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Ss fe12 menu background 01.png

The following text is an unofficial translation by fans. There may be stylistic differences with official sources and other unofficial translations.

This page contains all the data pertaining to Trec's supports.


Trec Portrait trec fe06.png Initial: 10
Per turn: +2
Is gba windaffin.png × Is gba darkaffin.png
Portrait zelot fe06.png Zelot
Support Level Attack Defense Hit Avoid Critical Dodge
C 0 0 5 2 5 5
B 1 0 10 5 10 10
A 1 0 15 7 15 15

C Support

Zelot: Trec.
Trec: ......
Zelot: Trec?
Trec: ...Zzz...
Zelot: ......
Trec: Owww!? Wh...what the? Why does my head hurt?
Zelot: Because I just hit you.
Trec: Huh? Commander Zelot?
Zelot: Trec, you were sleeping on the job again.
Trec: Yeah, you got me... Sorry, sir. I couldn't help it... Yawn...
Zelot: You never fail, do you? You go right to sleep at any chance. And what's more, you sleep with your eyes open.
Trec: Yeah... Thanks.
Zelot: I've been meaning to say this for a long time. You lack discipline. I'll be checking on you regularly from now on.
Trec: Yes, sir... Yawn...

B Support

Trec: ...Zzz...
Zelot: Trec...
Trec: ...Zzz...
Zelot: ......
Trec: Owww!? Uh... Commander Zelot? Yawn... Good morning, sir.
Zelot: Trec... There are rumors about you going around. They say that the Ilian knight Trec swings his sword in his sleep!
Trec: I have yet to accomplish such a feat, sir. ...But that does sound pretty cool.
Zelot: ...... Trec, you've got talent. Why don't you do your job properly?
Trec: Well...
Zelot: We are members of the proud Ilian mercenary knights. This is a battle that will determine the fate of the world... And there's even more. The reputation of the Ilian mercenary knights will be affected by our actions. It all depends upon how we fight in this battle. It could have repercussions on the future of Ilia itself, and thus...
Trec: ...Zzz...

A Support

Zelot: Trec, are you awake?
Trec: Yes, sir.
Zelot: You are? That's a pleasant surprise.
Trec: Well, I have my moments, sir.
Zelot: That you do. Trec... You've done well.
Trec: Huh?
Zelot: We couldn't have come this far without you. We all owe you our lives. You can sleep as much as you like from now on.
Trec: Wow, thanks, sir...
Zelot: ...Trec!
Zelot: Were you sleeping again?
Trec: Huh? What? Commander Zelot?
Zelot: How many times must I tell you? You can't keep doing this...
Trec: ...Good morning to you, too, sir.


Trec Portrait trec fe06.png Initial: 10
Per turn: +2
Is gba windaffin.png × Is gba animaaffin.png
Portrait noah fe06.png Noah
Support Level Attack Defense Hit Avoid Critical Dodge
C 1 0 2 2 2 5
B 2 1 5 5 5 10
A 3 1 7 7 7 15

C Support

Trec: ...Zzz...
Noah: ......
Trec: ...Uh... Oh, Noah... I didn't notice you there.
Noah: Yeah, I've been standing here for a while now. I'm used to it, so I don't mind you falling asleep every ten seconds. But you know, don't you have anything else to do?
Trec: Like what?
Noah: Like practicing your swings or something.
Trec: Yeah, well... What about you? Have you been doing anything like that?
Noah: Me? ...Not really. ...I guess I'm no different from you. So, what did you do back in Ilia during our vacation?
Trec: I slept.
Noah: I mean other than that.
Trec: I didn't do... Oh, actually, I went fishing. You know how the lakes freeze over in the winter? You can punch a hole in the ice with your lance and lower some string inside.
Noah: Sounds appropriate for you. What did you catch?
Trec: Nothing. I had plenty of fun just sitting there staring into space holding the string.
Noah: ...You really live life to the fullest.
Trec: And what did you do?
Noah: ...... ...Nothing, really.

B Support

Noah: Trec, do you remember Cassis?
Trec: Cassis? Hmm... Sounds familiar...
Noah: You don't remember him? He's the guy that forgot to bring his weapons to our first mission.
Trec: Oh, right! I remember Commander Zelot yelled at him even more than he yelled at me. He even forgot to bring his horse, you know. He was fighting on foot! I couldn't believe there was someone dumber than me in our squad.
Noah: Well, he's dead now. He was hired by Bern... He fell somewhere nearby.
Trec: ...Oh.
Noah: Mercenaries are in high demand right now... We could have ended up fighting him if we had been unlucky.
Trec: Yeah, well... We're sellswords. It happens.
Noah: I guess you're right... I envy that carefree personality of yours sometimes...

A Support

Noah: ......
Trec: Hmm? Something wrong, Noah?
Noah: No... I was just thinking some things over.
Trec: Thinking things over? Don't bother. Humans aren't meant to think deeply like that.
Noah: ...Maybe. But you know, this war... I mean, I never wanted to go out and save the world or anything, but look how many battles we've been through.
Trec: Yeah.
Noah: But no matter what we've done, Ilia's still the same. Our children, and our children's children... They'll be fighting to make a living, just like we do. I was just wondering... Can't we do anything about that?
Trec: I wonder...
Noah: Maybe it's useless for us to try and make a difference...
Trec: Well... It doesn't really matter, does it?
Noah: What...?
Trec: I mean, everyone goes through hard times. Isn't that just part of life?
Noah: ...Maybe so. Hey, Trec.
Trec: Yeah?
Noah: Take me along the next time you go fishing.


Trec Portrait trec fe06.png Initial: 1
Per turn: +1
Is gba windaffin.png × Is gba thunderaffin.png
Portrait gonzalez fe06.png Gonzalez
Support Level Attack Defense Hit Avoid Critical Dodge
C 0 0 2 2 5 5
B 1 1 5 5 10 10
A 1 1 7 7 15 15

C Support

Gonzalez: Hngh?
Trec: Hmm...? Who are you?
Gonzalez: Me? I...I Gonzalez...
Trec: Gonzalez? That's a nice name...
Gonzalez: R-really?
Trec: I'm Trec. Nice to meet you.
Gonzalez: T...T...?
Trec: Trec.
Gonzalez: Trec, Trec, Trec, Trec, Tre...
Trec: Ha ha, you don't need to say it so many times.
Gonzalez: Quiet. I forget. ...Cret, Cret, Cret... OK, I remember.
Trec:Ha ha, you're an odd one. Say, do you think you-- Sorry, what was your name again?

B Support

Gonzalez: Uh? You...
Trec: Hm...?
Gonzalez: Who you? I see you before.
Trec: Really? I must be famous. My name is Trec.
Gonzalez: Tr...Tr... Tr--
Trec: --rec.
Gonzalez: Rec.
Trec: Yep... So hey, what's your name?
Gonzalez: I Gonzalez.
Trec: Gonzalez? That's a nice name...
Gonzalez: R-Really?
Trec: Yeah, it has kind of a calm air to it...
Gonzalez: Calm... What calm...?
Trec: Hm? ...Hmm... You know, I don't really know either. But hey, don't worry about it. It doesn't matter much in the grand scheme.

A Support

Trec: Ahhh...
Gonzalez: Uh?
Trec: It's so peaceful here... I think we could make a good team, you and me. Uh, but what's your...?
Gonzalez: Gonzalez.
Trec: Gonzalez? That's a nice name... Oh yeah, my name is...
Gonzalez: You Rec.
Trec: Hm? Am I? Oh yeah, you're right. Rec. That sounds like my name. Well, whatever. Let's go.
Gonzalez: Ugh.


Trec Portrait trec fe06.png Initial: 1
Per turn: +1
Is gba windaffin.png × Is gba darkaffin.png
Portrait melady fe06.png Melady
Support Level Attack Defense Hit Avoid Critical Dodge
C 0 0 5 2 5 5
B 1 0 10 5 10 10
A 1 0 15 7 15 15

C Support

Melady: You must be one of Ilia's mercenary knights.
Trec: Yeah... I'm Trec.
Melady: I am Melady. Pleased to meet you.
Trec: You're...
Melady: Yes... I am a wyvern rider from Bern, as you can probably tell.
Trec: Oh, I see.
Melady: do you feel about fighting alongside a knight from Bern?
Trec: Well... Whatever.
Melady: Wh...whatever?
Trec: It's not like people from Bern have seven ears or anything.
Melady: ...... Well, no, I have only two.
Trec: Exactly. We're all brothers and sisters.
Melady: think so?
Trec: Uh-huh.

B Support

Trec: Ahh... That hurt.
Melady: Is something wrong, Sir Trec?
Trec: Hm? Oh, what's your name again...?
Melady: Melady. Is something wrong?
Trec: Well... I was just sitting here watching you fight.
Melady: You were watching me fight?
Trec: Yeah. My neck aches now.
Melady: I...see.
Trec: Yeah. And the way you fight made me think... Do you have any loved ones in Bern? Like family or a lover or something?
Melady: ...N-no, I'm all alone. I live for Princess Guinivere...
Trec: Oh, OK. Yeah, that figures. I'm usually wrong.
Melady: ......
Trec: Oh well, guess I hurt my neck for nothing.

A Support

Trec: Oh, what's your name again...?
Melady: ...Melady. Do you always forget people's names?
Trec: It's my hobby.
Melady: ...... You are an odd individual, Sir Trec.
Trec: Do you think so? I think I'm pretty normal. Everyone always tells me I look so carefree. But I have concerns too, you know.
Melady: Oh? Like what?
Trec: Well, the other day, I dreamed I was a horse.
Melady: ...A horse.
Trec: I think this dream has some kind of hidden meaning somewhere... It's been keeping me up for some time now. It's gotten to the point that I can only sleep at night.
Melady: ...Thank you, Sir Trec.
Trec: Huh?
Melady: I feel a little better now.
Trec: Really? Why's that?


Trec Portrait trec fe06.png Initial: 20
Per turn: +1
Is gba windaffin.png × Is gba lightaffin.png
Portrait juno fe06.png Juno
Support Level Attack Defense Hit Avoid Critical Dodge
C 1 0 5 0 5 2
B 2 1 10 0 10 5
A 3 1 15 0 15 7

C Support

Juno: Trec? Oh... He was here just a minute ago... Hm? What's this paper...? Did he drop it? It has a lot of writing on it... Let's see... "I was a horse." "I tried running." "I got tired." ...What is this?

B Support

Juno: Oh, Trec. I was looking for you.
Trec: Oh, hullo, Lady Juno.
Juno: You look as sleepy as always. Oh, right... Here. Is this yours?
Trec: Huh? Ah... Yeah, it's mine. I lost it the other day.
Juno: I thought so. I'm sorry, but I read a little bit of it... What are you writing about?
Trec: I write down the dreams I have.
Juno: Dreams?
Trec: Yes. When I look at what I wrote, I remember all the kinds of dreams I've had. It helps me sleep better. Yawn...
Juno: Oh, I see. That sounds interesting... Maybe I should try it, too.

A Support

Juno: Trec?
Trec: Yes?
Juno: Can you show me that paper with your dreams on it? I'm very interested in it.
Trec: Uhm... Sure.
Juno: Thank you. "I was praised by Commander Zelot." He shows up in your dreams, too?
Trec: Yeah, sometimes.
Juno: Let's see... "The war ended." "There was peace." "Spring came to Ilia." "Everyone slept happily ever after..." ......
Trec: Huh? Is something wrong, Lady Juno?
Juno: ...No, I'm sorry. ...... Can you show me your dreams again sometime, Trec?
Trec: Well... It's a little embarrassing, to tell the truth. But OK, you can see them. I'll sleep as much as I can and show you all the latest ones.
Juno: Thank you, Trec.