreo, just like my master taught me.
Pandreo: I never asked you to do that.
Seadall: But...I thought you wanted to learn to dance?
Pandreo: I wanted to have fun, and this? This is not fun. Thanks for your tutelage or whatever. Brief as it was.
Seadall: Pandreo, wait! The lesson's not over!

A support

Pandreo: (singing) Mmm mmm mmm...
Seadall: Pandreo.
Pandreo: Oh. Hey, Seadall. If you're trying to spring another lesson on me, I'm not interested.
Seadall: After everything I taught you...your rhythm is still just so awful.
Pandreo: So...what? Did you come here only to insult me?
Seadall: No, not at all. Honestly, I was just watching you dance...and realized that I was wrong.
Pandreo: Huh?
Seadall: Enjoying the dance—that's what's important. I decided to teach you because I was having a hard time with it. That's how it looked, anyway. But just now, you were dancing and loving it. I could see it.
Pandreo: I mean, yeah. I was having fun.
Seadall: That's all that matters. If my master heard me now, he'd be angry with me. But it's something I needed to learn. Pandreo, I'm sorry I taught you to not enjoy dancing.
Pandreo: Listen, Seadall. I just wanted to dance with you.
Seadall: Really?
Pandreo: Yeah. And I still want to. It's just that your lesson wasn't really my style. What do you say? Want to give it another try?
Seadall: I'd be happy to. Just dance to the beat of your heart. You can't go wrong if you do that.
Pandreo: That's what I'm talking about! Come on, time to shimmy and shake in the name of fun! Ha! And about another lesson? Nothing too tough. Just a quick, easy session.
Seadall: Haha, I promise, my next lesson will be much more enjoyable.


Small portrait seadall fe17.png
Support information: Small portrait timerra fe17.png
3 support points
9 support points
18 support points
Pact Ring:
Obtain from The Connector, then select

C support

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Small portrait seadall fe17.png
Support information: Small portrait rosado fe17.png
3 support points
9 support points
18 support points
Pact Ring:
Obtain from The Connector, then select

C support

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Small portrait seadall fe17.png
Support information: Small portrait veyle fe17.png
3 support points
6 support points
12 support points
Pact Ring:
Obtain from The Connector, then select

C support

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