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The Flame/Script

From Fire Emblem Wiki, your source on Fire Emblem information. By fans, for fans.

Part 1: Undying Flame


Anna: Listen up, troops! The eastern reaches of Askr are under attack! They're targeting Gnótthæð!
Sharena: Is it Embla?
Anna: We don't know. The soldier who carried the report is unconscious…with terrible burns all over his body. In his suffering, he repeats one phrase, again and again: "the flames…"
Alfonse: The flames…
Anna: We must find out what's going on. It's well past time we left. Make your preparations quickly and move out!

(scene change to the map screen)

Alfonse: What…has happened? This place was famous for its bountiful farmland… But you'd never know it now.
Sharena: We…we used to come here with Mother when we were children… This is a cruel rebuke to my memories. Beyond cruel…
Anna: Alfonse! Sharena! Be on your guard! The enemy is here!


Anna: They're marching under the Emblian banner—that's certain.
Sharena: So it is Embla that's behind this. I'll never forgive them!
Alfonse: Hold a moment, Sister.
Sharena: Why?
Alfonse: Take a look at these flames… They're not dying down. In fact, they seem to grow even hotter… I've never seen anything like it before. Flames like this could turn a river into nothing but steam… Flames undying…unquenchable… The prophecy… Can it be?
Anna: What? No! That's just a silly old book.
Sharena: What are you two bickering about?
Alfonse: There's a very old book of prophecy… It tells of the end of the world. "Cloaked in flame, he crosses the sea—unquenchable, insatiable, undying flame. Trees fall, mountains burn, steam billows. The seas are swallowed. Stars become cinders, and the moon falls from the sky. The world, devoured by flame, smolders out."
Sharena: Smolders…out? You can't mean that it's destroyed, can you?
Anna: We need to find out more about who we're really up against. We have to keep pushing forward. I wish I knew just what we're facing.

Part 4: Stars Become Cinders


Anna: Hurry! We're almost there. This is where that report came from… Get ready, Kiran.

(scene change to Fjorm and Surtr)

Fjorm: Hahh… I will… I will…avenge you…Mother…
Surtr: How weak you are. Your strength is already fading… You can't even fight back. To think you pointed your weapon at me—a king! Did you think you would survive? Did you? You'll suffer for that impertinence.
Fjorm: Aaagh!
Surtr: Feel that pain, child of ice. Feel it…and tell me what you desire most. Should I scar your face with flame? Or should I burn your fingers to ash, one by one… As I did to your mother? What would you have me do, hmm?
Fjorm: Surtr!
Surtr: Ha-ha-hah! That is the fate of the weak—to be trampled. So it goes… Strike at me! Show me your last, lingering flame—before it flickers out!
Fjorm: Surtr! I swear…that I… You will never…
Surtr: Is that all? She's already lost consciousness. What a joke! Not even fit for a toy…
Loki: What next, my king?
Surtr: We march. My flames will soon reach every corner of this land.
Loki: You don't waste any time, do you? As for this one… You're just going to cast her aside here? Well, well, well… I'll give you plenty of attention, sweetie… Hee-hee!

Part 5: Enchantress of the Mist


Fjorm: Nngh…
Loki: Rise and shine, Princess! It's time for us to play a little game… Oh, but here come some pesky little rodents. I have a feeling they'll want to spoil our fun.
Anna: You! Tell me your name and your affiliation— Wait a minute! Who do you think you are?
Sharena: Two…Commander Annas?
Loki: This must be so very shocking for you, mustn't it? You have my apologies, my dear.
(the screen flashes white)
???: I suppose it's true that we've never met in person…
(the screen flashes white)
Loki: I am Loki, loyal servant of His Royal Highness, King Surtr. Pleased to make your acquaintance. I'm even more pleased to bid you farewell… Though I must apologize, I suppose. You'll be dying here.


Anna: We've pushed through the enemy's line, Kiran! Our job now is to capture their leader.
Loki: Oh, wouldn't you just know it. I lost. How strong you all are… Especially you, Summoner. I've taken a little bit of a fancy to you. Yes, you, Kiran… Here's hoping we meet again, my dear! Hee-hee!
Anna: Hold it right there! I'm not finished with you yet. I want some answers! Hmm, Kiran? What is it?
(the screen flashes white)
Anna: Light's coming from Breidablik… And it's pointing the way over there…

(scene change to Fjorm)

Fjorm: Uhn…
(the screen flashes white)
Sharena: Look! Someone's collapsed! It's a woman…
Alfonse: It seems her lance is resonating with the divine weapon.
Sharena: Alfonse! She's still breathing! Do you think she's a Hero from another world?
Alfonse: I don't know…but I do know we can't just leave her here.
Anna: Agreed. Let's take her back to base.