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Where the Goddess Dwells/Script (Golden Deer)

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Note: Some story events may be slighly modified depending on what characters have previously fallen in battle (Classic Mode only).

White Clouds
Guardian Moon

Where the Goddess Dwells

Opening Narration FETH Golden Deer symbol.png

Ss fe16 chapter 10 mural.png
Long ago, the guardian Seiros made an appearance during this moon. She had been summoned by the goddess, whose soul was suffering as the flames of war raged across Fódlan. Some believe that high in the sky above Seiros, the Immaculate One's mighty wings are what powered the strong winds carrying the guardian and her forces into battle.
— Chapter 10 introductory narration

Event - A Form of Grief

Date: 1/2
Captain's Quarters

(Byleth is still in Jeralt's room, reading entries of his diary along with Sothis...)
Sothis: "Day 5 of the Garland Moon. I picked some flowers for her and returned home." "The look of joy on her face at the sight of these flowers will be even more beautiful than the flowers themselves..." Yeesh! That is enough.
Sothis: His entries from before your birth are full of such romantic blatherings as that.
Sothis: Oh... It must be deeply moving you to hear such things, but now is not the time for whimsy. Someone is here.
Sothis: You do not wish for them to see you in this state. So pull yourself together!
(As Byleth quickly recovers their composure, Claude enters the room.)
Claude: I thought I might find you here, Teach. Not the type to wallow in solitude, eh? That's a relief, let me tell you.
Claude: So... What were you reading?
(Claude takes a closer look.)
Claude: Is that Jeralt's...

Choice 1 Choice 2
Diary. Love letter.
Claude: So it is. Claude: The contents are certainly bittersweet... But I think it's Jeralt's diary.

Claude: Hey, maybe this has some entries from when Jeralt left the monastery.
(Byleth nods in agreement.)
Claude: Is that so...
Claude: He was the captain of the knights, but something made him leave the monastery in a hurry. If it has something to do with your birth, knowing what happened may get us closer to knowing what secrets the church is hiding...
(Claude's expression gets serious.)
Claude: Teach... Would you mind letting me read that diary?
Claude: I know how important it is to you, but I'm not asking lightly. Please, allow me to borrow it.

The story will only progress if Byleth chooses Choice 1. Otherwise, the Dialogue Option will repeat ad infinitum.
Choice 1 Choice 2
You may borrow it. I can't allow it.
Claude: I'm forever in your debt, Teach. If you'd refused, I would've had to sneak in here in the dead of night. I wasn't looking forward to that prospect. Claude: Wait, are you really saying I'm going to have to sneak in here in the dead of night to read it? I know how important it is to you, but I'm not asking lightly. Please, allow me to borrow it.

Claude: Anyway, let me fill you in on what's been going on lately, and not just as thanks for pointing me to that diary.
Claude: Rhea dispatched the knights to various locations in a frantic search for the enemy. There's a rumor that she's already secured some information. Something big is gonna happen soon.
Claude: That has me wondering... If you find out where the enemy is, what will you do about it? If you ask, I... No, scratch that. All of us students would gladly lend a hand. Even if it means going against Rhea's wishes. Don't forget it.
Claude: Now go. Everyone's worried about you. You'd better show them you're in good spirits.
(Claude leaves the room.)

Outer City Wall

(Somewhere near Garreg Mach, Monica, the Flame Emperor and the pale dark mage are reunited...)
Monica: Oh, thank you. You saved me!
Thales: If you were to die, then the mystery of our bodies would be revealed. Preventing that was my only aim.
Thales: I'm afraid you must remain, Kronya. There is something I need you to do.
Monica: Oh, of course. I am always happy to cooperate with Solon. Leave it to me.
Flame Emperor: How annoying.
(The Flame Emperor doesn't sound comfortable...)
Thales: Flame Emperor... Is she offending you? Unfortunately, we cannot take our eyes off her, so there is nothing to be done.
Thales: You are our greatest creation. We used the defiled beast's blood as the fuel to your flame, that you may burn even the gods. Now is the time to cleanse Fódlan of that power, and bring forth our salvation.
Flame Emperor: There will be no salvation for you and your kind. Those responsible for such gruesome deeds in Duscur and Enbarr.
Thales: All so that you may acquire the strength you need. All for a purpose...

Exploration: Where the Goddess Dwells

Potential Dates: 1/4, 1/11, 1/18 and 1/25

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Event: Forest Invitation

Date: 1/30
Entrance Hall

(Claude finds Byleth on the Entrance Hall.)
Claude: Teach! Tomas... I mean...Solon and his lackeys. Their whereabouts have been discovered.
Claude: Apparently they're lurking in the Sealed Forest, not too far from the monastery. Rhea has called back all of the knights who were out searching to round them up. Seems like it could take some time for them to make it back here...but she didn't ask for our help.

Why keep it a secret?

Claude: Perhaps to prevent you from running headfirst toward revenge? It's only natural that you would leap at the chance for it. Anyone would.
(Rhea, Seteth and a Church Swordsmaster interrupt the scene.)
Rhea: No. I will not allow it.
Seteth: This discovery comes just when the knights are at their busiest. It is all too likely that our foes revealed themselves to lure you out there.
Seteth: They are the ones who took Jeralt from you... I know how you must despise them, but I must ask you to rein in your personal feelings for now.

You can't stop me.

Rhea: Please, Professor. Do not act carelessly. I ask that you leave this to us. Losing you so soon after losing Jeralt would be unbearable.
Claude: Listen, Rhea. Erm, Lady Rhea. This move is the most strategic.
(Claude begins speaking in favor of Byleth.)
Claude: The military strategy I'm devising will soon echo across Fódlan's history. I'm sure of it. Just think about it.
Claude: Most of the knights are still far away, and we can't afford to have Seteth and friends abandon the monastery. So the only person who can take action now also happens to be our best commander. It's Teach, and wherever Teach leads, we'll follow. And since you've taught us that this sort of thing is always a possibility, we're already prepared for battle. We can buy the knights more time. Not for revenge, but for a defensive attack on behalf of the monastery.
(Rhea then looks at Byleth.)
Rhea: Professor... Do you agree with this strategy?
(Byleth nods.)
Rhea: Understood. I will give you the order.
Rhea: Destroy the enemy that is hiding in the Sealed Forest... You have the protection of the goddess on your side. Whatever happens, you shall overcome.
Claude: We have our orders, Teach. Now all that's left is to pull out a miracle.

Event - The Sealed Forest

Date: 1/31
The Sealed Forest

(Byleth, the Golden Deers and Flayn have arrived at the forest.)
Claude: The Sealed Forest is up ahead. Visibility is awful there, so everyone needs to be extra cautious.
Hilda: You seem to know a lot about it. It is just a forest, isn't it?
Claude: Have you been there too? Oh... Never mind.
Claude: Listen, just like I told the archbishop, this is not a war of vengeance. It's a riddle, so to speak. Those guys are undoubtedly planning something terrible. We need some kind of clue as to what.
Claude: The attack on the Holy Mausoleum. That foul business in Remire. The Demonic Beasts at the chapel...
Claude: It can't go on. We need to figure out their objective and stop them from achieving it. That's our mission.
Lorenz: So, we have our mission now. We had better not fail.
Lysithea: It is a difficult task, but we will succeed.
Flayn: It is time to repay the kindness of the professor who saved my life!
Ignatz: An enemy whose objective you don't understand is a frightening prospect.
Raphael: We're gonna destroy 'em! It's our mission!
Leonie: I will have my revenge, whatever it takes. On that, I will never budge.
(Leonie sounds livid.)
Marianne: Leonie... You will have what you seek.
Claude: I'll admit, vengeance sounds pretty nice. But don't forget that we're here for information.
(Claude then looks at Byleth.)
Claude: Luckily, we can easily find what we're looking for while getting revenge for Jeralt. Right, Teach?

Battle: The Sealed Forest Snare

Before Battle

Claude: How kind of them to welcome us with some Demonic Beasts. They're not playing around.
(The camera then focuses on the Demonic Beasts lying around Monica's soldiers...?)

Player Phase 1

Monica: Hello! You're here! Welcome to the forest of death!
Monica: My name is Kronya. This weakling girl was just a borrowed look for me.

(Monica does a backflip in the air as she seamlessly discards her disguise.)
(Her true skin is ghastly white just like Solon and Thales's, one of her eyes is covered by her short hair, and she wearing a black leotard containing three sharp tails...?)

Kronya: This is what I really look like! Now, you vermin... I'll take down every last one of you!

Enemy Phase 1

Kronya: If this takes too long, I might be forced to escape. Oh, or do you simply intend to let me go? How accommodating of you!
Kronya: As for me, I intend to kill you all.
(Kronya laughts smugly.)

Boss - Kronya

Vs Anyone:

How cute, you're trying so hard! But now it's time to die!
— Kronya Vs Anyone

Vs Byleth:

You're a fool to be so brazen. You'll never avenge your father at this rate. I'll have to kill you too! With my own hands!
— Kronya Vs Byleth

Vs Leonie:

Leonie: Monica. You'll pay for what you've done.
Kronya: I told you! I am not Monica, I am Kronya! Do not call me by that fake name!
Leonie: I don't care what you're called. I don't care if it takes my last breath. I'll kill you.
Kronya: Please! My powers are beyond your comprehension. You're just a filthy worm!

— Kronya Vs Leonie

Movie - A Trap

Ss fe16 a trap icon.png

Byleth is seen chasing the recently bested Kronya through the woods. Eventually, the latter trips down and rolls over the ground before briefly assuming a combat posture in the middle of some ruins.

Kronya: But how? How could I really a lowly creature like you?

Kronya is shocked over her defeat. Just then...
Solon: Well.

Kronya notices Solon is standing behind her.
Kronya: Solon! Don't just stand there and stare! I need your help!
Solon: Yes. You most certainly do.

Solon complies and slowly advances, but towards Kronya instead...?
Kronya: Huh?

Solon quickly grabs Kronya's neck and slowly drags her body to the middle of the ruins as she struggles.
While this happens, Solon is methodically inserting his hand inside her chest, looking to rip out something...?

Solon: Have no fear, Kronya.
Solon: Your sacrifice will help to rid of this world of the filthy vermin that have long infested it.

As he says this, crunching sounds can be heard from Kronya's body as she recoils in agony.
Dark magic begins oozing out of the ruins. Byleth, who had been on the defensive during this time is caught off guard and is quickly incapacitated by shadowy tentacles coming from the ruins.

Kronya: Solon... Stop this!
Solon ignores his ally's pleas. Just then, he seems to have found what he was looking for...

Solon: The time has finally come...

Solon rips out a spheric object from Kronya's body, which he raises into the sky.

Solon: to unleash the Forbidden Spell of Zahras upon our enemies!

Solon crushes the sphere, summoning a vortex of dark magic just as he lets Kronya fall into the ground.

Barely able to move, Kronya attempts to reach for Byleth.
Kronya: me...

The dark vortex of dark magic engulfs Kronya. Then, it eventually reaches Byleth as well.
The darkness then disappears, Solon is seen standing alone. Smirking.

Solon: Begone with you...Fell Star.

Event - The Missing Professor

(Byleth's students reach to confront Solon.)
Hilda: Wh-what was that? Where did you go, Professor?!
Solon: They were swallowed by the mystical darkness of the forbidden spell. An eternity wandering in a void of darkness, never to return to this world...
Solon: To think we almost had the Sword of the Creator...
Lysithea: I don't believe anything you say! Our professor is still alive!
Flayn: That's right! Our professor is no ordinary human!
Claude: I refuse to believe that Teach would die in a place like this!
Solon: It is possible that death has yet to find your friend. But there are worse things than death. Drifting through the darkness with no chance to escape... Overwhelmed with hopelessness... It must be torturous.
Claude: Hey, all I hear is good news. Teach is still alive.
Claude: And if that's true, then there's only one thing to do. Defeat you while we wait for Teach's triumphant return!
Leonie: Prepare yourself. We will avenge our leader here and now!
Solon: How trite. But if you wish for pain, I shall oblige. If you prefer it so, you shall also be added to the ranks of the dead!

Event - Sothis: The Beginning


Byleth: ...
(Byleth finds themselves surrounded in nothing but darkness.)
(Just then, someone teleports in front of them, throne and all...)
Sothis: You fool!
Sothis: What were you thinking, charging right into an enemy's trap? Are you just a boulder that rolls down whatever hill it's on? No, even a boulder has more sense!

Choice 1 Choice 2
I'm sorry. I can explain...
Sothis: Apologizing won't make things right! This darkness is terrifying! Sothis: Excuses won't help us! This darkness is terrifying!

Sothis: As you and I are one... I, too, am trapped within this void. But please consider this...
Sothis: This realm of darkness we are in is separate from the world from which you came. I mean that it would take a god to leave this place. In time, our hearts and minds will cease to be. Are you prepared to die?

Choice 1 Choice 2
I am. I am not.
Sothis: How very brave of you, to joke at times like these... Sothis: I thought as much. I also do not wish to die. And yet...

Sothis: There is no other choice...

What choice?

Sothis: Do you recall your father's diary? He said you were a child who never cried nor laughed. I think I am the one to blame. I must have been asleep, but even then, I feel I was a part of you.
Sothis: I do not know how Rhea managed it, but she allowed me to exist inside of you. The truth is I have always been with you. It is within you that I found my power yet again.
Sothis: The power of a goddess. The power of the progenitor god.
Byleth: ...
(Byleth is shaken by Sothis' words.)
Sothis: My name is Sothis. By now you must be well aware of what that means. I am the one who watches over Fódlan and the creatures dwelling there. I am Sothis, she who died then returned.

Choice 1 Choice 2
I can't believe it. Somehow, I know it to be true.

Sothis: There is only one thing left to do to save us from this darkness of eternity. I must now use the power of a god. However, I lack a body of my own. And so, I must relinquish all the power that I you.
Sothis: The time has come for you and I to join as one. And when that comes to pass…then I shall disappear.

Choice 1 Choice 2
Disappear?! I won't allow it.

Sothis: When I say disappear, I do not mean that all I am will be no more.
Sothis: My soul will join with yours, and you and I will never be apart. But...I will no longer have a chance to speak with you. I shall miss it. So long have I been on this path with you. Through you, I got to see and hear this world. I even got to chastise you from time to time. I may not have acted like a goddess, was certainly fun.
Sothis: For all that you have done... Thank you. I'm glad that it was you to whom my fate was bound.

Thank you...for everything.

Sothis: Now... We must pray. For if we share this wish, our spirits two will join as one...
Sothis: Your to return to the forest, stop the enemy, and rescue the little ones. No need for words. I know your heart as though it were my own...

Movie - Awakening

Ss fe16 awakening fbyleth icon.png

Sothis stands up from her throne, and slowly waks down the stairs towards Byleth.

Sothis: Your will and mine are now as one. Both sides of time are revealed to you, and you alone.

Sothis has reached Byleth, now standing in front of them.

Sothis: You know I am the beginning. What shall you do?

The throne behind Sothis turns into golden lights that come down and surround her and Byleth.
As the light makes both float, Byleth reaches out their hand as Sothis extends her own.
Once their hands touch, Sothis vanishes into Byleth with the golden light.
A moment of silence happens.

Then, magical energy surges through Byleth's body, making their hair and eyes change color to light green. Their sword's hole begins glowing red.
Byleth takes the sword, yells, and thrusts the sword into the void as they cut it.
Menwhile, in the Sealed Forest, a glowing fissue appears in the air...
Solon watches, fearful...

Solon: So the Fell Star consumes even the darkness itself...

Byleth jumps through the fissure and stands up on the ruins once more. It's the sunset.

Byleth has Returned from the Darkness

Claude: Teach... You are Teach, right? I always believed in you... I knew you could cut your way out of anything. Let's go ahead and take down Solon, and then we can reflect on what happened.

(From afar, Solon can be seen visibly shaken and terrified.)
Solon: What did you see in the darkness of Zahras? This should be impossible. The only being that can withstand that darkness is...
Solon: Unless I dispose of you myself, I may never have the chance to send you back there!
(Multiple enemy reinforcements teleport near Byleth and their class.)

Boss - Solon

Vs Anyone:

I have no time to waste on the likes of you...
— Solon Vs Anyone

Vs Byleth:

I am terrified by you... Even though an emotion like fear has no place inside me. That means you must be eliminated.
— Solon Vs Byleth

Defeat Quote:

To think...that I would lose to mere beasts.
— Solon's defeat quote

Solon has been Vanquished

Solon: But this is not the end... Thales will carry out our mission, somehow...
(Solon collapses. He has drawn his last breath.)

Claude: I guess this is still far from over...

Event - Transformation

Claude: Teach! We won!
Claude: I'll be honest—when I lost sight of you, I broke into a cold sweat. But Jeralt's killer is dead. All's well that ends well.

Choice 1 Choice 2
That's true. True...

Claude: You're kidding, right?
(Claude gets serious.)
Claude: I understood putting it off while we were in battle, but now that it's over, just go ahead and spit it out.
Claude: That hair. Those eyes. That unfathomable power. What happened out there?

I will tell you...

(The scene fades to black for a few seconds as Byleth tells Claude what happened...)

(Claude is dumbstruck.)
Claude: You mean to tell me...that an entity who claims to be the goddess was living inside your mind? And it's been that way since you were a baby? And this goddess entrusted all of her goddess-like power to you and then vanished...
(Byleth nods.)
Claude: It's a difficult story to swallow, Teach. But the way you look now... I guess I've got no choice but to believe it.
Claude: How could something like that happen? There must be a clue in Jeralt's diary. If you believe the diary, there's a high possibility that Rhea did something to you when you were born. That's likely when all this began.
Claude: What in the world happened to you as a baby? And what was Rhea after?
(Just then, Byleth faints.)

Cg fe16 byleth lying in the grass f.png

Claude: Teach! What's the matter?! Did you trip or... Wait. Are you sleeping? This must be an effect of the goddess's power. I wonder if Teach's body can handle the strain...

If Byleth is Male. If Byleth is Female.

Claude: Think, Claude. What now? Should I carry him on my back? Easier said than done...

Event - Report: Guardian Moon

(Byleth rests. the screen is black.)
(Rhea's singing voice can be heard...)

Rhea: ♪ In time's flow...see the glow of flames ever burning bright... ♪

Rhea: ♪ On the swift river's drift, broken memories alight... ♪

(Byleth opens their eyes. Their head is sitting over Rhea's lap.)

Cg fe16 rhea sings to byleth.png

Rhea: Professor. You must remain still.

Choice 1 Choice 2
Where am I? What happened?

Rhea: Everything is all right. There is no need to worry. Those who are trying to harm you are far away.
Rhea: ♪ Mmm... Mmm... Mmm... ♪
Rhea: ...How would be for this moment to last forever...
Rhea: I wish I could hold on to this time we have stolen... that you and I could create a world without end...
Rhea: I have heard whispers of what happened to you. Your appearance... You have received power from the goddess. From the moment you took hold of the Sword of the Creator... I prayed that one day the radiant power of Sothis, which bathes Fódlan in its celestial light, might reside within you.
Rhea: But you are so much more than the light. You are my...
(Suddenly, Rhea goes silent for a few moments.)

Rhea: Close your eyes, dear one. Sleep, just a while longer. I will be watching over you, always.
Rhea: Always and forever...