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This page contains all data pertaining to Soleil's supports in Fire Emblem Fates.

Corrin (M)

Small portrait soleil fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait corrin m fe14.png
Corrin (M)
3 pts.
7 pts.
11 pts.
16 pts.
Additional class tree:
This support gives Soleil access to Corrin's secondary class tree via Partner Seal, provided it does not overlap with Soleil's Mercenary or Ninja class trees, nor with any class trees inherited from her mother.
This support grants Soleil access to the skills learned by Corrin's secondary class tree, provided it does not overlap with Soleil's Mercenary or Ninja class trees, nor with any class trees inherited from her mother. See the class skills list for more information.

C Support

Soleil: *sigh* I have a problem, Lord Corrin. But I'm not sure you'd understand...
Corrin: Try me. If nothing else, I can offer another perspective on it.
Soleil: Okay, here goes. I want to be a warrior. A fearless, take-no-prisoners, sword-slinging tough gal. There's just one small hitch that I haven't gotten past... And it's making what should be smooth sailing into a four-day hurricane at sea.
Corrin: This is sounding serious. What's this "hitch" you mentioned?
Soleil: Ok... don't laugh, but... I lose my mind around cute girls.
Corrin: So I've heard. But what's the problem?
Soleil: No, I mean, I REALLY lose my mind. When I see a cute girl, I start to sweat. When she gets close, I faint sometimes. I just can't stand how great girls are!
Corrin: ...Are you putting me on? Is this some sort of prank? Are people watching this?
Soleil: You remember the other day, when I was on my way back to camp?
Corrin: Hmm, vaguely. I thought for a moment that you might have taken a blow to the head.
Soleil: Yeah, I don't blame you for thinking so, but it had nothing to do with the battle. What happened was... this cute village girl came up to me to thank my troop. That's when I started to feel weak in the knees...
Corrin: Oh, was that all?
Soleil: No, you don't understand! This is a real problem if I'm going to be a warrior!
Corrin: I... I see... Take heart. I'll give it some thought, and hopefully we can come up with a solution.

B Support

Soleil: Ok, the blindfold's on.
Corrin: You fastened it tightly? There's no light getting through?
Soleil: Nope, I'm totally blind for whatever you had in mind.
Corrin: Good. I want to try a visualization exercise with you. I want you to picture me not as I am, but as I might look if I was a woman.
Soleil: ... Hello, gorgeous.
Corrin: Y-you've got the idea, it seems... What we'll do is, I'll play the role of a girl, and you try to keep it together around me.
Soleil: OK! This should be fun. Though it's harder to fantas- I mean, imagine you as a girl when you're talking. Maybe try a higher pitch?
Corrin: Ah, good point. OK... Oh, Soleil...!
Soleil: *gasp* Th-there it is... that tingly feeling... That familiar rush of blood to the head...
Corrin: You saved us all! You were so amazing and strong when you beat up the bad guys!
Soleil: Aaaaaaaaah!
Corrin: Was that more or less right? I was trying to get into the village girl mind-set.
Soleil: I-it was scary close. I almost fainted.
Corrin: Good! This should help to build a tolerance. Shall we go once more?
Soleil: Yeah. I'm game. But maybe I could take a short break before we get back at it?
Corrin: Of course! Take all the time you need.
Soleil: Thanks! Because so long as I've got this blindfold on and we're visualizing... I'm gonna daydream about what the rest of the guys would look like as girls! Mmm, Xandra... you're so much prettier when you smile...
(Soleil leaves)
Corrin: Uh, Soleil...! Soleil! That's not the point of the exercise!

A Support

Corrin: Ah, hello, Soleil. Have our visualization sessions helped with your problem?
Soleil: Not much, I'm afraid. After the last battle, I went to a nearby village. And wham, I got mobbed by a pack of grateful village girls. Just the kind I like... I blacked out, and when I came to, things had taken a turn for the worse. They were waiting on me hand and foot! I hate to say it, but I think we've been wasting our time.
Corrin: I see...
Soleil: Sorry, Corrin.
Corrin: It's all right. It might be a while before you can keep your composure around girls. Don't be upset because the problem isn't solved after a few days.
Soleil: That's true. I shouldn't let it get me down. When I was little, I was a real crybaby. But then my father said to me... "Laugh it off, Soleil. The trick is to smile until you have something to smile about." Ever since, no matter how I feel inside, I put on a happy face. Which is what I ought to be doing right now!
Corrin: Soleil... you don't need to force a smile.
Soleil: It's not forced, though! Sure, we haven't made any headway on my problem. But you're trying to help. That counts for a lot. So don't think this smile of mine is fake. I mean it!
Corrin: In that case, I'll smile for you too. You're an important member of the team. I want to help with any problem of yours.
Soleil: You mean that? Because I'd be up for some more of that visualization stuff. I love it when you pretend to be a girl, heehee. Though nowadays, I have fun with you no matter what we're doing.

S Support

Soleil: What did you want to see out here, Corrin? What's going on?
Corrin: It's nothing special. Look up at the sky.
Soleil: The sky...? Oh!
Corrin: This is the warmest, brightest spot I know. The sun shines especially strong here.
Soleil: Wow, no kidding. It's so nice!
Corrin: Just like you.
Soleil: Hm?
Corrin: Your smile is radiant as the sun. I'd bask in its warmth forever if I could...
Soleil: Uh... Are you feeling OK, Corrin? Did you take a hit to the head or something?
Corrin: N-no! I'm being totally serious!
Soleil: For real...? Gosh, I wasn't expecting this today.
Corrin: I understand if you're not interested, since I'm only a woman in your imagination.
Soleil: Oh, that's not such a problem. I like men just fine. I think I could even get to like one for real if I knew him well enough.
Corrin: That's great! So then...
Soleil: But we're not there yet. The image I had of you during our sessions... It was cute, and lovely, but it's not you.
Corrin: Is that a problem?
Soleil: Well... yes and no. The girl you in my imagination was cute and adorable. And if you just wanted to be silly and have fun, I'd close my eyes and imagine her. But it sounds like you're talking about something serious. Something real. So that version of you, cute as she is, won't work anymore.
Corrin: Oh. Then where does that leave us?
Soleil: We'll just have to start over! Instead of hanging out with you pretending to be other people... we'll hang out and I can get to know who you really are instead. I'm confident we can get there. I mean, I already like you a lot!
Corrin: Enough to make up for me not being a cute girl?
Soleil: Hey, cute's cute!
Corrin: That's high praise, coming from you.
Soleil: Haha... to be honest...

(Confession Scene)
Soleil: I love you more than all the cute things in the world combined. This is kinda embarrassing, but... stay with me forever... Promise?

Corrin (F)

Small portrait soleil fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait corrin f fe14.png
Corrin (F)
3 pts.
7 pts.
11 pts.
at A rank.
Additional class tree:
This support gives Soleil access to Corrin's secondary class tree via Friendship Seal, provided it does not overlap with Soleil's Mercenary or Ninja class trees, nor with any class trees inherited from her mother.
This support grants Soleil access to the skills learned by Corrin's secondary class tree, provided it does not overlap with Soleil's Mercenary or Ninja class trees, nor with any class trees inherited from her mother. See the class skills list for more information.

C Support

Soleil: I'm baking alive in this sun! Good thing there's an easy fix for that.
Corrin: Soleil! What's gotten into you?!
Soleil: What do you mean? I'm just changing clothes.
Corrin: But we're out in the open where everyone can see!
Soleil: So? I've got nothing these ladies haven't seen before.
Corrin: But there's men here too!
Soleil: Who cares about them? this one of those things where I do something wrong without realizing?
Corrin: I wouldn't call it wrong, per se, but... most people are embarrassed to be seen changing in public.
Soleil: Oh. Well, good thing I'm not, then!
Corrin: How can you not care about that?
Soleil: I just choose not to. I change when I feel like it. If I want to take off a few layers, I do that. That's just me! Why spend my time caring what other people think? Who needs the hassle?
Corrin: So that's your philosophy?
Soleil: Yeah! You should try it. I bet it won't be as embarrassing as you think.
Corrin: Um...that's quite all right.
Soleil: Oh? Well, it was worth a try...

B Support

Corrin: Soleil...
Soleil: Oh, hey, Lady Corrin. What's up? Changed your mind about staying straitjacketed by society's rules?
Corrin: N-not precisely... It's just that I, er, saw you...
Soleil: Yeah? Did you like what you saw?
Corrin: That's not at all what I meant!
Soleil: Whoa, deep breaths, Lady Corrin. What did you mean?
Corrin: I saw you talking to that girl in the village.
Soleil: Hmm, you're going to have to narrow it down for me.
Corrin: You seemed...pretty forward with her...
Soleil: That doesn't narrow it down much.
Corrin: She had short, golden hair and a green dress on. You leaned in close and said, "I didn't know they grew them that cute here." Then I think I heard you whisper, "It's especially cute when you blush like that." "If only you'd just let me show you how much I really love you..."
Soleil: Oh, OK, I know the girl you're talking about! I think. 90 percent sure.
Corrin: That's all you have to say for yourself?! I could barely get the words out, and I'm not the one who said them to begin with! How can you flirt so brazenly with people?
Soleil: Um...because it's fun?
Corrin: Is that actually your answer?
Soleil: Well, yeah. A cute girl is a cute girl, no two ways about it. I get feelings about that! I can't keep them bottled up inside! Why, what do you do when you see a cute girl? Just stare silently without telling her? THAT, I'd be ashamed of. Sounds to me like you're missing out on life.
Corrin: I see... Wait, what? I don't see! You're not making any sense!
Soleil: Maybe you'd understand if you tried it sometime.
Corrin: Huh?
Soleil: You can practice on me! I'll rate your technique and everything. Oooh, this is gonna be fun. It's not often the girls are the ones hitting on me!
Corrin: Um...thank you, but I think I'll pass...

A Support

Soleil: And then turn and step? Or is it step, then turn? How is this supposed to work? Yowch! Oof, that smarts... Dad makes this look so easy! I've gotta face facts. I've got two left feet, and that's that.
Corrin: ......
Soleil: Huh? Lady Corrin? How much of that did you see?!
Corrin: Enough, I suppose.
Soleil: saw my sad attempts at dance...
Corrin: I was watching, yes. But what are you so ashamed of?
Soleil: I'm terrible! I have no rhythm! No soul! No skill at dancing at all!
Corrin: That's not what I saw. You're much lighter on your feet than me, to be certain.
Soleil: If you say so... Just don't tell anyone what you saw here, OK?
Corrin: My goodness...Soleil, are you blushing? This is a first.
Soleil: Hrgh!
Corrin: What are you so embarrassed of? Are you worried about what other people might think? Isn't that missing out on—
Soleil: All right, yes, I said that! I get it! I hate to admit it, but yes, I'm so embarrassed, I could die. C-could you maybe leave me in peace?
Corrin: Heehee. Seeing genuine embarrassment on your face... It feels like a victory, in a way. And I don't mean that badly. It humanizes you somewhat. It makes you more us more in common than we had.
Soleil: Really? You mean that?
Corrin: Yes, I do.
Soleil: Heh heh, I like the sound of that. This might not be so bad after all!
Corrin: do you mean?
Soleil: I've been hoping to get an in with you this whole time.
Corrin: Come again?
Soleil: But I didn't think I stood a chance with you, so I was holding back.
Corrin: A-a chance?! So you've been looking for an opportunity to be so brazen with me?
Soleil: Well, maybe not turned up to my usual levels. But yeah, I'd give it a shot.
Corrin: Hmph. A true lady prefers to be courted, not solicited. If you're so uninhibited with me, I'll tell everyone about your dancing!
Soleil: What?! You wouldn't...!
Corrin: Advantage: mine.
Soleil: haven't heard the last of this! I'll practice dancing until I'm so good, you'll be powerless before my wiles!
Corrin: Or you could just give up already...

Corrin (F) (as parent and child)

Small portrait soleil fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait corrin f fe14.png
Corrin (F)
0 pts.
3 pts.
7 pts.
at A rank.
This support is only available if Corrin (F) is Soleil's mother.
Additional class tree:
Via inheritance: Nohr Princess (Hoshido Noble or Nohr Noble)
Click here to find Soleil's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 nobility.png Nobility Nohr Princess, starting from level 13
Is 3ds02 dragon fang.png Dragon Fang Nohr Princess, starting from level 14
Is 3ds02 dragon ward.png Dragon Ward Hoshido Noble, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 hoshidan unity.png Hoshidan Unity Hoshido Noble, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 draconic hex.png Draconic Hex Nohr Noble, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 nohrian trust.png Nohrian Trust Nohr Noble, starting from level 15

C Support

Soleil: Hiya, Mom! What are you getting up to today? Sharpening some blades?
Corrin: Hello, Soleil. Yes, I need to make sure all the swords are nice and sharp. They're much more effective on the battlefield that way.
Soleil: Wow, that's so amazing...
Corrin: Wh-what is it? Do I have some salad stuck in my teeth or something?
Soleil: Shh, be quiet. I need to take in this moment so I can remember it forever. My perfect mother, standing with a blade glimmering brightly in the sun... Her hair swaying gently in the breeze while she takes the stone to the iron... Heehee! This is just too adorable!! What a cute scene!
Corrin: Don't be silly, Soleil. It's not very nice to tease me like that.
Soleil: I'm not teasing you. Seriously! You're always so humble about everything. I never knew how much elegance and grace was required for maintaining weapons. I can't handle it! Everything is so crazy adorable with you! We have to run into town to grab some tea together. I need to know how you became such a world-class cutie.
Corrin: I really don't have time for that. I have way too many chores left to do. You'll have to excuse me, Soleil.
(Corrin leaves)
Soleil: Wait a minute! Don't go, Mom!

B Support

Soleil: Strong hands running through pure, golden feed... With a quick flick of the wrist, she scatters the food deftly on the ground... Sweet, fluffy critters line up just to bask in her presence... Heehee...
Corrin: Soleil, can you quit talking please? I can't get any work done with you distracting me all the time...
Soleil: I can't help it! What am I supposed to do? You're the one who decided to do your chores in such an adorable way. If you don't want me to distract you, then quit being so adorable all the time!
Corrin: I told you to cut it out! You're starting to make me really mad! Ugh!
Soleil: Aww, you're even cuter when you get really angry at me!
Corrin: *sigh* You sure do remind me of a certain someone... Can you please let me by? I still have so much to do.
Soleil: Really? But you've been working all morning! Can't you take a break? I got this wonderful blanket from the fair the other day. We should go have a picnic! It would be such a cute, idyllic scene, don't you think?
Corrin: There's no time to take a break. I don't want to work all night.
Soleil: Geez, do you labor this hard every day?
Corrin: Of course. Everyone around here does. It's perfectly normal.
Soleil: I had no idea...
Corrin: Now, Soleil, you'll have to excuse me.
Soleil: Wait a minute. Can't I help? There must be some way to make myself useful.
Corrin: You really want to help? Fine. Here, chop up these carrots. The horses love to eat them.
Soleil: Leave it to me! Oh my gosh, has anyone ever looked cuter than us right now? This is so much fun, heehee!
Corrin: *sigh* You never let up...

A Support

Corrin: I'd better start sorting through this new batch of supplies…
Soleil: Moooom! There you are! Hi!
Corrin: Soleil, I'm very busy. I simply don't have any time for your games today.
Soleil: I didn't come here to harp on how cute you look counting these sacks of rice. I mean, it is delightful. Heehee... Sorry, I got distracted. I came here to tell you something important. I've learned so much by watching you work the last few days... I feel like I appreciate all your efforts more than ever. I had no idea how much work it takes to get everything done around here. It's very impressive.
Corrin: Oh, really? That's kind of you to say.
Soleil: You've inspired me to make a big decision. I'm going to be just like you. After all, you're my mom! I can't sit here and let you do all the chores by yourself.
Corrin: Thanks for the offer. But you don't need to worry about the chores. I'm used to working like this.
Soleil: It's cute to watch you be so selfless. But I really want to pitch in! Can't I do something? Please?
Corrin: Well, if you insist...
Soleil: That's so exciting! Thanks, Mom. I promise I'll work super hard. You can count on me!
Corrin: But I don't want to hear any more of your compliments. It's impossible to concentrate on my chores with you going on and on.
Soleil: Hahaha! You're so silly. That's impossible. We're a total dream team! Watch out, world! These two cuties are gonna knock out some chores!
Corrin: *sigh* You're a very silly girl, Soleil...


Small portrait soleil fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait felicia fe14.png
0 pts.
3 pts.
7 pts.
at A rank.
This support is only available if Felicia is Soleil's mother.
Additional class tree:
Via inheritance: Troubadour (Strategist or Maid)
Click here to find Soleil's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 resistance +2.png Resistance +2 Troubadour, starting from level 13
Is 3ds02 demoiselle.png Demoiselle Troubadour, starting from level 14
Is 3ds02 rally resistance.png Rally Resistance Strategist, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 inspiration.png Inspiration Strategist, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 live to serve.png Live to Serve Maid, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 tomebreaker.png Tomebreaker Maid, starting from level 15

C Support

Soleil: Hey, Mom! How's the laundry going?
Felicia: Oh, just fine, Soleil. The weather is gorgeous, so the wash is drying quickly.
Soleil: Wow, that's a lucky break...
Felicia: I-is something wrong? Why are you staring at me like that?
Soleil: Shh, be quiet. I need to take in this moment so I can remember it forever. My perfect mother, stringing up garments in the glimmering sun... Her hair swaying gently in the breeze... Heehee! This is just too adorable! What a cute scene!
Felicia: You're too much, heehee... It's not very nice to tease your mother like that.
Soleil: I'd never tease you, Mom! Seriously! You're always so humble about everything. I had no idea how much elegance and grace was required to hang laundry. I can't handle it! Everything is so crazy adorable with you! We have to run into town and grab some tea together. I need to know how you became such a world-class cutie.
Felicia: Sorry, but I still have a ton of work to do. You'll have to excuse me.
(Felicia leaves)
Soleil: Wait a minute, Mom! Don't go!

B Support

Soleil: Strong hands running through pure, golden feed... With a quick flick of the wrist, she scatters the food deftly on the ground... Sweet, fluffy critters line up just to bask in her presence... Heehee...
Felicia: Soleil, can you stop talking? It's really hard to get my chores done while you're distracting me.
Soleil: I can't help it! What am I supposed to do? You're the one who decided to do your chores in such an adorable way! If you don't want me to be distracted, then quit being so cute already!
Felicia: I told you to quit it! You're really starting to make me angry!
Soleil: Aww, you're even cuter when you get really upset at me!
Felicia: Oh, for goodness sake. You sound just like your father. *sigh* Please, let me pass. I need to keep working on my chores.
Soleil: But you've been at it all morning! Can't you take a break? I got this wonderful blanket from the fair the other day. We should go have a picnic! It would be such a cute, idyllic scene, don't you think?
Felicia: That sounds nice, but there's way too much left to do around here. If I take a break, then I won't be able to finish up my chores before nightfall.
Soleil: You work this hard every day?
Felicia: Of course. Isn't that pretty normal?
Soleil: Umm, I have no idea. It seems like a whole lot of work.
Felicia: Maybe you're right. Either way, I need to go check in on the horses.
Soleil: Wait a second. Can't I help? There must be some way to make myself useful.
Felicia: You'd really pitch in? I guess you can cut up that pile of carrots over there. Slice them in half, just like this, OK? The horses just love to gobble them up.
Soleil: Leave it to me! Oh my gosh, has anyone ever looked cuter than us right now? This is so much fun, heehee!
Felicia: Good grief, you're at it again...

A Support

Felicia: I'd better start organizing these rations. Whoops! *sigh* I dropped the rice. If only I wasn't so clumsy.
Soleil: Moooom! There you are! Hi!
Felicia: Soleil, I'm really busy right now. I don't have time to play around with you.
Soleil: I didn't come here to harp on how cute you look counting these sacks of rice. I mean, it is delightful. Heehee... Sorry, I got distracted. I came here to tell you something important. I've learned so much by watching you work the last few days... I feel like I appreciate all your efforts more than ever. I had no idea how much work it takes to get everything done around here. It's very impressive.
Felicia: That's very sweet of you to say. But you don't need to trouble yourself. I'm used to doing all of this alone.
Soleil: It's super cute when you act really selfless, but I want to pitch in! Can't I do something? Please!
Felicia: Fine, if you insist, I'll take you up on your offer.
Soleil: Really? That's so exciting! Thanks, Mom. I promise I'll work super hard! You can count on me.
Felicia: I just have one request. Please, stop saying all these embarrassing things to me. It's impossible to concentrate when you're acting so silly.
Soleil: Hahaha! You're the silly one. Obviously, that's impossible. We're a total dream team! Watch out, world! These two cuties are gonna knock out some chores!
Felicia: *sigh* Soleil, you sure are a strange one...


Small portrait soleil fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait azura fe14.png
0 pts.
3 pts.
7 pts.
at A rank.
This support is only available if Azura is Soleil's mother.
Additional class tree:
Via inheritance: Sky Knight (Falcon Knight or Kinshi Knight)
Click here to find Soleil's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 darting blow.png Darting Blow Sky Knight, starting from level 13
Is 3ds02 camaraderie.png Camaraderie Sky Knight, starting from level 14
Is 3ds02 rally speed.png Rally Speed Falcon Knight, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 warding blow.png Warding Blow Falcon Knight, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 air superiority.png Air Superiority Kinshi Knight, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 amaterasu.png Amaterasu Kinshi Knight, starting from level 15

C Support

Soleil: Hi, Mom! What are you doing? Sharpening blades?
Azura: Hello, Soleil. You're always so energetic, aren't you? Oh, and right you are. Keeping our blades sharp can make all the difference in battle.
Soleil: Ah, that makes sense. ... ...
Azura: Soleil? Is something wrong? Why are you...staring at me like that?
Soleil: Shhh... Let me soak in this moment so I can remember it forever. You... The perfect mother. Standing with a blade glinting gracefully in the sun... Your pretty hair blowing gently in the breeze as you sharpen it... KEEHEEHEE! It's just too adorable!! This is the cutest little army scene I've ever seen! It really is!
Azura: Haha, you're...something else, my darling. I'm just helping keep our armory in shape. It's important that we all chip in. There's really no need to romanticize it.
Soleil: MOM! Stop it—you're being WAY too humble about all this. I feel like...I've never truly understood the beauty of weapon maintenance. Until now. The way you hold each sword at the perfect angle... And how your brow furrows... It's too cute! I can't take it! ... Mom, we need to go into town and get some tea. Like, RIGHT NOW. You simply MUST tell me how you achieved such an adorable little scene!
Azura: Haha, another time, Soleil. I still have quite a few weapons to sharpen before I'm done. We can talk sword maintenance some other time. If you'll excuse me...
(Azura leaves)
Soleil: No! Wait! MOMMMMM!

B Support

Soleil: Adroit hands, pale yet strong, reach into the golden feed... With a swift flick of the wrist, she adorably scatters the food on the ground... Fluffy, grateful animals line up in droves, just to be near her loveliness... Keehee... KEEHEEHEEE...
Azura: Um, Soleil? Could you please give me a little space, darling? Your persistent narration is distracting, and I still have more livestock to feed.
Soleil: Geez, Mom! It's not MY fault all of your chores turn into an idyllic scene! Why don't you try dialing down the cuteness a notch or two? It's the LEAST you can do if you don't want to attract attention. Sheesh.
Azura: Soleil, that's enough!
Soleil: Mom! You yelled at me! *sniffle* Actually... D'awww... You're even cute when you're annoyed! Look how your nose crinkles! LOOK! Heeheehee!
Azura: *sigh* You must have inherited this distracting, complimenting behavior from your father... Come on now—you need to move out of the way. I still have a lot of work to do.
Soleil: Really? You've been working all morning! Don't you want to take a break? I got this wonderful blanket from the fair the other day—we could go picnic on it! It'd be the cutest scene, too. A mother and daughter, enjoying the morning air.
Azura: I'm sorry, Soleil. If I take a break now, I won't be able to finish everything.
Soleil: Awww... Mom, do you work this hard every day?
Azura: When it's time to do chores? Of course. This is just about the normal amount.
Soleil: Oh. I didn't know that.
Azura: I have to go feed the horses now. Hop out of the way there, dear.
Soleil: Oh, I can help you!
Azura: Really? I'd appreciate it. Here, take this knife and cut those carrots. They'll make for a nice treat.
Soleil: Aww, look at us doing chores together! It's really the cutest...
Azura: *sigh* There's no stopping you, is there?

A Support

Azura: Hmm, I suppose I'll ration out our latest batch of supplies next…
Soleil: Moooom! MOM! MOMMM!!
Azura: Soleil, I'm busy right now. Sorry, but I don't have time for any silliness today.
Soleil: But I'm not just here to talk about the cute way you're counting those food cans! Although... It's pretty amazing... Keehee... Oh! But I digress. I'm here because I need to tell you something. I've learned a lot from watching you do your chores recently... I've learned to appreciate you, not just for being adorable, but for all that you do. I really had no idea how much work it takes to keep this little army running smoothly.
Azura: I see. Well, thank you. That's very nice of you to say.
Soleil: That's why I've made a decision! I'm going to start working hard too. You're my mother! I can't just let you shoulder all these chores yourself!
Azura: Soleil... Thank you for the thought. It really means a great deal to me. But don't worry about me. Just knowing you're willing to help is enough, really.
Soleil: You're so self-sacrificing... It's adorable! But I really do want to help, Mom! Please... May I?
Azura: Well, if you're this committed to the idea... Sure, Soleil. You can help me.
Soleil: Yay! I'll work really hard, I promise!
Azura: There's just one condition. No more of this nonsense about how cute I am, OK? It's very distracting.
Soleil: Hahaha, oh, Mom, I can't promise the impossible!! After all, now that mother and daughter are working together... I think these chores will turn out twice as cute as they were before!
Azura: Oh, Soleil... What am I going to do with you?


Small portrait soleil fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait mozu fe14.png
0 pts.
3 pts.
7 pts.
at A rank.
This support is only available if Mozu is Soleil's mother.
Additional class tree:
Via inheritance: Villager (Master of Arms or Merchant)
Click here to find Soleil's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 aptitude.png Aptitude Villager, starting from level 13
Is 3ds02 underdog.png Underdog Villager, starting from level 14
Is 3ds02 seal strength.png Seal Strength Master of Arms, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 life and death.png Life and Death Master of Arms, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 profiteer.png Profiteer Merchant, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 spendthrift.png Spendthrift Merchant, starting from level 15

C Support

Soleil: Hi there, Mom! Say, what are you getting up to today?
Mozu: Oh, I'm just drying out some herbs. They're handy for all kinds of remedies.
Soleil: Wow, how interesting...
Mozu: Why are you staring at me, sweetie? Do I have something on my face?
Soleil: Shh, be quiet. I need to take in this moment so I can remember it forever. My perfect mother, carefully drying herbs to keep everyone healthy... Her hair swaying gently in the breeze while she works... Heehee! This is just too adorable!! What a cute scene!
Mozu: What are you going on about? Ya know, it's not nice to tease folks, Soleil.
Soleil: I'd never tease you, Mom! Seriously! You're always so humble about everything. I never knew how much elegance and grace was required for this kind of work. I can't handle it! Everything is so crazy adorable with you! We have to run into town to grab some tea together. I need to know how you became such a world-class cutie.
Mozu: Sorry, sweetie. I've still got a whole mess of chores to do. Maybe we can do that some other time.
(Mozu leaves)
Soleil: Wait, Mom! Please, don't go!

B Support

Soleil: Strong hands running through pure, golden feed... With a quick flick of the wrist, she scatters the food deftly on the ground... Sweet, fluffy critters line up just to bask in her presence... Heehee...
Mozu: Soleil, can you knock off that silliness? I've got all kinds of chores to do, and you're being awfully distracting.
Soleil: I can't help it! What am I supposed to do? You're the one who decided to do your chores in such an adorable way. If you don't want me to be distracting, then quit being so cute already!
Mozu: I told you to knock it off! Are you trying to make me mad?
Soleil: Aww, you're even cuter when you get really angry at me!
Mozu: *sigh* Where did this side of you come from anyhow? Now scoot on out of here. I need to get back to work.
Soleil: Really? But you've been working all morning! Can't you take a break? I got this wonderful blanket from the fair the other day. We should go have a picnic! It would be such a cute, idyllic scene, don't you think?
Mozu: If I don't get going right now, then I'll be toiling away until midnight!
Soleil: Wow, do you work this hard every day?
Mozu: Well of course. Everyone does around here.
Soleil: I had no idea...
Mozu: You'll have to excuse me, sweetie.
Soleil: Wait a minute. Can't I help? There must be some way to make myself useful.
Mozu: Really? That's thoughtful of you to offer. I suppose you can cut up that pile of carrots. The horses just love them.
Soleil: Leave it to me! Oh my gosh, has anyone ever looked cuter than us right now? This is so much fun, heehee!
Mozu: I should have known you would say something...

A Support

Mozu: I'd better start sorting through this new supply of rations…
Soleil: Moooom! There you are! Hi!
Mozu: Sweetie, I'm tied up right now. Can you play around somewhere else? I don't have time for your silliness today.
Soleil: I didn't come here to harp on how cute you look counting these sacks of rice. I mean, it's delightful. Heehee... Sorry, I got distracted. I came here to tell you something important. I've learned so much by watching you work the last few days... I feel like I appreciate all your efforts more than ever. I had no idea how much work it takes to get everything done around here. It's very impressive.
Mozu: Heehee, that's awfully sweet of you to say.
Soleil: You've inspired me to make a big decision. I'm going to be just like you! After all, you're my mom! I can't sit here and let you do all the chores by yourself.
Mozu: Don't you worry yourself, Soleil. I'm used to a little hard work.
Soleil: It's really cute to watch you be so selfless. But I really want to pitch in! Can't I do something? Please?
Mozu: Well, if you insist...
Soleil: Really?! That's so exciting! Thanks, Mom. I promise I'll work super hard. You can count on me!
Mozu: Do me a favor, though. Can you knock off all your craziness? It's awfully distracting.
Soleil: Hahaha! You're so silly. That's impossible. We're a total dream team! Watch out, world! These two cuties are gonna knock out some chores!
Mozu: *sigh* Let's get started.


Small portrait soleil fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait elise fe14.png
0 pts.
3 pts.
7 pts.
at A rank.
This support is only available if Elise is Soleil's mother.
Additional class tree:
Via inheritance: Troubadour (Strategist or Maid)
Click here to find Soleil's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 resistance +2.png Resistance +2 Troubadour, starting from level 13
Is 3ds02 demoiselle.png Demoiselle Troubadour, starting from level 14
Is 3ds02 rally resistance.png Rally Resistance Strategist, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 inspiration.png Inspiration Strategist, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 live to serve.png Live to Serve Maid, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 tomebreaker.png Tomebreaker Maid, starting from level 15

C Support

Soleil: Hey, Mom! Say, what are you doing? Sharpening up some blades?
Elise: Hi, Soleil! You're so energetic today. Oh, and yes. I have to make sure each weapon is still strong, durable, and sharp. Otherwise they aren't much good on the battlefield.
Soleil: Sure, that makes sense...
Elise: Wh-what is it? Is something wrong? Why are you just staring at me?
Soleil: Shh, be quiet for a second. Let me just take this in for a minute. You really are the perfect mother. I'll never forget seeing you here with a glinting blade in your hand. Your hair blowing gently in the wind... Heehee! It's way too adorable! This is such a cute little scene!
Elise: Ahahaha, stop teasing me, Soleil. You're way too much. I'm just trying to do my part by keeping the armory in shape. Times are tough, and everyone needs to pitch in and help.
Soleil: Stop it, Mom! I'm serious. You're being way too humble about this whole thing. Until I saw you just now, I never knew how elegant weapon maintenance could be. The way you hold each sword just so... Or how your brow furrows in concentration... I can't handle it! Everything is so crazy cute with you! We have to run into town and grab some tea together. I have to know how you became such a world-class cutie!
Elise: Maybe another time, Soleil. I still have a whole pile of swords that need attention. Will you excuse me?
(Elise leaves)
Soleil: Wait, Mom! Please, don't go!

B Support

Soleil: Strong hands running through pure, golden feed... With a quick flick of the wrist, she scatters the food deftly on the ground... Sweet, fluffy critters line up just to bask in her presence... Heehee...
Elise: Soleil, would you mind giving me a little space please? I have a lot of work to do, and you're very distracting.
Soleil: I can't help it! You're the one who decided to do your chores in such a cute way! If you don't want me to be so distracting, then dial down the cuteness already!
Elise: You're starting to make me really mad! Knock it off!
Soleil: Geez, you're even cuter when you get all flustered. Aww...
Elise: *sigh* You clearly inherited that love of compliments from your father... But please, can you get out of the way? There's still a ton of work to be done.
Soleil: Really? But you've been working all morning! Can't you take a break? Please?! I got a pretty red blanket from the fair. We should go have a picnic on it! It would be such a cute, idyllic scene, don't you think?
Elise: If I stop now, there's no way that I'll have enough time to finish up everything.
Soleil: Wow, Mom. Do you work this hard every single day?
Elise: Of course. This is a perfectly normal amount of work.
Soleil: Oh, I had no idea.
Elise: I have to tend to the horses. Do you mind moving aside?
Soleil: Let me help!
Elise: Really? I'd appreciate the help, actually. Would you mind cutting all these carrots in half? The horses will love them.
Soleil: Oh my gosh, has anyone ever looked cuter than us two right now? Just feeding the horses together, heehee!
Elise: Give it a rest already, Soleil!

A Support

Elise: I better get to work on rationing out our new batch of supplies.
Soleil: Moooom! HI, MOM!
Elise: S-Soleil? What do you want?! I'm too busy to talk right now. There's no time for me to indulge your silliness today.
Soleil: I'm not here to harp on how cute you look counting all these sacks of rice. I mean, it is delightful. Heehee... Sorry, I got distracted. I came here to tell you something important. I've learned so much by watching you work the last few days... I feel like I appreciate all your efforts more than ever. I had no idea how much work it takes to get everything done around here! I've never met someone who works as hard as you do.
Elise: Hmm, well that's kind of you to say.
Soleil: That's why I've made a big decision. I'm going to work just as hard as you do! After all, you're my mother! I can't stand by and let you do all the chores by yourself!
Elise: That's very considerate of you, Soleil. But don't worry about it. I can handle all of this work alone.
Soleil: Gosh, it's so cute to watch you be so selfless. But please, I really wanna help! Isn't there something I can do?
Elise: Well if you insist, I suppose you can give me a hand.
Soleil: Yay! Thanks! I'll work really hard. You can count on me!
Elise: I know you will. But I have one important condition though. You can't keep harping on how cute you think everything is, OK? It's driving me crazy.
Soleil: Hahaha, you're so silly, Mom. That's impossible! We're a total dream team! These chores will be twice as cute with us working together.
Elise: Don't start, Soleil!


Small portrait soleil fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait effie fe14.png
0 pts.
3 pts.
7 pts.
at A rank.
This support is only available if Effie is Soleil's mother.
Additional class tree:
Via inheritance: Knight (Great Knight or General)
Click here to find Soleil's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 defense +2.png Defense +2 Knight, starting from level 13
Is 3ds02 natural cover.png Natural Cover Knight, starting from level 14
Is 3ds02 luna.png Luna Great Knight, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 armored blow.png Armored Blow Great Knight, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 wary fighter.png Wary Fighter General, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 pavise.png Pavise General, starting from level 15

C Support

Soleil: There you are, Mom! What are you getting up to? Sharpening blades?
Effie: Oh, Soleil. Yes, I have to make sure that our weapons stay in top shape. They aren't effective in battle without proper maintenance.
Soleil: That makes sense...
Effie: What is it? I can't read that strange look in your eyes.
Soleil: Shh, be quiet. I need to take in this moment so I can remember it forever. My perfect mother, standing with a blade glimmering brightly in the sun... Her hair swaying gently in the breeze while she takes the stone to the iron... Heehee! This is just too adorable!! What a cute scene! It's just too much!
Effie: Will you quit teasing me already?
Soleil: I'm not teasing you. Seriously! You're always so humble about everything. I never knew how much elegance and grace was required for maintaining weapons. The way you hold the sword just so... Or how your brow furrows in concentration... I can't handle it! Everything is so crazy adorable with you! We have to run into town and grab some tea together. I need to know how you became such a world-class cutie!
Effie: I can't right now, Soleil. There are many swords that still require my attention.
(Effie leaves)
Soleil: Wait, Mom! Don't go!

B Support

Soleil: Strong hands running through pure, golden feed... With a quick flick of the wrist, she scatters the food deftly on the ground... Sweet, fluffy critters line up just to bask in her presence... Heehee...
Effie: Please, Soleil, give it a rest. You've been distracting me all morning. I have a lot of work to do, and you're getting in the way.
Soleil: I can't help it. What am I supposed to do? You're the one who decided to do your chores in such an adorable way! If you don't want me to be distracting, then quit being so cute already!
Effie: You better knock it off! I'm starting to lose my patience with you!
Soleil: Geez, you're even cuter when you get all flustered. Aww...
Effie: You certainly take after a certain someone, don't you... *sigh* Please, listen to me. I still have to feed all the animals.
Soleil: Really? But you've been working all morning. C'mon, take a break! I got a pretty red blanket from the fair. We should go have a picnic on it! It would be such a cute, idyllic scene, don't you think?
Effie: If I don't get started now, then there's no way I'll be able to finish up everything.
Soleil: Geez, Mom. Do you work this hard every single day?
Effie: Of course. I like to stay busy, and the animals won't feed themselves.
Soleil: Wow, I had no idea.
Effie: I have to see to the horses. Please, excuse me, Soleil.
Soleil: Wait a second. Can I help?
Effie: Really? I could use a bit of assistance, actually... Perhaps you could slice up these carrots. The horses love them.
Soleil: You bet! Oh my gosh, has anyone ever looked cuter than us right now? Just feeding the horses together, heehee!
Effie: Get to work, Soleil!

A Support

Effie: I'd better start sorting out this new batch of rations…
Soleil: Moooom! Hey, Mom!
Effie: Not now, Soleil. I'm very busy. I don't have time to indulge you today.
Soleil: I'm not here to harp on how cute you look counting all these sacks of rice. I mean, it is delightful. Heehee... Sorry, I got distracted. I came here to tell you something important. I've learned so much by watching you work the last few days... I feel like I appreciate all your efforts more than ever. I had no idea how much work it takes to get everything done around here! I've never met someone who works as hard as you do.
Effie: That's thoughtful of you to say.
Soleil: You've inspired me to make a big decision. I'm going to be just like you! After all, you're my mother! I can't sit here and let you do all the chores by yourself!
Effie: Heehee, don't worry about it. I think I can manage this alone.
Soleil: Gee, it's really cute to watch you be so selfless. I really wanna help though! Isn't there something I can do?
Effie: If you insist, I suppose you can pitch in.
Soleil: Yay! Thanks! You can count on me, Mom. I promise.
Effie: I know. But there's just one thing. I don't want to hear you carrying on about how cute you think everything is, OK? It's driving me nuts.
Soleil: Hahaha! You're so silly. That's impossible. We're a total dream team! These chores will be twice as cute with us working together. Don't you think?
Effie: *sigh* What am I going to do with you...


Small portrait soleil fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait nyx fe14.png
0 pts.
3 pts.
7 pts.
at A rank.
This support is only available if Nyx is Soleil's mother.
Additional class tree:
Via inheritance: Dark Mage (Sorcerer or Dark Knight)
Click here to find Soleil's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 heartseeker.png Heartseeker Dark Mage, starting from level 13
Is 3ds02 malefic aura.png Malefic Aura Dark Mage, starting from level 14
Is 3ds02 vengeance.png Vengeance Sorcerer, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 bowbreaker.png Bowbreaker Sorcerer, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 seal magic.png Seal Magic Dark Knight, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 lifetaker.png Lifetaker Dark Knight, starting from level 15

C Support

Soleil: Hi, Mom! What are you getting up to today? Sharpening blades?
Nyx: Yes, I have to make sure these swords are razor sharp at all times. Otherwise, they won't be ready for the battlefield.
Soleil: Wow, really? That's so interesting.
Nyx: What is it? Do I have something on my face? Why are you staring at me?
Soleil: Shh, be quiet. I need to take in this moment so I can remember it forever. My perfect mother, standing with a blade glimmering brightly in the sun... Her hair swaying gently in the breeze while she takes the stone to the iron... Heehee! This is just too adorable!! What a cute scene!
Nyx: I don't understand what you mean. Why are you teasing me? That's not very nice...
Soleil: I'd never tease you, Mom! Seriously! You're always so humble about everything. I never knew how much elegance and grace was required to properly maintain weapons. I can't handle it! Everything is so crazy adorable with you! We have to run into town and grab some tea together. I need to know how you became such a world-class cutie.
Nyx: I really don't have time to take a break and go for a picnic. Like I said, there's far too much work here that needs to be done. I'll talk to you later, Soleil.
(Nyx leaves)
Soleil: Wait, Mom! Please, don't go!

B Support

Soleil: Strong hands running through pure, golden feed... With a quick flick of the wrist, she scatters the food deftly on the ground... Sweet, fluffy critters line up just to bask in her presence... Heehee...
Nyx: Soleil, please, give it a rest. I can't get any chores done with all your mumbling.
Soleil: I can't help it! What am I supposed to do? You're the one who decided to do your chores in such an adorable way! If you don't want me to be distracting, then quit being so cute already!
Nyx: That's enough. You're starting to make me irritated.
Soleil: Aww, you're even cuter when you get really angry at me!
Nyx: You're just like your father, Soleil. Now please, stand aside. I need to keep working.
Soleil: But you've been at it all morning! Can't you take a break? I got this wonderful blanket from the fair the other day. We should go have a picnic! It would be such a cute, idyllic scene, don't you think?
Nyx: There's too much to do. If I don't get back to it, I'll be working 'til sundown.
Soleil: Wait, you do this every day?
Nyx: Of course.
Soleil: Wow, I had no idea...
Nyx: I have to check in on the horses. Please, stand aside.
Soleil: Wait a second. Can't I help? There must be some way to make myself useful.
Nyx: Well, I suppose I could use a hand. Can you slice up those carrots over there? The horses love to eat them.
Soleil: Leave it to me! Oh my gosh, has anyone ever looked cuter than us right now? This is so much fun, heehee!
Nyx: *sigh* Can't you stop?

A Support

Nyx: Now to start organizing the new shipment of supplies.
Soleil: Moooom! There you are! Hi!
Nyx: I don't have time to deal with your silliness today, Soleil.
Soleil: I didn't come here to harp on how cute you look counting these sacks of rice. I mean, it is delightful. Heehee... Sorry, I got distracted. I came here to tell you something important. I've learned so much by watching you work the last few days... I feel like I appreciate all your efforts more than ever. I had no idea how much work it takes to get everything done around here. It's very impressive.
Nyx: Heehee, I never expected to hear that out of you.
Soleil: You've inspired me to make a big decision. I'm going to be just like you! After all, you're my mom! I can't sit here and let you do all the chores by yourself.
Nyx: That's a very sweet thought. But you don't need to worry about it. I can handle this on my own.
Soleil: It's super cute when you act really selfless. But I want to pitch in! Can't I do something?
Nyx: Hmm, well I suppose...
Soleil: Really? That's so exciting! Thanks, Mom. I promise I'll work super hard! You can count on me.
Nyx: I'm sure that I can. But I have one request. You need to stop complimenting me so much.
Soleil: Hahaha! You're so silly. That's impossible. We're a total dream team! Watch out, world! These two cuties are gonna knock out some chores!
Nyx: *sigh* Please, stop...


Small portrait soleil fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait camilla fe14.png
0 pts.
3 pts.
7 pts.
at A rank.
This support is only available if Camilla is Soleil's mother.
Additional class tree:
Via inheritance: Wyvern Rider (Wyvern Lord or Malig Knight)
Click here to find Soleil's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 strength +2.png Strength +2 Wyvern Rider, starting from level 13
Is 3ds02 lunge.png Lunge Wyvern Rider, starting from level 14
Is 3ds02 rally defense.png Rally Defense Wyvern Lord, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 swordbreaker.png Swordbreaker Wyvern Lord, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 savage blow.png Savage Blow Malig Knight, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 trample.png Trample Malig Knight, starting from level 15

C Support

Soleil: Hi there, Mom! What are you getting up to today? Sharpening blades?
Camilla: Oh, it's you, sweetie. Yes, I've been working on these swords for a while. Keeping each blade sharp is important to our success in battle.
Soleil: Wow, how interesting...
Camilla: Why are you staring at me, Soleil? Do I have something stuck in my teeth? What is it?
Soleil: Shh, be quiet. I need to take in this moment so I can remember it forever. My perfect mother, standing with a blade glimmering brightly in the sun... Her hair swaying gently in the breeze while she takes the stone to the iron... Heehee! This is just too adorable!! What a cute scene!
Camilla: Heehee, oh stop it. It's not nice to tease your mother, sweetie. Everyone has to pitch in. I'm not doing anything special.
Soleil: I'd never tease you, Mom! Seriously! You're always so humble about everything. I never knew how much elegance and grace was required for maintaining weapons. I can't handle it! Everything is so crazy adorable with you! We have to run into town and grab some tea together. I need to know how you became such a world-class cutie.
Camilla: Another time, Soleil. I still have a whole pile of swords that I have to get to. Excuse me, dear...
Soleil: Wait, Mom! Please, don't go!

B Support

Soleil: Strong hands running through pure, golden feed... With a quick flick of the wrist, she scatters the food deftly on the ground... Sweet, fluffy critters line up just to bask in her presence... Heehee...
Camilla: That's more than enough, Soleil. You're distracting me from all my chores!
Soleil: I can't help it! What am I supposed to do? You're the one who decided to do your chores in such an adorable way! If you don't want me to be distracting, then quit being so cute already!
Camilla: Are you trying to test my patience? You're starting to make me upset...
Soleil: Aww, you're even cuter when you get really angry at me!
Camilla: *sigh* For better or worse, you've clearly taken after me... But seriously, I need you to get out of my way. These chores can't wait.
Soleil: Really? But you've been working all morning! Can't you take a break? I got this wonderful blanket from the fair the other day. We should go have a picnic! It would be such a cute, idyllic scene, don't you think?
Camilla: I told you already, there's no time. I have way too much work to do.
Soleil: Do you labor this hard every day?
Camilla: Of course. Who else will see to the animals if I don't?
Soleil: Wow, I had no idea.
Camilla: Please, excuse me, Soleil.
Soleil: Wait a minute. Can't I help? There must be some way to make myself useful.
Camilla: Hmm. Well, I suppose you can cut up these carrots. The horses just love them.
Soleil: Leave it to me! Oh my gosh, has anyone ever looked cuter than us right now? This is so much fun, heehee!
Camilla: Don't you ever let up?

A Support

Camilla: I suppose I'd better start organizing the new supply of rations…
Soleil: Moooom! There you are! Hi!
Camilla: Sweetie, I'm really busy right now. I don't have time to indulge your silliness.
Soleil: I didn't come here to harp on how cute you look counting these sacks of rice. I mean, it's delightful. Heehee... Sorry, I got distracted. I came here to tell you something important. I've learned so much by watching you work the last few days... I feel like I appreciate all your efforts more than ever. I had no idea how much work it takes to get everything done around here. It's very impressive.
Camilla: Heehee, that's very sweet of you to say.
Soleil: You've inspired me to make a big decision. I'm going to be just like you! After all, you're my mom! I can't sit here and let you do all the chores by yourself.
Camilla: I appreciate the offer, but I honestly don't think I'll need any assistance today.
Soleil: It's really cute to watch you be so selfless. But I really want to pitch in! Can't I do something?
Camilla: Fine, if you insist.
Soleil: Really?! That's so exciting! Thanks, Mom. I promise I'll work super hard! You can count on me.
Camilla: There's just one thing. I don't want to hear one complimentary word out of you. We have a lot to accomplish today, OK?
Soleil: Hahaha! You're so silly. That's impossible. We're a total dream team! Watch out world! These two cuties are gonna knock out some chores!
Camilla: *sigh* Let's get to work already.


Small portrait soleil fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait selena fe14.png
0 pts.
3 pts.
7 pts.
at A rank.
This support is only available if Selena is Soleil's mother.
Additional class tree:
Via inheritance: Sky Knight (Falcon Knight or Kinshi Knight)
Click here to find Soleil's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 darting blow.png Darting Blow Sky Knight, starting from level 13
Is 3ds02 camaraderie.png Camaraderie Sky Knight, starting from level 14
Is 3ds02 rally speed.png Rally Speed Falcon Knight, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 warding blow.png Warding Blow Falcon Knight, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 air superiority.png Air Superiority Kinshi Knight, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 amaterasu.png Amaterasu Kinshi Knight, starting from level 15

C Support

Soleil: Hiya, Mom! What are you getting up to today? Sharpening some blades?
Selena: Yes, Soleil. I have to make sure these swords are ready for the battlefield.
Soleil: Wow, that's so interesting...
Selena: Why are you staring at me? Do I have something stuck in my teeth?
Soleil: Shh, be quiet. I need to take in this moment so I can remember it forever. My perfect mother, standing with a blade glimmering brightly in the sun... Her hair swaying gently in the breeze while she takes a stone to the iron... Heehee! This is just too adorable!! What a cute scene!
Selena: What in the hell are you talking about? How dare you tease me!
Soleil: I'd never tease you, Mom! Seriously! You're always so humble about everything. I never knew how much elegance and grace was required for maintaining weapons. I can't handle it! Everything is so crazy adorable with you! We have to run into town and grab some tea together. I need to know how you became such a world-class cutie.
Selena: I don't have any time for that. Now please, I have to go.
(Selena leaves)
Soleil: Wait, Mom! Please, don't go!

B Support

Soleil: Strong hands running through pure, golden feed... With a quick flick of the wrist, she scatters the food deftly on the ground... Sweet, fluffy critters line up just to bask in her presence... Heehee...
Selena: Ugh, stop annoying me, Soleil! How am I supposed to get anything done with you distracting me all the time?
Soleil: I can't help it! What am I supposed to do? You're the one who decided to do your chores in such an adorable way! If you don't want me to distract you, then quit being so cute already!
Selena: Didn't I already tell you to cut that out? I'm starting to get really angry!
Soleil: Aww, you're even cuter when you get really mad at me!
Selena: Did you hear anything that I just said? *sigh* You're just like your father... Now get out of my way. I still have a ton of work to do.
Soleil: Really? But you've been working all morning. Can't you take a break? I got this wonderful blanket from the fair the other day. We should go have a picnic! It would be such a cute, idyllic scene, don't you think?
Selena: I still have a mountain of work left to do. If I slack off, I'll be working 'til sundown.
Soleil: Do you work this hard every single day?
Selena: Of course. Everyone does around here.
Soleil: Oh, I had no idea...
Selena: Well now you do. Excuse me, Soleil.
Soleil: Wait a minute. Can't I help? There must be some way to make myself useful.
Selena: You really want to help? I suppose that you could slice up that pile of carrots. The horses just love them.
Soleil: Leave it to me! Oh my gosh, has anyone ever looked cuter than us right now? This is so much fun, heehee!
Selena: Ugh! You're driving me crazy!

A Support

Selena: Time to sort through these new supplies…
Soleil: Moooom! There you are! Hi!
Selena: I'm really busy, Soleil. Please take your strange nonsense elsewhere.
Soleil: I didn't come here to harp on how cute you look counting these sacks of rice. I mean, it is delightful. Heehee... Sorry, I got distracted. I came here to tell you something important. I've learned so much by watching you work the last few days... I feel like I appreciate all your efforts more than ever. I had no idea how much work it takes to get everything done around here. It's very impressive.
Selena: Huh, is that right?
Soleil: You've inspired me to make a big decision. I'm going to be just like you! After all, you're my mom! I can't sit here and let you do all the chores by yourself.
Selena: I appreciate the offer. But don't worry about it. I can handle this work on my own.
Soleil: It's really cute to watch you be so selfless. But I really want to pitch in! Can't I do something?
Selena: Fine, if you insist, I'll let you help out.
Soleil: Sweet! I'll work real hard! You can count on me!
Selena: Just promise that you won't keep trying to compliment me the whole time, OK?
Soleil: Hahaha! You're so silly. That's impossible. We're a total dream team! Watch out, world! These two cuties are gonna knock out some chores!
Selena: You are ridiculous...


Small portrait soleil fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait beruka fe14.png
0 pts.
3 pts.
7 pts.
at A rank.
This support is only available if Beruka is Soleil's mother.
Additional class tree:
Via inheritance: Wyvern Rider (Wyvern Lord or Malig Knight)
Click here to find Soleil's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 strength +2.png Strength +2 Wyvern Rider, starting from level 13
Is 3ds02 lunge.png Lunge Wyvern Rider, starting from level 14
Is 3ds02 rally defense.png Rally Defense Wyvern Lord, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 swordbreaker.png Swordbreaker Wyvern Lord, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 savage blow.png Savage Blow Malig Knight, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 trample.png Trample Malig Knight, starting from level 15

C Support

Soleil: Hiya, Mom! What are you getting up to today? Sharpening some blades?
Beruka: Oh, Soleil. Yes, I have to keep each sword quite sharp. Otherwise, they're no good in battle.
Soleil: Wow, that's so interesting...
Beruka: What do you want? Stop staring at me.
Soleil: Shh, be quiet. I need to take in this moment so I can remember it forever. My perfect mother, standing with a blade glimmering brightly in the sun... Her hair swaying gently in the breeze while she takes a stone to the iron... Heehee! This is just too adorable!! What a cute scene!
Beruka: What are you talking about? You shouldn't tease people.
Soleil: I'd never tease you, Mom! Seriously! You're always so humble about everything. I never knew how much elegance and grace was required for maintaining weapons. I can't handle it! Everything is so crazy adorable with you! We have to run into town and grab some tea together. I need to know how you became such a world-class cutie.
Beruka: I don't have time for that. Now you'll have to excuse me...
(Beruka leaves)
Soleil: Wait, Mom! Please, don't go!

B Support

Soleil: Strong hands running through pure, golden feed... With a quick flick of the wrist, she scatters the food deftly on the ground... Sweet, fluffy critters line up just to bask in her presence... Heehee...
Beruka: Knock it off right now, Soleil. I can't get anything done with you following me everywhere.
Soleil: I can't help it! What am I supposed to do? You're the one who decided to do your chores in such an adorable way! If you don't want me to distract you, then quit being so cute already!
Beruka: Soleil, if you're trying to make me mad, it's working.
Soleil: Aww, you're even cuter when you get really angry at me!
Beruka: You're so much like your father. It drives me insane. Now move aside. I have to keep working.
Soleil: Really? But you've been working all morning. Can't you take a break? I got this wonderful blanket from the fair the other day. We should go have a picnic! It would be such a cute, idyllic scene, don't you think?
Beruka: If I take a break now, I'll be laboring 'til sundown.
Soleil: Do you do this much every single day?
Beruka: Of course. Everyone does. This is normal.
Soleil: Oh, I had no idea...
Beruka: Now go away, Soleil.
Soleil: Wait a minute. Can't I help? There must be some way to make myself useful.
Beruka: Hmm, I would appreciate the help. Here, slice up these carrots. The horses love them.
Soleil: Leave it to me! Oh my gosh, has anyone ever looked cuter than us right now? This is so much fun, heehee!
Beruka: I don't understand you at all...

A Support

Beruka: I suppose I should sort through these rations now…
Soleil: Moooom! There you are! Hi!
Beruka: I'm very busy, Soleil. I don't have time to play your stupid games.
Soleil: I didn't come here to harp on how cute you look counting these sacks of rice. I mean, it's delightful. Heehee... Sorry, I got distracted. I came here to tell you something important. I've learned so much by watching you work the last few days... I feel like I appreciate all your efforts more than ever. I had no idea how much work it takes to get everything done around here. It's very impressive.
Beruka: Heehee... Well thank you.
Soleil: You've inspired me to make a big decision. I'm going to be just like you! After all, you're my mom! I can't sit here and let you do all the chores by yourself.
Beruka: That's sweet of you to offer. But don't worry. This is just part of my daily routine.
Soleil: It's really cute to watch you be so selfless. But I really want to pitch in! Can't I do something?
Beruka: *sigh* I suppose.
Soleil: Really?! That's so exciting! Thanks, Mom. I promise I'll work super hard! You can count on me.
Beruka: But I don't want to hear any flattery coming out of you. Understand?
Soleil: Hahaha! You're so silly. That's impossible. We're a total dream team! Watch out, world! These two cuties are gonna knock out some chores!
Beruka: I don't understand you at all.


Small portrait soleil fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait laslow fe14.png
0 pts.
3 pts.
7 pts.
at A rank.
As a support between a fixed parent-child pair, no new classes are acquired in this pairing.
As a support between a fixed parent-child pair, no new skills are acquired in this pairing.

C Support

Laslow: Hmmm la la laaaa... ♪
Soleil: Heya! Whatcha doing? Getting in a little dance practice?
Laslow: Yep! What about you?
Soleil: I just got back from the village! Today I had tea with about five girls. Kee hee.
Laslow: Whaaa?! That many, eh? That's amazing... Suddenly I feel an incredible sense of defeat in terms of my own tea count...
Soleil: Heh, don't worry about it. Everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses. Unlike you, I'm an awful dancer! I have literally ZERO rhythm. But hey, I can chat up cuties like no one's business! You, on the other hand...
Laslow: Wow, you sure know how to rub salt in a wound... Well, I suppose there are worse things than losing out to my adorable daughter.
Soleil: Awww, you're the best overly doting parent in the world.
Laslow: Hey, now! I'm not overly doting at all! I called you adorable because I honestly think you're adorable!
Soleil: Suuuure. Right. You're quick with the compliments, aren't you? Is that how you got Mom to fall for you? Oh! Also, how exactly did you propose to her? Was it romaaaantic, hee hee?
Laslow: Soleil! Don't you think that's a little personal?
Soleil: Geez, no need to be shy. It'll be more embarrassing for ME to hear about it!
Laslow: But if the answer will embarrass you, then why did you ask?
Soleil: Hee hee, because I'm so happy right now! And it's probably a cute story! Honestly, it's just so great being able to talk to you about anything like this. We have so much lost time to make up for now that I'm out of the stupid Deeprealms.
Laslow: Oh, Soleil... I'm so sorry you had to grow up there. I know how lonely you were.
Soleil: Don't worry about it; that's all in the past now. I'm just so happy we're finally together. Nothing will ever tear us apart!
Laslow: You really are the best daughter a father could ask for. And the most adorable! Ah, I have an idea! Let's go out for tea so we can keep chatting. What do you say?
Soleil: Sorry, but I've had enough tea to last a lifetime. ...Just kidding! Hee hee! That sounds amazing! I have so many things I want to ask you! Oh! Like about how you look so cool during battle! What's your secret?! Now that we're together, I have to be a great fighter so I can protect you. And I might as well look cool while I'm at it, just like you!
Laslow: Hmm, so you want to improve your battle skill, do you? I don't know. Honestly I'd rather not put you in any dangerous situations...
Soleil: What are you saying?! Waiting around without doing anything to help is absolutely out of the question! You should understand my position more than anybody, shouldn't you?
Laslow: Ha ha, all right, all right! I suppose you have a point. But first, we'll start with some relaxing tea. Do we have a deal?
Soleil: Deal! Yaaay, this is going to be AWESOME!

B Support

Laslow: Are you feeling better, Soleil? Have you had someone tend to your injuries yet?
Soleil: I'm OK. I'm very sorry. I promised to make myself useful in battle, but I failed miserably...
Laslow: I don't care about whether you won or lost. I'm just glad you weren't seriously injured. More importantly, I want you to explain to me why you did something so reckless. Forcing your way between me and an enemy like that could have gotten you killed!
Soleil: If I hadn't done that, you would have been in real danger! When we were out for tea the other day, you said you had one weakness... Diagonal attacks from behind! You said you have trouble blocking those effectively. And that opponent today... That's exactly where he was trying to attack you from...
Laslow: I don't care what your reasons were, as noble as they may have been. You are forbidden from putting yourself in danger, even if it's to help me out. On the battlefield, I don't want you looking out for me. Do you understand? The only person you should be worrying about in battle is yourself.
Soleil: I'm sorry, but...I can't do that! I have to protect you! I can't stand the thought of losing you...
Laslow: And how do you think I'd feel if I lost you? Now do as I say. No arguments.
Soleil: I...I can't agree to that...
Laslow: Soleil!
Soleil: Just stop it! There's no way you could understand how I feel!!
Laslow: Huh...?
Soleil: You don't know how lonely it was in the Deeprealms... And how scared I was. Every time I watched you leave, I knew it might be the last time I ever saw you. Now that I'm fighting at your side, I want to protect you no matter what! I won't ever EVER let you die! I don't care what happens to me!!
Laslow: ... I understand how you feel.
Soleil: *sniffle* Liar...
Laslow: I'm not lying, Soleil. I really do. When I was young...I lost both of my parents in a terrible war. My father left for battle and never returned. And my beautiful mother died right before my eyes, trying to protect me.
Soleil: No... That's awful.
Laslow: That's why I was so terrified earlier... For a moment, I thought I might lose you the same way I lost them... But you were scared too, weren't you? I'm sorry to have put you through that. Thank you, my sweet girl. For saving me, and for being safe yourself.
Soleil: So, when you were a were scared too? Just like me?
Laslow: I was. However, since becoming a father, I now understand how my own parents felt. Their intense desire to protect their child, no matter the consequences. Even if it means dying in their stead...
Soleil: N-no! You can't! Please, don't even say it!
Laslow: Shhh, calm down. I have no intention of dying in battle. I promise to do all I can to stay safe so you don't have to worry about me.
Soleil: But on the battlefield, promises are just...
Laslow: What? Do you think your dad's promise is meaningless? You can't trust me?
Soleil: Of course I can trust you! It's just...
Laslow: Thank you, Soleil. I will choose to trust you as well. I believe in your ability to keep yourself safe, so I'll try not to worry so much.
Soleil: Dad...
Laslow: Please do the same. Do it for me. I need you to focus on staying safe so that neither of us ever have to lose each other. I'll do the same, I swear. Please find it in your heart to believe me.
Soleil: ... ...OK. I believe you. I promise I won't do anything that reckless again.
Laslow: Thank you, Soleil. You don't know how happy that makes me.
Soleil: But you have to promise to stay with me forever, OK? You can't ever leave me! I'd be really upset if you ever went away somewhere and I couldn't see you again.
Laslow: ...If that's what you want, then so be it. I promise to stay by your side, always.
Soleil: Yaaaay! Now enough serious talk. Let's go scope out some cuties and drink tea!

A Support

Laslow: There, finished! I executed that dance really well this time, if I do say so myself.
Soleil: It was wonderful, Dad!
Laslow: Argh! Oh... Hello, Soleil. I didn't see you there.
Soleil: Hi! So yeah, you were great. You fell out of your turns a little, though. Watch that. And it might be prettier if you stretch your arms a bit higher during that middle part.
Laslow: ...
Soleil: Is something wrong, Dad? Oh, am I being way too harsh?
Laslow: Ha ha, not at all. Sorry, you just reminded me of someone very dear to me. A girl not unlike yourself used to give me similar feedback not too long ago.
Soleil: A girl? Who was it?! Was it Mom? Or some other girl you dated? Oh! Or was it a mysterious damsel you totally rescued...? Or maybe—
Laslow: Nope! Wrong on all counts. Like I said, you look a lot like her. She was kind, and strong, and she loved me with all her heart. *sigh*
Soleil: Hmm, I'm not so sure Mom would like you talking about another woman like that...
Laslow: Ha ha, she wouldn't mind at all. I'm talking about my mother. In other words, your grandmother.
Soleil: Oh! Well, I guess that's OK then. I was worried for a moment! ... Wait... Um, didn't you say she passed away? I guess she told you about dancing before that?
Laslow: No, after. It's a long story...but I got to see her one more time after she passed. She was about the same age as you and me at the time.
Soleil: That makes...literally no sense. Ugh, I'm so confused right now.
Laslow: It's complicated, for sure. Someday I'll tell you everything. At that time, I'll need you to make a tough decision for me... About whether to remain in this world or return with me to my original world.
Soleil: Your original world...?!
Laslow: I want to stay with you forever, Soleil... Just as I promised, I won't ever leave you unless you tell me it's OK. But depending on your choice, there might be a chance we have to say good-bye...
Soleil: ...
Laslow: Soleil, please don't look so sad! Look...the truth is—
Soleil: Dad! Let's go out for tea. Like, right now.
Laslow: Huh?! Soleil, what's the matter? I thought you'd want to know the full truth...
Soleil: Yeah, looked so pained when you were about to tell me about it. That's why I decided to invite you to tea instead so you'll smile again!
Laslow: That's very sweet of you. But...
Soleil: You don't have to say it, Dad. I love you, and that's all that matters. Please don't force yourself to tell me anything before you're ready. Let's just enjoy being together and not think about the future! I'm having fun already just thinking about the nice time we're going to have! Laughing and spending time with you, and with all our friends... Life is so good right now! Let's worry about the future as it comes.
Laslow: Soleil...
Soleil: What's with that face, Dad? Aren't you happy to have tea with me? I usually only spend my time on cuties, so you should feel honored!
Laslow: I suppose you're right. And yes, I'm very happy.
Soleil: Woo! OK, now I'll go find a nonstop wave of cute girls to join us. Don't cute girls make everything better?!
Laslow: ...I'm not going to argue with you there, but let's leave cute girls out of this. Today I just want to spend time with my wonderful daughter. Is that OK with you?
Soleil: Hmmm... Well, I don't see where you're coming from, but sure!
Laslow: Ahaha! You're really just like your old man. Thank you, Soleil.
Soleil: I'm just happy I got you to laugh again! ... Hey, Dad? I don't know what happened to you in the past... But I DO know how much you love me now. I know one day you'll tell me everything... And one day, we may even have to part ways... But no matter what, I'll always be your daughter. Always. I love you, Dad. I always have, and I always, always will.
Laslow: I love you too, Soleil. Now and forever.


Small portrait soleil fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait peri fe14.png
0 pts.
3 pts.
7 pts.
at A rank.
This support is only available if Peri is Soleil's mother.
Additional class tree:
Via inheritance: Cavalier (Paladin or Great Knight)
Click here to find Soleil's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 elbow room.png Elbow Room Cavalier, starting from level 13
Is 3ds02 shelter.png Shelter Cavalier, starting from level 14
Is 3ds02 defender.png Defender Paladin, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 aegis.png Aegis Paladin, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 luna.png Luna Great Knight, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 armored blow.png Armored Blow Great Knight, starting from level 15

C Support

Soleil: Hey, Mom! What are you getting up to today? Sharpening blades?
Peri: Oh, hi, Soleil! Yeah, I have to make sure every sword is razor sharp. Otherwise they're no good in a fight.
Soleil: Wow, that's so interesting...
Peri: Umm, is something wrong? Why are you staring at me like that?
Soleil: Shh, be quiet. I need to take in this moment so I can remember it forever. My perfect mother, standing with a blade glimmering brightly in the sun... Her hair swaying gently in the breeze while she takes the stone to the iron... Heehee! This is just too adorable!! What a cute scene!
Peri: Hahaha, oh, knock it off already! You're a silly girl, Soleil. It's not nice to tease your mother.
Soleil: I'd never tease you, Mom! Seriously! You're always so humble about everything. I never knew how much elegance and grace was required to properly maintain weapons. I can't handle it! Everything is so crazy adorable with you! We have to run into town and grab some tea together. I need to know how you became such a world-class cutie.
Peri: No can do. I've still got a boatload of work to do around here. We'll have to hang out another time, OK?
(Peri leaves)
Soleil: Wait a minute, Mom! Don't go!

B Support

Soleil: Strong hands running through pure, golden feed... With a quick flick of the wrist, she scatters the food deftly on the ground... Sweet, fluffy critters line up just to bask in her presence... Heehee...
Peri: All this yakking is making it hard to do my chores, Soleil. You're really starting to annoy me.
Soleil: I can't help it! What am I supposed to do? You're the one who decided to do your chores in such an adorable way! If you don't want me to be distracted, then quit being so cute already!
Peri: I told you to knock it off! Are you trying to get on my nerves? Because it's working.
Soleil: Aww, you're even cuter when you get really angry at me!
Peri: Stop! Why do you have to take after that father of yours? Can you please get out of my way? I've got so much to do!
Soleil: But you've been at it all morning! Can't you take a break? I got this wonderful blanket from the fair the other day. We should go have a picnic! It would be such a cute, idyllic scene, don't you think?
Peri: If I slow my pace, I'll be doing chores until the break of dawn.
Soleil: Wait, you do all this every day?
Peri: Of course. Everyone around here does.
Soleil: Wow, I had no idea.
Peri: I'd better check in on the horses...
Soleil: Wait a second. Can't I help? There must be some way to make myself useful.
Peri: Are you serious? Well, I guess you can cut up that pile of carrots. The horses go crazy for them.
Soleil: Leave it to me! Oh my gosh, has anyone ever looked cuter than us right now? This is so much fun, heehee!
Peri: Don't you ever let up?

A Support

Peri: I'd better get going. These supplies aren't going to count themselves.
Soleil: Moooom! There you are! Hi!
Peri: I've got a whole lot to do, Soleil. I don't have time to listen to your silliness.
Soleil: I didn't come here to harp on how cute you look counting these sacks of rice. I mean, it is delightful. Heehee... Sorry, I got distracted. I came here to tell you something important. I've learned so much by watching you work the last few days... I feel like I appreciate all your efforts more than ever. I had no idea how much work it takes to get everything done around here. It's very impressive.
Peri: Heehee, I never expected to hear you say that, Soleil. But don't worry about me. I can handle it. Thank you for the offer though.
Soleil: It's super cute when you act really selfless, but I want to pitch in! Can't I do something?
Peri: Well, I guess I can probably find a chore for you to do.
Soleil: Really? That's so exciting! Thanks, Mom. I promise I'll work super hard! You can count on me.
Peri: There's just one thing. I don't want to hear more of your weird compliments. I can't deal with any more distractions.
Soleil: Hahaha! You're so silly. That's impossible. We're a total dream team! Watch out, world! These two cuties are gonna knock out some chores!
Peri: *sigh* You're a strange girl, Soleil...


Small portrait soleil fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait charlotte fe14.png
0 pts.
3 pts.
7 pts.
at A rank.
This support is only available if Charlotte is Soleil's mother.
Additional class tree:
Via inheritance: Fighter (Berserker or [[{{{supportadv2}}}]])
Click here to find Soleil's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 hp +5.png HP +5 Fighter, starting from level 13
Is 3ds02 gamble.png Gamble Fighter, starting from level 14
Is 3ds02 rally strength.png Rally Strength Berserker, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 axefaire.png Axefaire Berserker, starting from level 15

C Support

Soleil: Hi, Mom! What are you getting up to today? Sharpening blades?
Charlotte: That's right, sweetie. I've been repairing some of these worn-down swords. They have to be nice and sharp if you want them to be any good on the battlefield.
Soleil: Wow, that's so interesting...
Charlotte: What is it? You're staring awfully hard. Spit it out already!
Soleil: Shh, be quiet. I need to take in this moment so I can remember it forever. My perfect mother, standing with a blade glimmering brightly in the sun... Her hair swaying gently in the breeze while she takes the stone to the iron... Heehee! This is just too adorable!! What a cute scene!
Charlotte: Huh? What are you talking about? Don't you dare tease me like that. I'm your mother!
Soleil: I'd never tease you, Mom! Seriously! You're always so humble about everything. I never knew how much elegance and grace was required for maintaining weapons. I can't handle it! Everything is so crazy adorable with you! We have to run into town and grab some tea together. I need to know how you became such a world-class cutie.
Charlotte: Are you nuts?! I don't have the time to go on a picnic. I told you, there's a bunch of work around here that I still need to do. Get out of the way, Soleil!
(Charlotte leaves)
Soleil: Hey, wait! Don't go, Mom!

B Support

Soleil: Strong hands running through pure, golden feed... With a quick flick of the wrist, she scatters the food deftly on the ground... Sweet, fluffy critters line up just to bask in her presence... Heehee...
Charlotte: Good gawds, are you trying to annoy the life out of me? How am I supposed to get anything done when you're just mumbling away nonstop! Knock it off, Soleil!
Soleil: I can't help it! What am I supposed to do? You're the one who decided to do your chores in such an adorable way! If you don't want me to be distracting, then quit being so cute already!
Charlotte: I'm only going to say this one more time... KNOCK IT OFF! Do you really want to see me get mad? Do you?!
Soleil: Aww, you're even cuter when you get really angry at me!
Charlotte: *sigh* Why do you and your father have to be so much alike? Now hurry up and get out of the way! These chores aren't going to do themselves.
Soleil: But you've been working all morning! Can't you take a break? I got this wonderful blanket from the fair the other day. We should go have a picnic! It would be such a cute, idyllic scene, don't you think?
Charlotte: If I take a break now, I'll be working until far after sundown.
Soleil: Do you labor like this every day?
Charlotte: Of course! This is my normal workload.
Soleil: Wow, I had no idea.
Charlotte: I have to see to the horses, Soleil. Please, stand aside.
Soleil: Wait a minute. Can't I help? There must be some way to make myself useful.
Charlotte: Fine. You see that pile of carrots there? Go ahead and chop them up. The horses go absolutely wild for them.
Soleil: Leave it to me! Oh my gosh, has anyone ever looked cuter than us right now? This is so much fun, heehee!
Charlotte: Put a cork in it, Soleil!

A Support

Charlotte: I should start organizing this new batch of supplies…
Soleil: Moooom! There you are! Hi!
Charlotte: Soleil, I don't have time for your nonsense.
Soleil: I didn't come here to harp on how cute you look counting these sacks of rice. I mean, it's delightful. Heehee... Sorry, I got distracted. I came here to tell you something important. I've learned so much by watching you work the last few days... I feel like I appreciate all your efforts more than ever. I had no idea how much work it takes to get everything done around here. It's very impressive.
Charlotte: I'm surprised that you noticed.
Soleil: You've inspired me to make a big decision. I'm going to be just like you! After all, you're my mom! I can't sit here and let you do all the chores by yourself.
Charlotte: Heh, it's funny to watch you pretend to be a good girl all of a sudden. You don't need to worry about me. I can handle this on my own.
Soleil: It's super cute when you act really selfless. But I want to pitch in! Can't I do something?
Charlotte: Fine, if you insist. I suppose I can find something for you to do.
Soleil: Really?! That's so exciting! Thanks, Mom. I promise I'll work super hard! You can count on me.
Charlotte: But you have to promise me one thing. Quit trying to compliment and flatter me all the time. It's getting really irritating.
Soleil: Hahaha! You're so silly. That's impossible. We're a total dream team! Watch out, world! These two cuties are gonna knock out some chores!
Charlotte: *sigh* Let's get to work already.


Small portrait soleil fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait orochi fe14.png
0 pts.
3 pts.
7 pts.
at A rank.
This support is only available in the Revelation campaign.
This support is only available if Orochi is Soleil's mother.
Additional class tree:
Via inheritance: Diviner (Basara or Onmyoji)
Click here to find Soleil's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 magic +2.png Magic +2 Basara or Onmyoji, starting from level 2
Is 3ds02 future sight.png Future Sight Basara or Onmyoji, starting from level 3
Is 3ds02 rend heaven.png Rend Heaven Basara, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 quixotic.png Quixotic Basara, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 rally magic.png Rally Magic Onmyoji, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 tomefaire.png Tomefaire Onmyoji, starting from level 15

C Support

Soleil: Mom! Hey, Mom! What are you doing? Are those herbs?
Orochi: Yes, Soleil. They're quite handy for a variety of purposes.
Soleil: Oh cool, that's so interesting...
Orochi: What is it? If you keep staring at me like that, you're going to burn a hole right through me.
Soleil: Shh, be quiet. I need to take in this moment so I can remember it forever. My perfect mother, standing quietly in the sun... Heehee! This is just too adorable!! What a cute scene!
Orochi: Why are you calling me cute? It's not polite to tease your mother.
Soleil: I'm not teasing you. Seriously! You're always so humble about everything. I never knew how much elegance and grace was required for drying herbs. The way you hold the plants... Or how your brow furrows in concentration... I can't handle it! Everything is so crazy adorable with you! We have to run into town and grab some tea together. I need to know how you became such a world-class cutie!
Orochi: While I'd love to spend time with you, I still have a lot of chores left to do. Please, excuse me, Soleil.
(Orochi leaves)
Soleil: Wait, Mom! Don't leave!

B Support

Soleil: Strong hands running through pure, golden feed... With a quick flick of the wrist, she scatters the food deftly on the ground... Sweet, fluffy critters line up just to bask in her presence... Heehee...
Orochi: Soleil, can you cut it out? You've been distracting me all day.
Soleil: I can't help it. What am I supposed to do? You're the one who decided to do your chores in such an adorable way! If you don't want me to be distracting, then quit being so cute already!
Orochi: If you don't quit fooling around, I'm going to put a curse on you. Trust me—it won't be fun...
Soleil: Aww, you're even cuter when you get really angry at me!
Orochi: For crying out loud... You're just like your father. Get out of my way, Soleil. I still need to tend to the animals.
Soleil: Really? I know I've been a little distracting, but you've been working all morning. C'mon, take a break! I got a pretty blanket from the fair. We should go have a picnic! It would be such a cute, idyllic scene, don't you think?
Orochi: I have a mountain of work to get to. If I don't get started now, I'll be working until midnight.
Soleil: Geez, Mom. Do you work this hard every single day?
Orochi: This is my normal daily workload.
Soleil: Wow, I had no idea.
Orochi: I'd better see to the horses. You'll have to excuse me, Soleil.
Soleil: Wait a minute. Can I do anything?
Orochi: Really? That would actually be a big help. Here, why don't you slice up these carrots. The horses love them.
Soleil: Leave it to me! Oh my gosh, has anyone ever looked cuter than us right now? Just feeding the horses, heehee!
Orochi: You're nuts, Soleil.

A Support

Orochi: I'd better begin sorting through this new box of rations…
Soleil: Moooom! There you are! I've been looking all over for you!
Orochi: Soleil, I don't have time to indulge in your nonsense.
Soleil: I'm not here to harp on how cute you look counting all these sacks of rice. I mean, it is delightful. Heehee... Sorry, I got distracted. I came here to tell you something important. I've learned so much by watching you work the last few days... I feel like I appreciate all your efforts more than ever. I had no idea how much work it takes to get everything done around here! I've never met someone who works as hard as you do.
Orochi: That's sweet of you to say.
Soleil: You've inspired me to make a big decision. I'm going to be just like you! After all, you're my mom! I can't sit here and let you do all the chores by yourself.
Orochi: Heheh, really, don't worry about it. I'm sure I can manage to take care of everything.
Soleil: Gee, it's really cute to watch you be so selfless. I really wanna help though! Isn't there something I can do?
Orochi: Fine, I suppose you can pitch in.
Soleil: Awesome! Thanks! Don't worry—you can count on me. I promise!
Orochi: There's just one thing. I forbid you from indulging in your ridiculous sweet talk. Understand?
Soleil: Hahaha! You're so silly. That's impossible. We're a total dream team! These chores will be twice as cute with us working together. Don't you think?
Orochi: *sigh* One of these days I'm going to curse you.


Small portrait soleil fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait hana fe14.png
0 pts.
3 pts.
7 pts.
at A rank.
This support is only available in the Revelation campaign.
This support is only available if Hana is Soleil's mother.
Additional class tree:
Via inheritance: Samurai (Swordmaster or Master of Arms)
Click here to find Soleil's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 duelist's blow.png Duelist's Blow Swordmaster or Master of Arms, starting from level 2
Is 3ds02 vantage.png Vantage Swordmaster or Master of Arms, starting from level 3
Is 3ds02 astra.png Astra Swordmaster, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 swordfaire.png Swordfaire Swordmaster, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 seal strength.png Seal Strength Master of Arms, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 life and death.png Life and Death Master of Arms, starting from level 15

C Support

Soleil: Hey, Mom? What are you getting up to? Sharpening swords?
Hana: Yes indeed, Soleil. I have to make sure the blades stay razor sharp at all times. Otherwise, they're not very effective on the battlefield.
Soleil: Wow, that's so cool...
Hana: Why are you staring at me like that? It's embarrassing.
Soleil: Shh, be quiet. I need to take in this moment so I can remember it forever. My perfect mother, standing with a blade glimmering brightly in the sun... Her hair swaying gently in the breeze while she takes the stone to the iron... Heehee! This is just too adorable!! What a cute scene!
Hana: Quit teasing me, Soleil. I have no idea what you're talking about.
Soleil: I'd never tease you, Mom! Seriously! You're always so humble about everything. I never knew how much elegance and grace was required for maintaining weapons. I can't handle it! Everything is so crazy adorable with you! We have to run into town and grab some tea together. I need to know how you became such a world-class cutie!
Hana: Spending time with you sounds like fun, but I still have a ton of chores to do. You'll have to excuse me, Soleil.
(Hana leaves)
Soleil: Wait, Mom! Please, don't go!

B Support

Soleil: Strong hands running through pure, golden feed... With a quick flick of the wrist, she scatters the food deftly on the ground... Sweet, fluffy critters line up just to bask in her presence... Heehee...
Hana: Ugh, Soleil! Please, quit it already! You've been distracting me all day!
Soleil: I can't help it. What am I supposed to do? You're the one who decided to do your chores in such an adorable way! If you don't want me to be distracting, then quit being so cute already!
Hana: I told you to knock it off! You're starting to make me really mad!
Soleil: Aww, you're even cuter when you get really angry at me!
Hana: *sigh* You're just like your father, you know that? Now please, let me through. I have to see to the animals.
Soleil: Really? I know I've been a little distracting, but you've been working hard all day. C'mon, take a break! I got a pretty blanket from the fair. We should go have a picnic! It would be such a cute, idyllic scene, don't you think?
Hana: I don't have time to relax right now. There is still too much work to be done! If I don't get started now, I'll be up all night!
Soleil: Do you labor this hard every day?
Hana: Of course. No one else is going to do the work for me.
Soleil: Wow, I had no idea.
Hana: I need to see to the horses. You'll have to excuse me, Soleil.
Soleil: Wait a minute. Can't I help? There must be some way to make myself useful.
Hana: Hmm, that would be a big help. Here, you can slice up this pile of carrots. The horses just love them.
Soleil: Leave it to me! Oh my gosh, has anyone ever looked cuter than us right now? This is so much fun, heehee!
Hana: Get to work already!

A Support

Hana: I'd better start sorting through these rations now…
Soleil: Moooom! Ah, there you are! I've been looking all over for you!
Hana: Soleil, I don't have time for your nonsense today. What do you want?
Soleil: I'm not here to harp on how cute you look counting these sacks of rice. I mean, it is delightful. Heehee... Sorry, I got distracted. I came here to tell you something important. I've learned so much by watching you work the last few days... I feel like I appreciate all your efforts more than ever. I had no idea how much work it takes to get everything done around here! I've never met someone who works as hard as you do. It's very impressive.
Hana: That's kind of you to say.
Soleil: You've inspired me to make a big decision. I'm going to be just like you! After all, you're my mom! I can't sit here and let you do all the chores by yourself.
Hana: Thanks for the offer, Soleil. But I don't think I'll need any help today.
Soleil: It's really cute to watch you be so selfless. But I really want to pitch in! Can't I do something?
Hana: Fine, fine. If you insist...
Soleil: Awesome! Thanks! Don't you worry. I'll work super hard for you!
Hana: I just have one demand. Don't try and distract me with your compliments! There's too much to do around here, understand?
Soleil: Hahaha! You're so silly. That's impossible. We're a total dream team! These chores will be twice as cute with us working together. Don't you think?
Hana: *sigh* What was I thinking...

Kana (M)

Small portrait soleil fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait kana m fe14.png
Kana (M)
3 pts.
7 pts.
11 pts.
16 pts.
Additional class tree:
This support gives Soleil access to Kana's secondary class tree via Partner Seal, provided it does not overlap with Soleil's Mercenary or Ninja class trees, nor with any other classes acquired via inheritance.
This support grants Soleil access to the skills learned by Kana's secondary class tree, provided it does not overlap with Soleil's Mercenary or Ninja class trees, nor with any class trees inherited from her mother. See the class skills list for more information.

C Support

Kana: Hi, Soleil! Were you heading into town?
Soleil: Oh, sorry, Kana. I actually just got back from town. Did you need me to run an errand for you?
Kana: No, it's not that. I was wondering if you might be willing to introduce me to some of the girls in town...
Soleil: WH-WHAT?! Wait a second... You really want to chat up some ladies, huh?
Kana: Chat up? What does that even mean?
Soleil: Oh, sorry. Did I misunderstand you?
Kana: Not exactly. I just want to learn how to pay people nice compliments like you do.
Soleil: So that's what you think I'm doing? You're so young, Kana...
Kana: I know, that's why I need your help! Whenever I see you around, you're always being so friendly to everyone. It seems like people are always happy when they're hanging around with you. How do you do it?
Soleil: Ohh, so that's what you're talking about! I never mean to compliment people, but I can't help it when I see a cutie walk by. So it's not quite right to say that I'm just being friendly exactly...
Kana: Well I still think it's amazing! Please, teach me how to be like you!
Soleil: You're silly, Kana. But we can go to town if you really want to. I'll introduce you to some people, and maybe you'll find someone you like.
Kana: Really? You mean it? I can't wait to go! This is going to be so much fun. I can't wait to learn from you.
Soleil: You're too sweet. I'll let you know when I'm going into town.
Kana: Great! Thanks, Soleil!

B Support

Soleil: *sigh*
Kana: What's wrong, Soleil?
Soleil: Ugh, it's nothing. I'm just annoyed because I fainted again. When I saw that cutie in town, I couldn't help but get excited... Then I just saw stars. This is so embarrassing...
Kana: That was pretty crazy. But, Soleil, you were amazing! You really have a way with words! Like when you said, "You're lovelier than a garden meadow." No one flatters people better than you!
Soleil: That may be, but the girls all seemed to love you even more! They were all ruffling your hair and pinching your cheeks. And all the compliments... "Look at his baggy cloak. Oh my gods, that is adorable!" "Your haircut is way too cute!" They just couldn't get enough of you. I never thought that your youth would be such a valuable asset. I wish those girls had said nice things about me too.
Kana: But the thing is, I didn't really do anything all that special. I just wish that I could be more like you. You have such a great way with words.
Soleil: If you're complimenting someone, it's important to be really honest. Otherwise, why bother doing it in the first place? You're really growing up fast, Kana.
Kana: Hm, I don't know...
Soleil: I'm impressed. You're a natural with the ladies. I mean it! The only reason they were flattering you is because they thought you were so cute. Believe in yourself!
Kana: Thanks, Soleil. I'll try! Say, can I join you again when you go back into town?
Soleil: Haha, so you're up for round two already? Hopefully I don't faint this time.
Kana: I'll be there for you!
Soleil: Thanks, Kana! This will be fun!

A Support

Soleil: Those girls we met in town today were so ridiculously cute. Especially that tall one with the long hair. Oh, I have an idea. Maybe I should buy a ribbon for her hair!
Kana: You're in such a great mood, Soleil. Talking to all those ladies really cheered you up, huh?
Soleil: Duh! Cuties always make me happy! By the way, I think you've gotten way better at talking to girls, Kana. I'm impressed.
Kana: Thanks! I've been trying to be really friendly with the people we've met. It's kind of hard to make conversation sometimes though. I guess I'll just have to keep practicing!
Soleil: You're doing just fine. Just be true to yourself. Girls love that kind of thing. Words are great and all, but your actions are always more telling!
Kana: Hm, I'd never really thought about that.
Soleil: Then there's all kinds of other stuff. Your facial expression, tone of voice... Even your body language can be important. Just use everything you have to show how interested you are in someone!
Kana: Wow, that's amazing advice, Soleil! I'm excited to keep practicing with you. Thanks for everything!
Soleil: You're very welcome! We should go back into town soon!
Kana: All right! Thanks, Soleil!

S Support

Kana: Umm, Soleil? Can I talk to you about something?
Soleil: Sure, Kana. What's on your mind?
Kana: I-I just wanted to say thanks. You've been so helpful and friendly lately.
Soleil: What do you mean?
Kana: Well, you've taught me how to really talk to people, not just compliment them. And it seems like you're really good at everything. It doesn't matter if you're caring for a sick friend or charging into battle. I just think you're a really special person. So I just wanted to let you know and to say thanks for everything. Hanging out in town with you has been so much fun.
Soleil: Haha, are you trying to practice your complimenting skills on me now?
Kana: N-no, I was just trying to be honest and tell you how I feel. Is that bad? You told me to be true to myself, remember?
Soleil: No, no, it's not a bad thing. You're a sweetie, Kana. I was just surprised to hear you say so many kind things about me.
Kana: I just felt like I needed to say something. I-I should go...
Soleil: Hey, wait a second! Don't storm off. I hope you're not embarrassed.
Kana: No... Well, maybe a little bit.
Soleil: I've been having so much fun with you too! It's good to tell your friends that you like spending time with them. It's funny—there was something I've been wanting to say to you too...
Kana: Huh? What is it?
Soleil: Since we've been hanging out, it almost feels like you're my little brother. Don't you think?
Kana: Wow... I guess you're right!
Soleil: Clearly you've learned a lot from hanging out with me. But the truth is, I've also learned a whole bunch from being around you!
Kana: Wow, really? I had no idea.
Soleil: Yeah! The way you talked to those cuties in town really blew me away. I think I've gotten even better at complimenting girls thanks to you!
Kana: Let's stay friends forever, Soleil!
Soleil: It's a deal! So, what do you think. Should we go back into town? I still have to give that tall girl the bow I bought for her hair.
Kana: OK! Let's go!

Kana (M) (as siblings)

Small portrait soleil fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait kana m fe14.png
Kana (M)
0 pts.
3 pts.
7 pts.
at A rank.
This support is only available if Corrin (F) is Soleil's mother.
As a support between a pair of second-generation siblings, no new classes are acquired in this pairing.
As a support between a pair of second-generation siblings, no new skills are acquired in this pairing.

C Support

Kana: Hey, Soleil! Wanna go on patrol with me?
Soleil: Hm? You mean right now?
Kana: Mm-hm! I want to help everyone out as much as possible! Which for now means patrolling as much as possible! Are you in?
Soleil: Sure, I'll come along. We didn't spend time together growing up, so let's make up for that now!
Kana: Yay! Let's go!
Soleil: Oh, I thought... You're sure just the two of us is enough for a patrol?
Kana: Yup! You'll be OK, though. I've been training a whole lot.
Soleil: I'm not the one I was worried about...
Kana: It's fine, it's fine! With our special sibling powers, we can take on anything!
Soleil: OK, I'm sold! I'm sure it'll work out.
Kana: Woohoo! We should go patrolling every day!
Soleil: Every day? No breaks at all?
Kana: Yeah! I mean, patrols need to be done every day anyways. Why not by us?
Soleil: But...there's a reason these things are usually done in shifts...
Kana: What's the matter, Soleil?
Soleil: Oh, uh, nothing! Nothing's wrong! Every day...all right! Let's do this!
Kana: OK! Neat! Thank you so much, Soleil!

B Support

Kana: Thanks for coming on patrol with me today, Soleil!
Soleil: I've really started looking forward to our afternoons on patrol. I always know I have trusty backup in you!
Kana: Really? You mean it?!
Soleil: Yep! You've really gotten the hang of it, especially these last few trips.
Kana: Heehee. Thanks! What about you? Do you have any special talents, Soleil?
Soleil: Me? Hmm...and my way with the ladies doesn't count, I assume? Well, I never get discouraged, no matter what. That's something, right?
Kana: Wow, Soleil! That's amazing! I bet if we combined our talents, we'd be unstoppable!
Soleil: Yeah, no doubt.
Kana: Mm-hm! Now, enough chitchat. We should get moving! We're burning daylight here! We've still got a long ways to go if we're gonna be the best patrollers in camp.
Soleil: Uh—now hold on! Kana, wait up!

A Support

Kana: Soleil! Guess what time it is! That's riiiiiiiiiiight! It's patrol time!
Soleil: Ah, there you are! I'm all set to go.
Kana: Er, but...first I wanted to ask you for a favor.
Soleil: Whatcha need?
Kana: I want you to teach me how to be like you!
Soleil: You mean how to stay optimistic?
Kana: Yeah! You said you always bounce back after getting discouraged! 'Cause I'm the youngest kid in camp, right? So there's a lot I still have to learn. But if something's hard to learn, I can't just give up. So I want you to teach me! Besides, I've always wanted to learn something from my big sister! I used to wonder a lot about what it would be like to spend more time with you.
Soleil: Oh...gosh, Kana.
Kana: So now that I can, I want to learn as much from you as possible! Is that OK?
Soleil: Sure it's OK! That's real sweet of you.
Kana: Thank you so much!
Soleil: But you won't be the only one learning. I'm sure I have a lot to learn from you, too! Wanna see who can improve fastest?
Kana: OK, but I won't lose! That's a promise!
Soleil: Then let's finish up today's patrol so we can start our new lessons tomorrow.
Kana: Sounds good to me, Sis!

Kana (F) (as parent and child)

Small portrait soleil fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait kana f fe14.png
Kana (F)
0 pts.
3 pts.
7 pts.
at A rank.
This support is only available if Soleil is Kana (F)'s mother.
As a support between a non-fixed parent-child pair, the parent character does not acquire any new classes in this pairing.
As a support between a non-fixed parent-child pair, the parent character does not acquire any new skills in this pairing.

C Support

Kana: Mama! Hey, Mama!
Soleil: Awwww! Hiya, Kana. What's up?
Kana: Look! I picked some pretty flowers for you! They're yellow like the sun!
Soleil: Oh, wow, thank you! These daisies are wonderful!
Kana: Do you really like them?
Soleil: I love them! But what's gotten into you lately? You seem to be bringing me an awful lot of flowers these days...
Kana: I just remember that when I was real little, we'd go looking at flowers together. You always smiled so much. And I love your smile, Mama! So I decided to start bringing you lots and lots of flowers to help you smile!
Soleil: Oh, that's so sweet! But...I do have a favor to ask of you.
Kana: Anything, Mama! What do you need?
Soleil: Remember how I told you that flowers are living things too? Well, when you pick them, it hurts them, and they start to wither away.
Kana: Oh no! I've been hurting them?! It was an accident! I'm sorry, flowers! I've been such a big meanie...
Soleil: Don't worry, Kana. I'm sure the flowers know you weren't trying to hurt them. You just need to promise not to pick any more flowers, OK?
Kana: OK! B-but...if I do that, then how can I show you the neat flowers I find?
Soleil: Hmm...that's a good point. Let me think. Oh! I know! Next time you find some, just come and get me. Then we can go look at them together! How does that sound?
Kana: Really? You won't be too busy?
Soleil: Of course not! I'm never too busy for you.
Kana: OK, then it's a deal! We'll go see all of the pretty flowers together! That's a promise, Mama! A promise!

B Support

Kana: La lala lala la-lime ♪ And now guess what? It's Mama time!
Soleil: Aw. You're in such a good mood today, Kana! I think I'm starting to catch a case of your smiles!
Kana: Of course I'm in a good mood! I found some great flowers for us to go look at! You're going to love them, I'm sure of it! Look! There they are, Mama!
Soleil: Oh, these are so pretty! And what a wonderful shade of gray, too!
Kana: Yeah! They reminded me of you, Mama.
Soleil: What?! Of me? I don't know if I'm as pretty as these. But I'm flattered. Thank you so much!
Kana: Don't be embarrassed, Mama! Flowers are pretty, but not as pretty as your smiles!
Soleil: Wh-where did you learn a line like that?! You sound like your grandfather! Well, I can do one better! I think your smiles are even prettier than mine!
Kana: Really? Yay!
Soleil: Oh, that's right! I've got something to show you.
Kana: Oooh, is it something good? Can I see it right now? What is it?
Soleil: Heehee, calm down. It's not here, but—
Kana: Ah! Wait! Don't tell me! That way I'll be even more surprised when you have it.
Soleil: Ooh, good idea! I guess I'll just have to keep it a secret until next time.
Kana: Oh boy! I can't wait!

A Support

Kana: Mama, I'm here! Where's that thing you said you wanted to show me?
Soleil: Hey, Kana! It's over here! Ta-da! Feast your eyes on this!
Kana: Oh wow! This is such a big book! And look at all these flowers! Where did you get them?
Soleil: These are all of the ones you've been bringing me! I dried them out and pressed them between the pages to preserve them. I thought that a book like this would be the perfect way to store all your little gifts.
Kana: This is amazing! Really, really amazing! I hadn't realized how many flowers I'd brought you, either. Look, there are the yellow daisies I gave you the other day! Mama, thank you for taking such good care of all of them. This makes me so happy!
Soleil: No, thank YOU for all of the flowers. They've been an enormous comfort to me. If you only knew how much they helped me after every battle. Just looking at them breathed new life into me. And with this book, I'll be able to cherish them for a long time to come.
Kana: You're welcome!
Soleil: You know, we didn't pick those flowers we saw the other day... But we did make some nice memories when we went to go look at them. I want us to have many, many more memories just like them. How about you?
Kana: Me too! I love you so much, Mama!
Soleil: I love you, too, Kana. You'll always be the most precious thing in my life.


Small portrait soleil fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait shigure fe14.png
3 pts.
7 pts.
11 pts.
16 pts.
Additional class tree:
Via Partner Seal: Sky Knight (Falcon Knight or Kinshi Knight)
Click here to find Soleil's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 darting blow.png Darting Blow Sky Knight, starting from level 13
Is 3ds02 camaraderie.png Camaraderie Sky Knight, starting from level 14
Is 3ds02 rally speed.png Rally Speed Falcon Knight, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 warding blow.png Warding Blow Falcon Knight, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 air superiority.png Air Superiority Kinshi Knight, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 amaterasu.png Amaterasu Kinshi Knight, starting from level 15
This listing assumes Soleil did not inherit the Sky Knight class tree from her mother.

C Support

Soleil: *ahem* la la, lalala ♪ Ooooh, I think I almost got it that time.
(Soleil leaves)
Shigure: Is that Soleil I hear?
(Shigure leaves)
Soleil: La la la la, la la la laaaa... ♪ Ugh. Just when I thought I had it…
Shigure: Having problems, Soleil?
Soleil: Huh?! AAAAH! Where did you come from?!
Shigure: I-I'm so sorry! I didn't intend to startle you.
Soleil:'s only you. Sorry for screaming in your face.
Shigure: The fault is mine. Was that your singing I heard?
Soleil: you heard that. I'm a lousy singer, so I thought I'd get in some practice where no one could hear. But I guess I wasn't safe even this far from camp.
Shigure: My apologies. It was rude of me to spy on you like that. But why the sudden interest in singing?
Soleil: Because you never know what the path to a girl's heart will be! What if I meet a cute girl who's a sucker for a pretty voice? If I couldn't deliver on the spot, I'd blow my chance with her!
Shigure: O-oh...
Soleil: Hey, you know a thing or two about singing, don't you? Do you have any tips for me?
Shigure: Tips? Hmmm... Your voice will sound best if you breathe deeply and sing from your stomach.
Soleil: Sing from the stomach?! I've never heard anything come from there except growling.
Shigure: It was a figure of speech... What I mean is, don't just sing with the breath in your mouth right now. You have to sing with your whole body— with all the air in your lungs. That'll help your singing sound fuller and more projected.
Soleil: Oh, I get you. That makes more sense. The last time my stomach sang, I think it turned the girl I was talking to off...
Shigure: Yes, we wouldn't want that.
Soleil: Thanks, Shigure. I'll try it your way!
Shigure: Do let me know how it goes.

B Support

Soleil: Hey, Shigure, you know how you told me I should try singing from my gut? Well, I think I'm getting the hang of that... But now my sense of rhythm is blown.
Shigure: Ah, you're having trouble with timing? Keeping the beat? The voice lessons I gave you probably won't help with those things.
Soleil: You can say that again. Do you have any tips for staying on beat?
Shigure: Hmm... It sounds like your core problem is you can't keep it straight in your mind. So try doing something physical. Tap your foot, clap your hands, or snap your fingers.
Soleil: Is that all it takes? Sounds easy.
Shigure: Repeating that motion over and over is a good way to burn it into your memory. What I'd do is clap or stomp for several measures in silence first... And then start singing once you've got the rhythm firmly in mind. Eventually, you'll get to where tapping out a "1-2-3-4" is good enough to start.
Soleil: Huh. That's a pretty solid plan! I was expecting something more abstract, but that's good advice.
Shigure: Think nothing of it, please.
Soleil: So how'd you take up singing, anyway? Was it because of your mom?
Shigure: Well... A desire to follow in my mother's footsteps was part of it, of course. But truthfully, I started singing mostly as a way to forget how much I missed her. Haha, I don't know if I've ever admitted that to anyone before.
Soleil: Heehee! Don't worry, your secret's safe with me. I'll go ahead and call it even for you listening in on my singing practice.
Shigure: Haha, fair enough.
Soleil: Thanks again for the tip. I'll fix my sense of rhythm in no time.
Shigure: I'm cheering for you!

A Support

Soleil: la la, lalalaaaaa... ♪
Shigure: *cough*
Soleil: Well? Wh-what'd you think?
Shigure: Erm... Your, ah... There's still room for improvement.
Soleil: Oof. I had a feeling I hadn't gotten much better. But if that's the case...why were those girls telling me how good my performance was? Were they just trying to flatter me?
Shigure: No, I'm sure they were impressed to see you belt out at the top of your lungs. Your technique isn't quite there yet, but you cut a fine figure doing it.
Soleil: O-oh...heh. That's no good, though! I want to sing for real, not just look like I am!'ve given me all these tips, but... I've never once heard you sing. C'mon, Shigure, sing for me!
Shigure: What? R-right now? But I haven't warmed up or—
Soleil: You're my singing coach! You've gotta set a good example for me to follow.
Shigure: I don't recall signing on to formally coach you in these things...
Soleil: Oh, what's the big deal?
Shigure: V-very well... *ahem* Here goes... 1...2... Laaaa... ♪
Soleil: Whoa...what a voice!
Shigure: Tra la, la la la... ♪ Phew...was that up to your expectations?
Soleil: say the least! I didn't know you were THAT good. If I had a hat, I'd take it off to you!
Shigure:'re exaggerating, surely.
Soleil: No, I'm not! That was amazing! I wish I could sing half as well as you do. You've gotta keep coaching me!
Shigure: Hahaha, I'd love to. If you'll have patience with my lessons, that is.
Soleil: Yaaay! Thank you so much!

S Support

Shigure: Your singing's getting better, Soleil. I wouldn't enter you into any competitions just yet, but it should win over the ladies.
Soleil: Nice!
Shigure: Let's've got rhythm down, and your melody is steadily improving... Why don't we work on something new for a change?
Soleil: Something new? What did you have in mind?
Shigure: Given your motivation for improving your singing—it's still to impress girls, right?
Soleil: Shigure, EVERYTHING I do is to impress cute girls.
Shigure: *ahem* Yes, well... Nothing makes women swoon faster than serenading them with a song about them. So today, I thought we might try some elementary songwriting.
Soleil: Whoa. That seems like a big step up. I don't know if I'm ready...
Shigure: Don't be nervous! It's easier than you'd think. I'll show you with an extemporized song about you.
Soleil: You're gonna sing a song about me? Oooh, this is gonna be good!
Shigure: *ahem* La la laaa... ♪ Soleil, Soleil, my closest friend ♪ She fights at my side until battle's end
Soleil: Oh my gosh...that was so good! I'm really touched, Shigure!
Shigure: Everything sounds better when sung well. All I really said was that we're friends and we fight together. Pretty simple. But when sung, it feels deeper and more meaningful.
Soleil: Even without the music, though, it was nice of you to say. I think I see your point, too. Let me try one about you! Let me tell you about my friend, Shigure ♪ He cheers me up on my woooorst day He's kind and patient and a good teacher ♪ I couldn't ask for a
Shigure: Haha, you've just learned one of the first lessons of songwriting: be careful never to paint yourself into a corner.
Soleil: You made it seem so easy! I guess I still have a lot to learn.
Shigure: Yes, but I don't mind helping you. Besides, even if your meter was a bit off and you flubbed the rhyme...
Soleil: Ughhh, don't rub it in.
Shigure: I was still touched by the sentiment.
Soleil: Huh? But all I said was you're nice, and good at encouraging me.
Shigure: Ah, but even with you as the singer... it had so much more meaning when sung.

Shigure (as siblings)

Small portrait soleil fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait shigure fe14.png
0 pts.
3 pts.
7 pts.
at A rank.
This support is only available if Azura is Soleil's mother.
As a support between a pair of second-generation siblings, no new classes are acquired in this pairing.
As a support between a pair of second-generation siblings, no new skills are acquired in this pairing.

C Support

Soleil: Hmm... Where did Shigure wander off to? It would be odd for him to be off in the hills and fields... But I couldn't find him anywhere at camp.
Shigure: *singing*
Soleil: Oh! There he is! What in the world is he doing sitting on that tree stump? And who are all those peop— Wait, WHAT? Those aren't people. Th-they're... FOREST ANIMALS?! Squirrels, rabbits...even bears! They're all sitting in a circle like little school children.
Shigure: I think that's enough for one day. How did you all enjoy it?
Soleil: Shigure, why are you talking to them?
Shigure: Ah! Who's there?! Oh no! Come back!
Soleil: Ack! Oops, I made those cute critters run away. Ahahaha... Sorry about that, Shigure.
Shigure: They were just startled, Soleil. Frankly I was too! But don't worry about it. They can't help being a little shy. So tell me, what are you doing all the way out here?
Soleil: I was looking for you! Growing up separated prevented us from really getting to know each other. But since we're together, it would be so much fun to strengthen our friendship. You're my brother, after all!
Shigure: Oh, I see. I don't know what to say. I'm really not the most interesting person around... You might have a better time talking with someone more outgoing.
Soleil: No way! That's not true.
Shigure: Please, don't feel obligated to try and be my friend just because we're related. Honestly, I'm not in the most social mood right now. Please, excuse me...
(Shigure leaves)
Soleil: H-hey, wait! Great, he ran away!

B Support

Soleil: Hmm... Where has Shigure run off to today...? He might have gone to that clearing in the hills again. I bet all his little animal friends are gathered around him. Ha! I was right. There he is. Hey, Shigure!
Shigure: Soleil?! What are you doing out here? Ah! Oh no! Wait!
Soleil: Not again. Sorry for scaring them away...
Shigure: N-no, don't worry about it. They aren't used to other people being around here. It's easy to startle them.
Soleil: O-oh, I get it... It's pretty impressive how you get along with all these animals. We may have the same parents, but I could never do that!
Shigure: Why were you looking for me again? Did you need something?
Soleil: Yep! I just wanted to see if you wanted to hang out today. We are siblings, after all. I'd really like to know you better.
Shigure: I see... Listen, I'm sorry for being cold the other day. The truth is, it makes me happy that you care so much. I'm your brother, and I don't want to let you down.
Soleil: Really?! Then it's OK for me to stay with you for a little while? You should try and call back all your animal friends too!
Shigure: Honestly, I don't think they would be comfortable around you.
Soleil: Th-they won't? But they're all so fond of you, right? If I try really hard, doesn't that mean they might like me too? Are there any special tips on how to befriend them?
Shigure: Hmm... I'm not sure if this will help, but... Animals are highly attuned to the feelings of people around them. Most likely, they detected something in you that drove them off.
Soleil: But why would I ever have bad feelings toward a bunch of cute animals?
Shigure: They can sense what you were thinking. Were you sizing them up to figure out which one might make a tasty dinner? Even just for a moment?
Soleil: I would never think such a thing!
Shigure: Of course, I'm sorry. That's just the biggest reason I could think of for them to run away. I appreciate how sincere you are about befriending them. I'll try to think of what can be done to make them feel safe around you. I would be delighted to help out my sweet sister.
Soleil: Really?! I'm counting on you, Shigure!

A Support

Soleil: Hey, Shigure...
Shigure: What's wrong, Soleil?
Soleil: Oh, nothing... I've just been thinking about your animal friends from the other day...
Shigure: Oh? Did you want to pay them a visit? I was just about to head in that direction if you want to come along. Are you ready to prove that you don't mean them any harm?
Soleil: That's the thing... I realized that I was a little upset when I bumped into them.
Shigure: What do you mean?
Soleil: I really envied the animals for getting along with you so well. It was frustrating, and I wanted them to just get away from you. That's probably why the animals thought I was their enemy... I was so selfish and mean...
Shigure: Soleil, I'm glad you thought about this and talked to me.
Soleil: There's no way I can go out there again. I would be way too embarrassed.
Shigure: Don't say that! You should absolutely go back. By opening up, you've changed, and the animals will be able to tell. I think they'll be more welcoming.
Soleil: I'm not sure...
Shigure: Well I am. You didn't have to say that you were feeling jealous. But you did anyway. That tells me that you've got a good soul. They'll be able to see that, too. Look! There's a rabbit hopping this way.
Soleil: Whoa! Wait, what am I supposed to do?!
Shigure: Just calm down... Relax, and take a breath. Quiet your mind and be peaceful... Just think about how you want to be friends with the furry critter.
Soleil: O-OK, I'll try! AH!! Shigure, look! She wants me to pet her! Oh gosh, aren't you adorable!
Shigure: See? Everything worked out just fine.
Soleil: I guess you were right. Thank goodness!
Shigure: Now you can meet all of the other animals! I think you will get along with everyone. Let's wander to the clearing in the woods— I bet your friends will be waiting there.
Soleil: How exciting! Thanks, Shigure!


Small portrait soleil fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait dwyer fe14.png
3 pts.
7 pts.
11 pts.
16 pts.
Additional class tree:
Via Partner Seal: Troubadour (Strategist or Maid)
Click here to find Soleil's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 resistance +2.png Resistance +2 Troubadour, starting from level 13
Is 3ds02 demoiselle.png Demoiselle Troubadour, starting from level 14
Is 3ds02 rally resistance.png Rally Resistance Strategist, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 inspiration.png Inspiration Strategist, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 live to serve.png Live to Serve Maid, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 tomebreaker.png Tomebreaker Maid, starting from level 15
This listing assumes Soleil did not inherit the Troubadour class tree from her mother.

C Support

Soleil: Haaaah! HRAH!
Dwyer: Stop shouting. I'm trying to nap over here.
Soleil: Oh, gosh! I'm sorry; did I wake you up? I'll try to be quieter about my sword drills.
Dwyer: That'd be great.
Soleil: You know...napping is great and all, but why don't you practice with me? There's nothing like working up a good sweat!
Dwyer: Pass. My regular work is hard enough without exerting myself in my free time.
Soleil: So lazy, Dwyer! You'll never be a hit with the girls if you lounge around all day.
Dwyer: What business is it of yours?
Soleil: Whewwww... Maybe I should take a breather myself. clothes are soaked through with sweat. Well, that's an easy fix!
Dwyer: W-wait! Soleil! Don't change clothes here!
Soleil: Why not? I really want to get these gross clothes off now that I'm done training.
Dwyer: But...I'm right here. I'll...see...
Soleil: Oh, is that all? I don't care.
Dwyer: You should care! Because even if you don't, I do!
Soleil: Hahah! Hey, no one's forcing you to look!
Dwyer: That's... Well, that's technically true. Still, though...
Soleil: Suit yourself. I'll just go change over there instead.
(Soleil leaves)
Dwyer: Why am I feeling embarrassed when she's the one taking her clothes off in public...?

B Support

Soleil: I'm supposed to turn and step, not step and turn? But in that case... what do I do with my arms? Ugh, why does this have to be so hard?
Dwyer: Hm? Is that you, Soleil?
Soleil: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! Dwyer! What are you doing here?! Did you see me just now?!
Dwyer: Settle down. What's got you so worked up, anyway?
Soleil: Answer the question! Did you, or did you not, see me just now?
Dwyer: Yes, I saw you...spinning around in a circle, for some reason. Were you performing some sort of ritual?
Soleil: No! That was me practicing my dancing!
Dwyer: You're...serious? That was a dance? It looked like some kind of demon- summoning ritual to me.
Soleil: Shut up! That's why I practice in SECRET! *sigh* I can't believe you saw that. I could just about die of embarrassment...
Dwyer: You didn't care that I saw you change clothes, yet you're mortified by this?
Soleil: Well, YEAH! I'd much rather people see me in my undies than them see me try to dance!
Dwyer: I can't help but think the first scenario would be the more embarrassing one...
Soleil: I have zero sense of rhythm. Which is why I practice in private. You'd better own up to this, Dwyer.
Dwyer: What?
Soleil: You know, for what you did!
Dwyer: Are you insinuating I was at fault for... whatever you're upset over?
Soleil: I'm upset that you were peeping on me and my terrible dancing!
Dwyer: Peeping?! Get over yourself! I just happened to walk by and—
Soleil: It doesn't matter how it happened! Just own up to it, OK? You have to help me practice now.
Dwyer: That doesn't sound like something I'd want to do.
Soleil: Oh, I think you'd regret not doing it. Especially after I tell everyone I caught you looking at me in a moment of weakness.
Dwyer: You wouldn't... Yes, you would. Fine. You leave me no choice.
Soleil: S-so you'll help?! Yay! Then let's get right to it!
Dwyer: Yes, let's. The sooner we get this over with, the better...

A Support

Dwyer: Ready, set... One and two, and one and two...
Soleil: Yes! Got it! Doing good so far!
Dwyer: Spin... Spin... And freeze!
Soleil: Spinning...and...TA-DA! *pant* *wheeze* Wh-what did you think? Am I getting better?
Dwyer: Yes... I could see some improvements.
Soleil: Yesss! I knew it! I could feel the rhythm in my feet that time.
Dwyer: Instead of summoning a demon, now it looks more like you're calling down rain.
Soleil: ... Is that really better?
Dwyer: Probably...?
Soleil: Ugh! Why did you say that like it's a question?! Eh, but getting mad at you won't fix anything. If I haven't improved, that's on me. Sorry...I just never seem to get any better at this. Even WITH all the time you take to help me practice.
Dwyer: Don't worry about it.
Soleil: But I'm still as bad as I was when we started. Isn't that frustrating for you? You can quit if you want. I'll understand.
Dwyer: I won't deny this is unbearably tedious. But even I wouldn't abandon a friend who's trying her hardest...
Soleil: Thanks, Dwyer. Also, sorry...
Dwyer: No need to apologize to me. You're trying to better yourself. Stick with it, and I'll stick with you.
Soleil: OK! I'll keep at it, then. I really might have given up if you hadn't said something, though!
Dwyer: Ready to get back to practice now?
Soleil: I will in just a minute. Gotta change into some less sweaty clothes first!
Dwyer: No! Stop! We've TALKED about this!
Soleil: Ahaha! Sorry, sorry! I'll be back in a minute!

S Support

Dwyer: One and two, one and two, and TURN!
Soleil: OK! One and two, three and four aaaand... turn! Whew...
Dwyer: You've been working hard. Here, have some cold tea.
Soleil: Thanks. So? How was my dancing?
Dwyer: I think it really...showed your unique personality...
Soleil: That's not an answer! Just come out and tell me what you thought.
Dwyer: It's less like a rain dance now and more like a pigeon's courtship dance...
Soleil: Ugh...that's not much of an improvement.
Dwyer: Don't be too hard on yourself. I think your determination in the face of failure is noble.
Soleil: Thanks for trying, but... I'd feel better if any of this practice seemed to be helping at all. *sigh* Guess I was just born with two left feet.
Dwyer: Nonsense. I'll stay and help you practice until you get good, if I must.
Soleil: Ahahaha! Better be careful what you promise. You might end up regretting it.
Dwyer: Why's that?
Soleil: Think about what you're saying. You'll stay to help me until I get good? You could be stuck watching me practice for the rest of your life.
Dwyer: Eh. If that's what it takes.
Soleil: ...Seriously?
Dwyer: Yeah. We're friends, right? A real friend would do that for you.
Soleil: Wow. You're giving me a lot of credit. I don't know if I'd be that good a friend if the tables were turned.
Dwyer: Sure you would. I have total faith in you. We've been together this long, after all.
Soleil: I hope you're right... Heh. You know, whatever anyone else says, you have your moments, Dwyer.
Dwyer: I do? Wait, what do other people say?
Soleil: Oh! But there's a problem. If I did get good at dancing, you wouldn't need to hang around anymore, huh?
Dwyer: ...You don't need to worry about that.
Soleil: Because I'll never get good?!
Dwyer: ...
Soleil: I was afraid of that...
Dwyer: Soleil! I was just kidding. Even when you learn to dance, I'll still stick by you.
Soleil: Oh! Well, that's a relief. Then let's get back to it! Watch closely, Dwyer—here I go!


Small portrait soleil fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait sophie fe14.png
3 pts.
7 pts.
11 pts.
11 pts.
Additional class tree:
Via Friendship Seal: Cavalier (Paladin or Great Knight)
Click here to find Soleil's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 elbow room.png Elbow Room Cavalier, starting from level 13
Is 3ds02 shelter.png Shelter Cavalier, starting from level 14
Is 3ds02 defender.png Defender Paladin, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 aegis.png Aegis Paladin, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 luna.png Luna Great Knight, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 armored blow.png Armored Blow Great Knight, starting from level 15

C Support

Soleil: Heya, Sophie!
Sophie: Whoa, where did you come from? Do you need me for something?
Soleil: Aren't you the serious one! But, no. I don't need something. Just admiring a beautiful flower.
Sophie: And that is the end of our discussion. I prefer to be recognized for my ability.
(Sophie leaves)
Soleil: What?! W-wait, Sophie! Don't be like that!
Sophie: I don't have time for odes to beauty. I'm trying to become a great knight.
Soleil: With that unmanageable horse of yours?
Sophie: Wow! How can you say that?! Avel's just excitable, that's all.
Soleil: Sorry. I couldn't resist teasing you a little. So you wanna be a great knight, huh? Because I have an idea...
Sophie: Uh-oh.
Soleil: Let's make a little bet on if you can pass as a knight in the next encounter. I'll be the judge. If I say you fought well, then you win.
Sophie: You're the judge of a bet you're part of? That seems kinda biased.
Soleil: What, you don't think you can win? Then how about I ask everyone in our army after our next battle?
Sophie: Uh, th-that won't be necessary. Fine, just you then. What happens if I win?
Soleil: I will never call you a flower again.
Sophie: Sounds good. And if I lose?
Soleil: Then you'll change your name to Flower.
Sophie: No way, Soleil.
Soleil: Oh, all right. You have to emblazon a tiny flower on your armor.
Sophie: All right. Challenge accepted!
Soleil: Well then, Lady Knight, I'll see you on the battlefield.
Sophie: You'd better be there. Watch me closely, you hear? I'm going to win this bet.

B Support

Sophie: Soleil! Soleil!
Soleil: ...Hi, Sophie...
Sophie: Were you watching that last encounter? You did see it, right?
Soleil: ...
Sophie: So? What did you think? I did pretty darn well, if I do say so myself!
Soleil: F-fine, I'll admit it... You were a perfect knight on the battlefield.
Sophie: What was that? I couldn't quite hear! You'll have to speak up!
Soleil: I said you were a PERFECT! KNIGHT!
Sophie: Hah! In your face, Soleil!
Soleil: *sigh* And I so wanted to be the one to emblazon that flower on your armor.
Sophie: Heehee. Too bad! But I have to hand it to you for not bending the rules just to win.
Soleil: I would never stoop so low! I like you too much for that. Anyway, you win the bet.
Sophie: And so you're forbidden from ever calling me a flower again. You may write odes to my battle prowess. But not one word about beauty.
Soleil: What?! I said I'd never call you a flower again. That's all!
Sophie: All right then. Let's try one more bet. Double or nothing. No compliments on my looks ever again...
Soleil: But you just said—
Sophie: Unless you can prove that you're a great mercenary in our next battle. So, show me what you've got, Ms. Merc!
Soleil: Will do! For you, lovely rose, I'll fight until I lie bleeding in the fields...
Sophie: Hey! What did I JUST say?!
Soleil: ...Yes, ma'am.

A Support

Soleil: Sophie! Did you see me fight?!
Sophie: Ugh... Yeah. I saw the whole thing...
Soleil: Well? How'd I do?
Sophie: ... I gotta looked like a die-hard mercenary.
Soleil: Ooh!
Sophie: Which, yes, means you're off the hook. Well done.
Soleil: YIPPEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Oh, thank the gods! I'm free! I'm finally, finally freeeee!
Sophie: Wow, this really is a big deal for you, huh? Was it that hard not praising my beauty?
Soleil: Oh, you have no idea... I felt like I was in prison or something! To have such a sweet flower so close at hand and not be able to compliment her... It was the most dreadful torture!
Sophie: Well, fair's fair. You're free to call me any sort of flower you want. I honestly did think you were great during that battle, though. If you're that skilled in battle, I wish you could see that I'm a knight first...
Soleil: And a flower second? With you, it's all one and the same.
Sophie: Well, I still think it's embarrassing.
Soleil: Urk...! W-well, anyway, thank you for your nice words about my mercenary skills. A kind word from a beautiful girl is the most precious treasure in the world. But now that we've settled that, I'm glad to chat about other things too.
Sophie: Oh yeah?
Soleil: Yeah, like cleaning our weapons, or our favorite training exercises... Or stuff we notice about our each other's performance after a battle.
Sophie: Now THAT'S my idea of a good time! Why don't we grab coffee sometime and have a nice, long chat?
Soleil: Two flowers, discussing war? Who woulda thunk? I have so many questions for you, Sophie!
Sophie: Me too, Soleil!

A+ support


Small portrait soleil fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait siegbert fe14.png
3 pts.
7 pts.
11 pts.
16 pts.
Additional class tree:
Via Partner Seal: Cavalier (Paladin or Great Knight)
Click here to find Soleil's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 elbow room.png Elbow Room Cavalier, starting from level 13
Is 3ds02 shelter.png Shelter Cavalier, starting from level 14
Is 3ds02 defender.png Defender Paladin, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 aegis.png Aegis Paladin, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 luna.png Luna Great Knight, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 armored blow.png Armored Blow Great Knight, starting from level 15

C Support

Soleil: Doot de doo...
Siegbert: Soleil?! Wh— What the— Why would— WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!
Soleil: What's it look like? I tripped and fell in the mud, so I'm changing clothes.
Siegbert: I-I can see that all too well. I mean— Not that I was staring! I just happened to catch a glimpse of— What I mean to say is, we're out of doors, Soleil!
Soleil: Wow, Siegbert! You seem really flustered today for some reason.
Siegbert: "Some reason"? Are you saying you don't know?!
Soleil: What, is it because I'm changing? I don't really care if people see me.
Siegbert: You seem almost...proud of that fact. Well, regardless of whether you care, I very much do!
Soleil: It shouldn't be that big a deal, though. Not for my future lord, anyway.
Siegbert: What makes you think you're going to be my retainer?
Soleil: Well, my dad serves Lord Xander. So it stands to reason that as his kid, I'd serve Lord Xander's son, right?
Siegbert: I'm...not sure I follow, but I appreciate the thought.
Soleil: And as my future lord, you need to be ready for whatever I might do! All right, where was I?
Siegbert: No! Stop! I just told you not to change your clothes here! It's embarrassing even if I avert my eyes. Try to have at least SOME modesty!
Soleil: Siegbert...I'm hurt. Are you ashamed of me because I got scuffed up a little?
Siegbert: What? No, that wasn't my meaning. I apologize if I said something to offend. It's just...I... Arrrrrgh! I give up!
(Siegbert leaves)
Soleil: Whoa! Future Lord Siegbert! Dang... He's gone already.

B Support

Soleil: Ahaha! No, wait! Come back!
Siegbert: Soleil!
Soleil: Siegbert?!
Siegbert: Are you chasing girls again?
Soleil: Yep! I can't help myself. Why, should I not?
Siegbert: I won't order you not to. But if I recall correctly, you strive to carry yourself nobly, don't you?
Soleil: Yeah! I want to be strong enough that everyone can tell just by looking at me.
Siegbert: And is that the impression you think you convey when you chase girls around?
Soleil: ... No. It probably isn't.
Siegbert: A wise assessment. Nor would such a woman change clothes out of doors, I daresay.
Soleil: ... On a scale of 1 to 10, how sure are you about that?
Siegbert: Soleil! There wasn't supposed to be any room for disagreement in that! All I am saying is that it would behoove you to act with more modesty.
Soleil: Urgh...if you say so, I guess. But I think a really strong woman would be herself, and not be ashamed of her ways. If she feels something, she acts on it, without worrying about anyone else!
Siegbert: That hadn't crossed my mind.
Soleil: Sorry, I didn't mean to talk out of turn! I'll keep it zipped from now on. My lord's orders are absolute, after all. I gotta go now, but I'll see you later, Future Lord Siegbert!

(Soleil leaves)
Siegbert: Hmm... There may have been some truth in what she said. Be true to oneself, eh? And never mind what others think of you... I wonder if I would be capable of that.

A Support

Soleil: *sigh*... Where do all these cuties COME from? She makes me want to hug her from behind and whisper sweet nothings in her ear.
Siegbert: Hello, Soleil.
Soleil: Aaah! Oh, it's just you. Listen, I wasn't chasing any girls around! I promise!
Siegbert: Haha, I'm not here to chastise you.
Soleil: You're not? But weren't you upset about that the other day?
Siegbert: If I was, it was only over the sheer audacity of your flirtatiousness. But your words have swayed me. I've had a change of heart.
Soleil: My words? I don't even remember what I said now.
Siegbert: You said true strength comes in not fearing what others think of you. And on reflection, I suspect you might be right.
Soleil: Oh yeah. I did say that, didn't I? Ahaha, my memory is terrible. The only thing I never forget is a girl's face...
Siegbert: You're quite strong in your way, Soleil.
Soleil: Really?!
Siegbert: I can't follow my heart as you do. It will always be too important to me to consider what those around me think. But I'd like to be truer to myself, at least in part.
Soleil: Uh, Siegbert...I'm happy to hear you think I'm strong, don't get me wrong, but... all I did was chase girls around and change clothes in public. I'm not sure I'm the best role model to look to, is what I'm saying.
Siegbert: Hahaha. Perhaps not. But then, why should I care what you think on the matter, right?
Soleil: Uhhhh... Sure! I won't worry about it, in that case.
Siegbert: I do hope you'll listen in the event that you ever go too far, though. It's good to take pride in yourself and to go your own way... But not to the point that your actions become a problem for others.
Soleil: Oh, totally! It would help a lot if you'd be there to put the brakes on for me. How sad would it be if I turned a girl away because I was coming on too strong? I need you to put a lid on me before that happens, Future Lord Siegbert!
Siegbert: Yes, may rely on me.

S Support

Siegbert: What a lovely day out today.
Soleil: Sieeeeeeegbeeeeert! How are you, pal!
Siegbert: OOF! S-Soleil! You slapped my back so hard that I thought I was being ambushed!
Soleil: Oops, sorry! I'll be more careful next time.
Siegbert: *sigh*
Soleil: Is something eating you? You look a little broody.
Siegbert: Erm, yes...
Soleil: Whatever it is, you can tell me! You're my future lord, after all. It's my job to be useful to you in whatever way I can!
Siegbert: Mm...
Soleil: Really, it's OK! You don't have to be so reluctant.
Siegbert: Your future lord... I suppose that's all I am to you. I wouldn't know how to begin broaching the subject...
Soleil: You've gotta speak up if you want me to hear what you're saying! It's not like you to mumble, though. This must really be serious. Better to get it over with, though: just go ahead and say what's on your mind.
Siegbert: Very well... The truth is...I don't want you for my retainer.
Soleil: Y-you don't? Was it something I said? Did I make you ashamed to have me? Just say the word, and I'll shape up! I promise!
Siegbert: I'm sorry. That turn of phrase was ill considered. That's what I get for voicing my feelings without careful consideration.
Soleil: OK, what DID you mean?
Siegbert: When I become king, which I hope will be a day far in the future... I'll not want for vassals, advisors, retainers, and the like. All of Nohr will pledge fealty to me and obey my commands. In far shorter supply will be those I can count as friends.
Soleil: Huh. So when you say you don't want me to be your retainer...
Siegbert: Yes. It's not that I wouldn't value your service—not at all. But your friendship and trust would be far more precious to me.
Soleil: Haha, you should have said that to start with! Maybe we can split the difference, though? There's nothing that says I can't be your friend and your retainer at the same time. My dad gets along great with Lord Xander, after all!
Siegbert: In theory, yes... But there would always be that tension, you see. What if I had a dangerous task that I could only entrust to my personal attendant? Would I send you and risk losing a stalwart friend? Or would I hold you back, demonstrating a lack of confidence in your abilities?
Soleil: Wow. Yeah, I see what you mean. I never thought being king would be this tough. And you're still just a prince!
Siegbert: It would be a comfort to me if I knew I had you as a close friend instead. And king or no king, I would always be the same for you.
Soleil: You've got a deal, Future L— I mean, buddy.
Siegbert: I-I'm not certain I'm comfortable with "buddy," but yes. Here's to our deep and abiding friendship.


Small portrait soleil fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait forrest fe14.png
3 pts.
7 pts.
11 pts.
16 pts.
Additional class tree:
Via Partner Seal: Troubadour (Strategist or Maid)
Click here to find Soleil's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 resistance +2.png Resistance +2 Troubadour, starting from level 13
Is 3ds02 demoiselle.png Demoiselle Troubadour, starting from level 14
Is 3ds02 rally resistance.png Rally Resistance Strategist, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 inspiration.png Inspiration Strategist, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 live to serve.png Live to Serve Maid, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 tomebreaker.png Tomebreaker Maid, starting from level 15
This listing assumes Soleil did not inherit the Troubadour class tree from her mother.

C Support

Forrest: Oh no! My glove—it's blowing away!
Soleil: I've got it! Here you go, cutie.
Forrest: Thank you! I stopped for tea, but I can't believe how windy it is! ...Uh, Soleil? Why are you staring like that? It's my hair, isn't it? Ugh! I knew it. The wind's ruined me!
Soleil: Your hair's fine! Actually, it's more than fine. I've been meaning to ask you... How DO you get those adorable curls? They're too cute!
Forrest: Oh, well, thank you. It's easy! While my hair is wet, I pin each section into place. Once my hair dries—instant ringlets!
Soleil: No!
Forrest: Yes!
Soleil: Haha, nice try! You use some kind of magic on your hair. That's cool. Heehee!
Forrest: I do not!
Soleil: Don't freak out! I won't tell anyone! I knew it! No one has hair THAT cute. You've got a special stave just for hairdos. Will you show me sometime? Please?!
Forrest: *sigh* Soleil, I told you! I am not using magic!
Soleil: Cool. I'll stop by later. *wink* It will be our little secret!

B Support

Soleil: Oh, look! It's Forrest's bag. Hmm... Let me dig through here...
Forrest: Soleil! What are you doing?!
Soleil: Oh, uh...hi, Forrest! I was just searching for the secret to your super-cute hair. ...And I think I just found it! Aha! It wasn't a stave. It was a potion!
Forrest: That's not a potion. That's a bottle of shampoo! Perhaps you've heard of it?
Soleil: No way! This stuff smells a-mazing—like it's made of roses and pegasus tears!
Forrest: You're right about the roses. It's very expensive, so please—put that back!
Soleil: Huh. It's regular shampoo? You're not washing your hair with magic? Then how do you get it like that?! *gasp* Oh! I just figured it out. Your hair's fake!
Forrest: It is not fake!
Soleil: Can I touch your wig? Please?!
Forrest: You may touch my hair, but I told you—it's NOT a wig!
Soleil: Wow. It's so silky. That's amazing! It feels real...if real hair could feel THAT soft!
Forrest: Thank you, I think. Soleil?! What are you doing?! Ow! Ow, ow, ow!
Soleil: Whoa. Your wig is so firmly attached! How do you do that?
Forrest: They're called roots!
Soleil: What?! This is your real hair?! I could've sworn it was a wig! Oh, Forrest. I'm so sorry. I tugged really hard just now. I bet that hurt!
Forrest: It did! But that's OK, Soleil. I forgive you.
Soleil: You do?
Forrest: Yes. I know you meant it as a compliment.
Soleil: That's true. I did! I've never met anyone with such pretty hair before. I didn't think it was possible. ...Sometimes I wish I could have cute hair too.
Forrest: Are you serious? But you have such thick, gorgeous tresses!
Soleil: Thanks, but I never do anything special to it. I wear this same headband every day.
Forrest: Is that what this is all about? I'd be happy to teach you how to curl your hair.
Soleil: Really?! Awww! I'd love that!
Forrest: Great! It will only take a few hours, so I'll see you tomorrow morning around five.
Soleil: WHAT?! You get up at five just to do your hair?!
Forrest: Yep! Beauty like this takes time! I'll see you bright and early!

A Support

Soleil: *yawn* Thanks again for fixing my hair, Forrest! I still can't believe you get up this early every morning! That's crazy!
Forrest: It's nothing. While my curls set, I mend and press my outfit. All this travel is hard on clothing! If you don't take care of things, they won't last.
Soleil: I never thought about that before.
Forrest: I can tell. ...Now, let's see. I'm almost done with the back. You have a LOT of hair. So many girls would be jealous of your thick, shiny locks! Did you know that?
Soleil: Really?
Forrest: Yes! I'm going to unpin this back section and see how your curls are turning out. ...Oh dear.
Soleil: What's wrong?
Forrest: Nothing.
Soleil: Forrest! You just said, "Oh dear." That doesn't sound like nothing!
Forrest: Well, it's I didn't expect it to turn out quite so...frizzy.
Soleil: Huh? Let me see that mirror! If you hold the other one like so, I can see the back— ACK! Forrest! What did you do to me?! I look like a...a...
Forrest: You look like a poodle! I'm SO sorry, Soleil. I don't know what happened.
Soleil: Well, I know what happened! You made me get up at dawn to look like this!
Forrest: I apologize. If I find you the right hat, it will be OK. Accessories make the look!
Soleil: It's my fault. I'm the one who dragged you into this. I should've left you and your super-cute hair alone.
Forrest: Don't say that!
Soleil: But I've done nothing but annoy you! And now, look at me! I better go shower.
Forrest: Here. Take this.
Soleil: Forrest, I can't use this! It's your expensive shampoo!
Forrest: I want you to use it. If you can't have curls, at least your hair will smell like roses. Besides, your hair's already lovely. I should've left it alone.
Soleil: Aww... Thanks, Forrest.
Forrest: For what?! I made you look terrible!
Soleil: It was really kind of you to help me, and we had some good bonding time. Now that I think about's sort of funny. Heeheehee!
Forrest: You're right. *snort* Bahaha! Quick! You better run before someone sees you!
Soleil: Haha! Good idea!
Forrest: Wait up! Maybe you should borrow my hat!

S Support

Forrest: Hello, Soleil. I'm sorry again about the hair debacle! You've looked so down ever since! Maybe I can make it up to you. I'd be happy to sew you something. Perhaps you'd like a capelet like mine? Would that cheer you up?
Soleil: That's really sweet of you, Forrest, but I don't think a cape will help. I always say, "Turn that frown upside down," but sometimes that's hard to do.
Forrest: I see. You're disappointed about your hair. I don't know why. It's beautiful straight!
Soleil: Oh, that's not it! I'm bummed because you won't want to hang out with me anymore. My curls and I are hopeless!
Forrest: Why would you say that? There are other things we could do besides hair!
Soleil: Really? I thought someone super-cute like you would have tons of friends already.
Forrest: I have friends, but I've always got room for one more.
Soleil: And what if I don't want to be your friend?
Forrest: Oh! Well, in that case, I'll just be on my way...
Soleil: No! Wait! I didn't mean it like that. What if I want to be MORE than your friend?
Forrest: Huh?
Soleil: You know that I have a thing for super cute girls, right?
Forrest: Right...but you know that I'm...a...
Soleil: A super-cute man dressed like a girl? Yep! I know. Totally adorable!
Forrest: Well, Soleil, I think you're pretty adorable too.
Soleil: Really?
Forrest: Yes! You have so much energy. When you show up, you light up the whole room. I don't even mind all of the hair pulling and the shampoo stealing...
Soleil: Wait a minute! You said I could borrow it!
Forrest: I'm teasing! In fact, I have a gift for you. I got you your very own bottle.
Soleil: What?! For me? You mean, I can smell like roses all the time?
Forrest: Yes! I have a thing for super-cute girls too, you know.
Soleil: Aww... Thanks, Forrest! You really know how to make a girl feel special.
Forrest: Anytime!


Small portrait soleil fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait ignatius fe14.png
3 pts.
7 pts.
11 pts.
16 pts.
Additional class tree:
Via Partner Seal: Knight (Great Knight or General)
Click here to find Soleil's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 defense +2.png Defense +2 Knight, starting from level 13
Is 3ds02 natural cover.png Natural Cover Knight, starting from level 14
Is 3ds02 luna.png Luna Great Knight, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 armored blow.png Armored Blow Great Knight, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 wary fighter.png Wary Fighter General, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 pavise.png Pavise General, starting from level 15

C Support

Soleil: Aww, look at all those cute girls. Just frolicking without a care in the world. *sigh*
Ignatius: Soleil? What are you doing?
Soleil: Shh! Keep your voice down, Ignatius! They'll run away if you're too loud!
Ignatius: Um, your "shh" was way louder than anything I said...
Soleil: Whatever. Just SHUT UP.
Ignatius: Are you...hunting something?
Soleil: You could say that. Heehee!
Ignatius: Wait a second. Are you hunting those girls down there? What exactly do you have in mind?
Soleil: Nothing! ... OK, fine, I was going to sneak up on one of them and pinch her as hard as I can. Is that so wrong?
Ignatius: Yes. Yes, I believe that that is wrong.
Soleil: Bah, you just don't know how to have fun. I should pinch YOU sometime. You know, I've never even seen you smile.
Ignatius: That can't be true. Can it?

B Support

Soleil: Wait, come back! Nooooo!
Ignatius: Soleil, are you stalking and scaring off random girls again?
Soleil: It's not stalking! But yeah, they keep getting scared away. Anyway, what's with the face you're making? It's so creepy!
Ignatius: Really? I thought I was making a normal face. You seem like you're always smiling. How do you do that?
Soleil: Aww, thanks for noticing! I always try to keep a smile on my face. After all, it's hard to be in a bad mood when you're smiling. Why don't you try it?
Ignatius: Do you smile even in the face of sadness and fear?
Soleil: Yeah! It's like punching sadness in the face. Take that, sadness! Yah!
Ignatius: Well, that's pretty impressive. I have a hard time staying positive when I'm sad.
Soleil: All you need is a little practice. Let's give it a try right now! Just raise the corners of your mouth higher. Like this. See?
Ignatius: Like this?
Soleil: Er, not quite.
Ignatius: *sigh*
Soleil: Don't worry. I'll help you practice. Because that other face you made is just... Let's not even talk about it.
Ignatius: Sorry. And thanks.

A Support

Ignatius: Cheese. How's that?
Soleil: Better! You've come a long way, Ignatius!
Ignatius: Yeah? I don't look as intimidating?
Soleil: Not at all. Smile with confidence, my friend. If I had one criticism... I'd say that you should avoid saying "cheese" every time you smile.
Ignatius: This whole smiling thing is harder than it looks. But thank you for your help.
Soleil: Aww, I haven't done much. You've got a great smile—you've just got to learn how to use it! And how to hide away that scary, scowly face forever.
Ignatius: Heh...
Soleil: What? What's so funny?
Ignatius: Nothing. It's just strange how smiles work, isn't it? When I see you smiling, it makes me want to smile. Isn't that kind of amazing?
Soleil: Really? That's probably the best compliment I've ever gotten. But your smile makes me want to smile too. Let me see it again!
Ignatius: Cheese.
Soleil: Bwahaha! You said "cheese" again!
Ignatius: Did I? Gah, I was trying so hard not to...

S Support

Ignatius: Soleil...
Soleil: Ignatius? Gah, you're making that face again!
Ignatius: Sorry. I'm just nervous.
Soleil: What's wrong? Something on your mind?
Ignatius: Well, yes...
Soleil: Remember, a smile is a punch to the face of unhappiness! So, rear back and sock it to your sad feelings!
Ignatius: Thanks, Soleil. You always cheer me up.
Soleil: Boom, just like that! Gosh, you're sure handsome when you smile. Anyway, what's on your mind?
Ignatius: Well, I have something for you. It's not much, but here it is.
Soleil: Aww, thanks! But why a sunflower?
Ignatius: Because this flower follows the direction of the sun, and it reminds me of you. When people see flowers like these, they smile. It's the same kind of effect you have on people.
Soleil: Ignatius, please. I'm very flattered, but comparing me to this beautiful flower? It's too much. You're making me blush!
Ignatius: I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable.
Soleil: It's OK. This is a sweet gift, and I'm so grateful for your compliment. Thank you, Ignatius. Dang, I don't have anything for you in return. Talk about awkward.
Ignatius: It's OK. I don't need anything.
Soleil: Wait, I know! You can have this hairpin! One of my girlfriends gave it to me. Isn't it cute?
Ignatius: It's...a butterfly... I'm scared of butterflies.
Soleil: Oh...uh... Hoo boy, this is awkward!
Ignatius: No! I'll accept it anyway. I'll wear it with pride. And fear. But mostly pride.
Soleil: Hooray! Good for you, Ignatius! Even if I know you're going to take it off as soon as I leave, that means a lot to me.
Ignatius: You're welcome, Soleil. Your presence always helps me to smile, no matter how much I'm screaming inside.
Soleil: Good! I'm so glad I taught you how to do it!


Small portrait soleil fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait percy fe14.png
3 pts.
7 pts.
11 pts.
16 pts.
Additional class tree:
Via Partner Seal: Wyvern Rider (Wyvern Lord or Malig Knight)
Click here to find Soleil's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 strength +2.png Strength +2 Wyvern Rider, starting from level 13
Is 3ds02 lunge.png Lunge Wyvern Rider, starting from level 14
Is 3ds02 rally defense.png Rally Defense Wyvern Lord, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 swordbreaker.png Swordbreaker Wyvern Lord, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 savage blow.png Savage Blow Malig Knight, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 trample.png Trample Malig Knight, starting from level 15
This listing assumes Soleil did not inherit the Wyvern Rider class tree from her mother.

C Support

Percy: Hey! Hey, Soleil!
Soleil: Need something, Percy?
Percy: Sorta. I'll level with you... I'm looking for a mate.
Soleil: What?!
Percy: No, no, no! Not for me! For Ace!
Soleil: Ace? Your dragon?
Percy: Yep. He's about old enough to breed by now. So I'm looking around to see if I can find him a nice mate.
Soleil: OK, but why ask me?
Percy: Because you know how dating works!
Soleil: Percy, you're surrounded by people who know how to do that.
Percy: Yeah, but you're better at it than anyone else. I figured you'd know how to help Ace with his shyness. Maybe you even know some good mates that would help him come out of his shell.
Soleil: I'm not exactly running a dragon dating service, Percy.
Percy: Please! Just try! I don't know anything about this!
Soleil: All right...I'll try. But don't expect much.
Percy: Thanks, Soleil! I owe you one! That's a big load off my back...
(Percy leaves)
Soleil: So much for low expectations. Eh, whatever. I can give it a whirl, for Percy's sake!

B Support

Soleil: Ah! Percy! Did Ace hit it off with the dragon I brought by earlier? That look on your face is a "no," I'm guessing.
Percy: Sorry, Soleil. This one ran away too...
Soleil: That's the seventh one! Why is Ace so picky?!
Percy: He probably doesn't like being alone that long with a strange dragon. Must be why he snaps at them like that...
Soleil: Snaps at them?!
Percy: Everything's fine when I'm with him, but as soon as they're alone...
Soleil: That's horrible! Those poor dragons... I was trying to fix them up. But I have an idea. Percy, are you OK leaving Ace with me for a while?
Percy: What for? What are you up to...?
Soleil: I'm going to drill into his head the RIGHT way to treat a lady.
Percy: But you don't understand! Ace is special...
Soleil: Percy!!
Percy: Aaaah! All right, you can have him! Golly, Soleil, you're kinda scary today.
Soleil: Nipping at his dates, is he? I'll bring a stop to that.
Percy: Oh, OK. Sorry about all this mess, Soleil.

A Support

Soleil: Percy!
Percy: Soleil...
Soleil: How did things go with the new girl dragon I brought by? Was Ace a jerk again?
Percy: Not exactly. He didn't snap, but he was shyer than ever!
Soleil: Huh. That's weird. He seemed fine after I taught him a thing or two.
Percy: About that... What exactly did you teach him?
Soleil: How to speak to girls. That is, how to listen attentively, then speak. That's a crucial part of dating that everyone seems to get wrong.
Percy: Well, he never got around to the speaking part. She left.
Soleil: That's odd. I love it when someone truly listens on a date. I suppose it was just a bad match. Or maybe Ace is just hopeless.
Percy: Soleil!
Soleil: Ahahahaha...
Percy: This isn't funny!
Soleil: Whoa, Percy, calm down there...
Percy: I was hoping for some baby dragons. But maybe that isn't even what Ace wants.
Soleil: Maybe not.
Percy: Well, I want him to be happy no matter what. Maybe I'm rushing him. Anyway, thanks for everything, Soleil. You've helped me out a bunch.
Soleil: Sure, Percy. When the time comes, I'll be glad to share dating tips with Ace again!

S Support

Percy: Soleil, we gotta talk.
Soleil: Is finding Ace a mate on your mind again?
Percy: Nah, not this time.
Soleil: So what's the deal?
Percy: I'm looking for someone special...
Soleil: So this IS about Ace. Percy, you can't rush these things. You need to let love bloom naturally.
Percy: I wasn't talking about Ace, though. I meant me. And so I thought to ask you...
Soleil: Sure! I'll give you some tips on how to woo someone.
Percy: No, I and you...
Soleil: Are you asking me on a date?
Percy: Um, yes?
Soleil: I'm flattered, Percy, but...
Percy: See? I need dating tips even more than Ace did.
Soleil: No, you're doing fine. Very sweet. Very honest.
Percy: Really? So you'll be my wife?!
Soleil: Aaaand we're back to moving way too fast. I think that's your problem, Percy. You've got your whole life in front of you! Don't limit yourself just to the three or four ladies you already know. Consider your options some more. Chase some girls! It's fun!
Percy: Y-yeah, I see your point. about if we go on a practice date? You can show me what I'm doing wrong! Then when I meet someone I really love, I'll be ready!
Soleil: Ahaha, I think you're pretty close to ready as it is, Percy. Heehee, I just realized... You're so sweet, you never needed me to give Ace tips on how to be nice.
Percy: Hey, you're right! Neato! Speaking of Ace, he's not quite ready to start dating yet.
Soleil: Everything in due time. I hope to see him happy as a dragon can be.
Percy: Yeah. We can look after him together, Soleil!
Soleil: He'll never find better caretakers than the two of us together, that's for sure!


Small portrait soleil fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait ophelia fe14.png
3 pts.
7 pts.
11 pts.
11 pts.
Additional class tree:
Via Friendship Seal: Dark Mage (Sorcerer or Dark Knight)
Click here to find Soleil's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 heartseeker.png Heartseeker Dark Mage, starting from level 13
Is 3ds02 malefic aura.png Malefic Aura Dark Mage, starting from level 14
Is 3ds02 vengeance.png Vengeance Sorcerer, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 bowbreaker.png Bowbreaker Sorcerer, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 seal magic.png Seal Magic Dark Knight, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 lifetaker.png Lifetaker Dark Knight, starting from level 15

C Support

Ophelia: Tap...tap...tap come the demon's footfalls. Steadily she advances... Inexorably nearer with every breath... My last chance to flee has fled. The demon comes to take me…
Soleil: Haha, there you are!
Ophelia: Aieeeee!
Soleil: Why are you hiding? I've been looking high and low for you! Come on, let's go get some tea! I want to show you my favorite café. It's the perfect place to sit and talk for hours. Just you...and me.
Ophelia: Soleil...why must you always chase me around?
Soleil: Isn't it obvious? Because I'm interested in you! You and me were destined to be together! Once you finally realize it, we'll be a partnership for the ages.
Ophelia: Please...just leave me be...
Soleil: Ahaha... I'm not letting you go that easy, my cute little butterfly! Relax already! We have so much to talk about that I can't wait to get started. Heheh...ooooooh, this is gonna be good!
Ophelia: N-nooooooooo!

B Support

Ophelia: Deep breaths, can do this…
Soleil: Ahaha. Found you again! You can never hide from me for long!
Ophelia: Clearly not... Your pursuit is relentless indeed.
Soleil: That's right. And now that I've caught you, I'll finally get my chance to talk. Just the two of us...nobody else...for hours and hours...
Ophelia: Not today! For I am no longer a fragile butterfly, powerless before your onslaught. I saw this moment coming and prepared a special spell for the occasion! With a flick of the wrist...and a click of the tongue... Hah!
Soleil: What the—?!
(Soleil leaves)
Ophelia: How did I get over here? What's wrong with my voice? What happened to me?!
Soleil: Excellent. The spell worked perfectly.
Ophelia: Holy— That's me! I'm standing in front of myself! What's going on here?!
Soleil: Teeheehee. Surprised, Soleil? It's a bit of magic I found in an old grimoire...a body-switching spell. Now I inhabit your body, and you mine.
Ophelia: Huh! Sure enough. I'm...I'm you!
Soleil: Even you would lose interest in chasing your own body. Victory is mine! Now, let us discuss the terms for me dismissing the spell...
Ophelia: Heh...heeheehee...I'm in your body... It's too cute! This is too amazing!
Soleil: Hm...?
Ophelia: Now I don't need to chase you—I AM you! I've gotta go find a private place with a mirror! Heeheeheehee!
(Ophelia leaves)
Soleil: WHAT?! S-Soleil! Wait! Let's talk this over!
(Ophelia leaves)
Ophelia: Hey! It's Odin and my dad! Check it out, Dad! I turned into Ophelia!
(Ophelia leaves)
Soleil: Aaaaaaaaahhhhhhh! Don't you dare talk to my father while you're in my body! This is becoming a nightmare... I don't have any choice left. A click of the tongue...a flick of the wrist...HAH!
Soleil: Heeheehuh? Aw, man. I knew it was too good to last...
Ophelia: *sigh*...
Soleil: Ophelia? Did you end the spell already? I was just getting warmed up!
Ophelia: Soleil, you dunderhead!
Soleil: What did I do?!
Ophelia: I thought surely that spell would make you see the error of your ways. My plan was to have you swear not to chase me as a condition for restoring you. THEN maybe we could be normal friends!
Soleil: Uh...
Ophelia: But'll never change, I suppose. You'll never listen to my pleas... You'll always hound me, try as I might to hide. W-well, see if I care! *sniff* *sob*
(Ophelia leaves)
Soleil: O-Ophelia... ...I think I messed up somewhere.

A Support

Soleil: Ophelia... Um...I wanted to apologize. I'm really sorry for how I acted. I kept doing what you told me not to. I should have listened to you.
Ophelia: ...
Soleil: I really like you, Ophelia. I think you're supercool. You're confident in yourself, and you never flinch or falter in battle. That's why I wanted to sit down and talk with you. That's all I wanted, really... But I was so nervous, all my invitations came out wrong. I'm really sorry. I promise I won't do that to you again. So please...if it's all right with you, I still want to be your friend.
Ophelia: ...
Soleil: I...guess it's not all right. OK.
Ophelia: My father told me about your father.
Soleil: Huh?
Ophelia: Laslow has fought side by side with my father many times. My father called him a steadfast comrade- in-arms. And I always felt...that maybe one day, you and I would be the same way. I believed the stars had aligned to bind our fates together.
Soleil: Aw, Ophelia...
Ophelia: I looked forward to meeting you even before I came to this world. But when at last we did were such an embarrassment... Not at all like the comrade-in-arms that I had imagined you to be.
Soleil: Oh. I'm...I'm sorry...
Ophelia: No... I blame myself. I made you out to be something you're not. You only ever saw me as I am... But when I looked at you, I compared you to the ideal I had in my mind. When I think back, you never said you wanted anything more from me than to talk. I was the one who ran from you, refusing to listen to what you were saying. So if anyone should apologize, it's me.
Soleil: I dunno...maybe I won't be the kind of partner you had in mind... But I'd love to get closer to you anyway!
Ophelia: But don't you see? We already are closer than we realized. Real friends don't need to work so hard to get each other's approval. I want that to be us: easy and comfortable with one another.
Soleil: Really?! That would be wonderful... I hope you can learn to like me just the way I am.
Ophelia: I'm confident that I will. The stars wouldn't lie, would they? I feel their twinkling in my deepest self and know, with absolute certainty... great things will come of us.
Soleil: Wow...that's really cool.
Ophelia: Hmhmhmhm...what else would one expect from the chosen maiden? Now then, shall we go?
Soleil: Go where?
Ophelia: To that tea shop you were going on about. We'll sit down, just the two of us, and have a nice, long chat.
Soleil: Ophelia! Are you for real? Somebody— pinch me! This is why I love you!
Ophelia: Hmhmhm...for the first time, I'm happy to hear you say that.

A+ support


Small portrait soleil fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait nina fe14.png
3 pts.
7 pts.
11 pts.
11 pts.
Additional class tree:
Via Friendship Seal: Outlaw (Adventurer or [[{{{supportadv2}}}]])
Click here to find Soleil's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 locktouch.png Locktouch Outlaw, starting from level 13
Is 3ds02 movement +1.png Movement +1 Outlaw, starting from level 14
Is 3ds02 lucky seven.png Lucky Seven Adventurer, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 pass.png Pass Adventurer, starting from level 15

C Support

Nina: Oh, look at those cute guys wrestling... I could watch this forever.
Soleil: Oh, look at those cute girls sparring... I could watch this forever.
Nina: Soleil?
Soleil: Nina?
Nina: What are you doing here?
Soleil: Heh, you caught me. I was checking out those girls over there.
Nina: Oh. That's weird.
Soleil: Oh yeah? Well, what are YOU doing? Weren't you checking out those guys?
Nina: So?!
Soleil: Looks like we're even. Though the show I was watching was far more interesting.
Nina: How can you say that? Look at those guys! What if they accidentally kissed? Hnnngg...
Nina: Gah! Why did you shout that? Now they DEFINITELY heard us. See? They're leaving.
Soleil: Oh great, now the girls are leaving too.
Nina: You know what I'd like? If YOU went away and left me alone!
Soleil: Same to you, lady.
Nina: Ugh!
Soleil: Bah!

B Support

Nina: So, we meet again, Soleil.
Soleil: Oh, it's you.
Nina: Let me guess. You're planning on spying on the girls at practice again, right?
Soleil: Well, I wouldn't call it spying. More like... people watching. But yes. And I suppose you'll be ogling that group of guys, hoping they'll start smooching?
Nina: That's right. It makes me happy.
Soleil: Well then.
Nina: Hmph.
Soleil: You know what? This is actually a chance for you to see how cute and wonderful girls are!
Nina: Likewise, you could learn a thing or two about the charms of men!
Soleil: OK, so first of all...girls smell AMAZING. Not like stinky boys.
Nina: Stinky? All right, maybe a little bit. But one of the amazing things about guys is the purity of their relationships. If a couple of guys are best friends, they'll do anything for each other.
Soleil: But...guys are so... What's the opposite of soft and curvy?
Nina: I think you're thinking of sinewy and muscular. Yep. Mmm hmm.
Soleil: Well, this hasn't been very productive.
Nina: No, I suppose not.
Soleil: That's too bad. For a minute there, I was sure you'd join me on the girl bandwagon.
Nina: Maybe it's not something one can be talked into...
Soleil: Maybe not. But it was kind of fun to try.
Nina: Yeah...weird!
Soleil: Hee, hee! Well, I guess I'll see you here again tomorrow.
Nina: You better believe it!

A Support

Soleil: Here's the thing, Nina. A pretty girl's smile can light up the entire world.
Nina: But, Soleil...the smile that a man gives another man is so carefree and pure. Doesn't it just make your heart race?
Soleil: Hmm...
Nina: *sigh*
Soleil: Once again, we're just going around in circles.
Nina: Yeah... It's a shame we can't seem to come to an understanding.
Soleil: I think we're just going to have to agree to disagree, don't you think?
Nina: Oh yes, I agree with that.
Soleil: *sigh*
Nina: *sigh*
Soleil: You know, maybe we're not so different after all.
Nina: We like different things...but we have the same kind of passion.
Soleil: Ha! That's exactly it.
Nina: Hee, hee! Why are we being so silly?
Soleil: Beats me. You know what? I really don't mind hearing more about guys.
Nina: Oh, I'd love to share some of my silly little daydreams with you. And I want to hear more about what makes girls so fascinating. Maybe daydreaming about girls would be a fun change of pace...
Soleil: Yeah! I'm glad we're friends now, Nina.
Nina: Me too, Soleil. Now, let's focus on what's really important... Spying—I mean, people watching!

A+ support


Small portrait soleil fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait kiragi fe14.png
3 pts.
7 pts.
11 pts.
16 pts.
This support is only available in the Revelation campaign.
Additional class tree:
Via Partner Seal: Archer (Kinshi Knight or Sniper)
Click here to find Soleil's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 skill +2.png Skill +2 Kinshi Knight or Sniper, starting from level 2
Is 3ds02 quick draw.png Quick Draw Kinshi Knight or Sniper, starting from level 3
Is 3ds02 air superiority.png Air Superiority Kinshi Knight, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 amaterasu.png Amaterasu Kinshi Knight, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 certain blow.png Certain Blow Sniper, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 bowfaire.png Bowfaire Sniper, starting from level 15
This listing assumes Soleil did not inherit the Archer class tree from her mother.

C Support

Kiragi: Soleil! Hey!
Soleil: Oh! Did you need me, Kiragi?
Kiragi: I just had to tell you something! Ready? Here goes... You're tops, Soleil!
Soleil: I'm what?
Kiragi: Tops! The very best! I see what good friends you are with all those girls.
Soleil: Heh, yeah. I like to think I am.
Kiragi: All the guys I know are more into fighting with each other. It's all one big contest to see who can be the toughest man.
Soleil: Oh yeah? Where do you stand in the pecking order?
Kiragi: Welllll...I kinda don't. I always end up trying to make friends instead, heehee.
Soleil: Haha, yeah, that sounds more like you.
Kiragi: But you get along with all the girls, and that makes you amazing! You must be pretty mature and considerate to pull that off.
Soleil: Welllll...that would be one way of doing it... But I'm just really dedicated to hanging out with as many girls as possible. That's all there is to it. Nothing amazing about that.
Kiragi: Oh... Well, it still amazes me at how good you are at seeing how other people feel!
Soleil: That's really nice of you to say. Thanks, Kiragi!
Kiragi: Heehee. Thanks for thanking me!

B Support

Soleil: *sigh* I'm taking this even harder than I thought I would. But I need to grin and bear it—literally. If I don't keep a smile on my face, it'll just bring everyone else down! OK, I think I've got it together. Now to keep it up for the rest of the day!
Kiragi: Awww, Soleil...
Soleil: Huh? What's got you down, Kiragi?
Kiragi: I heard the news. One of your friends in the army decided to quit, huh?
Soleil: Word sure travels fast around here.
Kiragi: How come she's leaving?
Soleil: One of her family's sick, and they need her to help care for them. Nothing any of us can do about it except to wish her luck.
Kiragi: Dang. That's a real shame. It must be hard for you, having to say good-bye to a close friend so suddenly. I know what that's like... I'll never see the friends I grew up with in my Deeprealm again, after all.
Soleil: That's rough...
Kiragi: But it won't be that bad for you, right? She's just going home! You can be pen pals. If you keep in touch, I'm sure you'll meet again someday!
Soleil: Kiragi...
Kiragi: I didn't mean to overhear the other stuff you said just now, but I kinda did... About making yourself smile so you don't make anyone worry. It's amazing that you have the strength to do that!
Soleil: Gosh... Thanks, Kiragi. That actually cheered me up a lot! You're right. I'll see her again someday— I know it! Believing that will make it easier for me to see her go.
Kiragi: That's the spirit!
Soleil: The cloud over my head clears right up with you cheering me on. I feel like I could take on the world!
Kiragi: Yeah! Hahaha! Let's see that sunny smile!
Soleil: Of course!

A Support

Soleil: Thanks again for cheering me up the other day, Kiragi.
Kiragi: Don't mention it. I'm glad to see you looking chipper again.
Soleil: I wanted to ask you, though... You said you miss your friends from the Deeprealm. How did you get over that?
Kiragi: Well, only one thing TO do. I worked as hard as I could at making new friends!
Soleil: New friends...
Kiragi: I miss the old ones a lot, and I get sad when I think about them, but... My new friends are so great, I can't complain!
Soleil: Not many people could be as positive as you about it. Do you think I could be like that, if I practiced?
Kiragi: I know you could! Besides, don't you see what a perfect chance this is?
Soleil: A chance to do what?
Kiragi: Sure, you had to say good-bye to someone you cared about. But! Bonding over that helped you and me to become better friends, right?
Soleil: Huh! That's a good way of looking at it.
Kiragi: Heehee. I hope we'll be friends for a long, long time.
Soleil: Yeah...same here. Thanks for being such a good buddy, Kiragi.

S Support

Kiragi: Soleil! Wait up! I gotta talk to you.
Soleil: Hmm?
Kiragi: I've been thinking about this for a while. And something finally clicked with me, and I gotta get it out.
Soleil: O-OK...
Kiragi: You know I think you're amazing, right? Gosh, I've said it a hundred times probably. And you know how much I love being friends with you.
Soleil: I...I sense a "but" coming...
Kiragi: No way! Soleil, I have to tell you—I'm crazy about you!
Soleil: I like you a lot too!
Kiragi: Maybe it's our friendship getting deeper. Or maybe that's why I wanted to be friends with you to begin with. Either way, I care about you a whole lot.
Soleil: Wow, Kiragi! I care about you a lot, too. I've always thought of you as one of my best friends.
Kiragi: Really?!
Soleil: In a different way than the girls, too. You don't make my heart race faster like they do... But you always cheer me up and support me, and you're just nice to be around. I think about you a lot, trying to come up with ways to make you feel like that too.
Kiragi: Haha, you don't have to think that hard. I already feel that way with you!
Soleil: It's a nice feeling, isn't it?
Kiragi: Totally!
Soleil: I don't think that's ever going to change. As far as I'm concerned, you'll ALWAYS be my best buddy.
Kiragi: Yessss! I'm SO glad to hear you say that! And I'll always be yours too, of course.
Soleil: You and me, Kiragi. Friends forever!


Small portrait soleil fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait asugi fe14.png
3 pts.
7 pts.
11 pts.
16 pts.
This support is only available in the Revelation campaign.
This support does not give Soleil access to another class tree via Partner Seal.
(The class tree that would have been given, Ninja, is already available to Soleil as her own secondary class tree).
As this support does not give Soleil access to an additional class tree, this support does not give Soleil access to additional skills.

C Support

Soleil: Hmmm...
Asugi: You want something, Soleil?
Soleil: *sniff* *sniff* Is that candy I smell? You're hiding some in your pouch, aren't you? Now I see why all the girls in camp go gaga over you.
Asugi: What's with that sour look? Are you after my sweets, too? I don't mind sharing. I just made a fresh batch of hard candy, in fact.
Soleil: Whoa! Thanks a ton! I LOVE jawbreakers! Hang on... Oh no you don't! You're not getting off that easy! We're going to have it out, right here, until you admit it... You've been plying all the girls in the army with your irresistible sweets, huh?!
Asugi: Huh?! That's crazy talk!
Soleil: Oh yeah? Then explain why all I hear from my girlfriends is "Asugi" this and "Asugi" that! They can't get enough of your chocolates and suckers—they say they're "divine." You've got them hooked on your candy!
Asugi: I didn't know they were that into it. I'm honored.
Soleil: You pig...
Asugi: Huh?
Soleil: All they think about are your lousy sweets, even though I'm RIGHT THERE! It's so frustrating... I can't believe I'm fighting for their attention and LOSING! I tried sweetening the tea until it makes me gag, but nothing works! Am I yesterday's news? Tossed out so they can rot their teeth with candy bars?!
Asugi: Geez, you whine a lot.
Soleil: Fine! I know what side my bread's buttered on! If I can't beat you, I'll join you!
Asugi: Uh...
Soleil: I'll make my OWN candy and pass it around, just like I know you do! Then we'll see who the girls swoon for!
Asugi: Heh. Trying to beat me at my own game, huh? It's on now. But remember, making quality candy is an art. And I am an artist. You talk a good game, but you'll find it's not so easy to pull off.
Soleil: Heheh. I see what you're doing, and I won't be scared off. Soon enough, it'll be YOU tossed aside like day-old cake. And don't come crying to me when it happens!

B Support

Soleil: Arrrrrrghhhhhh! ASUGI!
Asugi: Is there a problem, Soleil? Urgh...what is that burning smell?! Hey, whoa, get away from me!
Asugi: What am I looking at? A black lump? Have you been mining coal?
Soleil: No! This was SUPPOSED to be the hard candy you were making.
Asugi: That doesn't look like any candy I've ever seen. What recipe were you using...?
Soleil: That's what I wanna know! I made it just the way you did when I was spying on you! I was careful to follow every step exactly like I saw you doing it. dream of winning over all the girls with delicious candy... It's turned to horrible slag, just like this gross, black un-candy.
Asugi: Speaking of which, PLEASE throw that thing away. It's making me retch.
Soleil: I dunno. I hate to see all my hard work go to waste.
Asugi: I hate to break it to you, but we're long past that point. Any girl you offer THAT to might not ever speak to you again. Besides, you don't have the first idea about how to hide it. If you keep the candy under your armpit, not only will it break, it'll smell terrible.
Soleil: Huh, good point. Though I think that might actually have improved this batch.
Asugi: Face it, Soleil. Your candy is never going to be a hit with the ladies.
Soleil: *sigh* You're probably right.
Asugi: Heh... You always seemed pretty sharp on the battlefield. I wouldn't have expected you to flounder this hard at simple baking.
Soleil: You think I'm a good fighter?
Asugi: Sure. I think so, anyway. I can't count how many times you've saved me out there. It probably comes naturally to you. And that's how you should approach those girls you like, too. Don't force yourself to use my technique. Just do what comes naturally.
Soleil: That's good advice. I'll remember that!
Asugi: All that aside, do you still want to learn to make candy?
Soleil: Hmmm...sure, why not!
Asugi: OK. I'll teach you for real so you don't have to crib off what you think I'm doing. I owe you that much from battle.
Soleil: Really?! Whoa, thanks! I take back all that stuff I said. You're a swell guy after all!
Asugi: Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! Get your hands off me! You've still got that horrible gunk on you, and I don't want that stuff on my clothes!
Soleil: Whoops! Lemme change real quick.
Asugi: Not HERE! Ugh! I wasn't planning on using my ninjutsu today, but here we are. Hrah!
(Asugi leaves)
Soleil: Huh? Where'd Asugi go? Asugi? Hellooooooo? *sniff* Hmm, there's a burned smell fading behind me. That would explain it...

A Support

Soleil: Asugi, I did it! See for yourself! The sweets smell really, really good!
Asugi: Nicely done. Now all you have to do is chill them, wrap them up, and hide them in your clothes.
Soleil: It's weird. The longer I look at these, the less I can believe I made them. So you think the girls will like these, do you?
Asugi: Oh yeah. They'll be falling all over themselves for your sweets.
Soleil: And you're not saying that to flatter me?
Asugi: On my honor. If I was one of your girls, I'd be drooling right now. ...Sorry, that got away from me. You know what I mean.
Soleil: Hahah, understood. You know, I think I'm going to stop copying you once I get your candy recipe down.
Asugi: What? But you tried so hard.
Soleil: Not as hard as you did. You act cold, but you're really nice. You did so much to help me. Those girls who I thought were only after your candy... I think now they were really attracted to what a good guy you are. So even if I somehow made better candy than you could, it wouldn't help.
Asugi: This is great. Keep those compliments coming. You're falling for me too now, huh?
Soleil: Ahaha, please! Let's not get ahead of ourselves. Maybe if you were a little cuter...but sadly, you're not my type.
Asugi: Hah...I should have known.
Soleil: Thanks, Asugi. You taught me something more important than how to make candy. I'm going to win those girls over in my own way!
Asugi: That's how it's done. You can't go through life down someone else's path. It wouldn't have meant anything if those girls fell for a recipe that I taught you.
Soleil: All the same, I got you something as thanks for today.
Asugi: Oh yeah? What'd you... Soleil! This is... I don't know what to say!
Soleil: It's the weekly special pastry from the town's best bakery.
Asugi: You got this just for me?! Soleil, you're my favorite person in the whole world! No joke, no flattery, I could kiss you right now.
Soleil: Heheh, looks like waking up early to get in line paid off. That's the kind of effort I need to put in to win those girls' hearts, too... Not copying anyone else, but coming up with my own ideas! I can't wait!

S Support

Asugi: I've been hearing interesting things about you from the girls around camp. They're talking about how much fun it is to go out with Soleil.
Soleil: No way! You're not pulling my leg, right?
Asugi: Nope. You know all the best places in town to go for sweets.
Soleil: Ahaha, I might have you to thank for that. I had to try a bunch of places when I was out shopping for those pastries for you.
Asugi: It's not just the girls, mind you. I hear things from the guys, too. They're all impressed at how good you are in battle.
Soleil: Yeah? Well, that's not as exciting. Let's go back to how into me the girls are.
Asugi: I...I'm serious, Soleil. You've got a lot of people interested in you.
Soleil: Hah, you say that like it's a bad thing. it? Asugi...
Asugi: ...
Soleil: Are you jealous that I've stolen your thunder?
Asugi: No!
Soleil: Hmm, true, I did stop stealing your act. Then what's got you so upset?
Asugi: *sigh* All right, I'll stop beating around the bush. I'm worried you'll get so caught up in one of them that you won't have time for me.
Soleil: What?
Asugi: I dunno... I'd miss you. We'd just gotten to be friends, and I hate the idea of losing that. We haven't even been to a candy store together! I have so much to show you! I have fun hanging out with you. I know you like spending time with me, too. And I'm worried you'll forget about that as soon as the next cute girl comes along.
Soleil: Asugi...
Asugi: I don't care if it sounds silly. I had to get it off my chest.
Soleil: It does sound ridiculous! For cripes' sake, Asugi... To hear you talk, it's impossible to have more than one friend at once. Why would hanging out with the girls mean I couldn't spend time with you?
Asugi: wouldn't ditch me? Even if you found a girlfriend?
Soleil: No way. You're too good a friend to abandon like that!
Asugi: Whew!
Soleil: I can't believe we're even having this conversation.
Asugi: Heh...I do feel a little silly, now that it's all out in the open. But it's good we talked about it. Now I know for sure you'll stick with me. I'll never doubt you again—I promise.
Soleil: You'd better not! If there's one thing you can count on, it's me being your friend.
Asugi: Yeah.
Soleil: Now then...what were you saying about a tour of the sweetshops in town?


Small portrait soleil fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait mitama fe14.png
3 pts.
7 pts.
11 pts.
11 pts.
This support is only available in the Revelation campaign.
Additional class tree:
Via Friendship Seal: Shrine Maiden (Onmyoji or Priestess)
Click here to find Soleil's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 miracle.png Miracle Shrine Maiden, starting from level 13
Is 3ds02 rally luck.png Rally Luck Shrine Maiden, starting from level 14
Is 3ds02 rally magic.png Rally Magic Onmyoji, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 tomefaire.png Tomefaire Onmyoji, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 renewal.png Renewal Priestess, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 countermagic.png Countermagic Priestess, starting from level 15

C Support

Soleil: Hey, Mitama! Your outfit today is super cute. Where do you find those...?
Mitama: Ah, Soleil. Nothing pleases me more than to see you in good health.
Soleil: Really? Awwww. I'm touched that you care so much.
Mitama: It was an exchange of pleasantries. Nothing more.
Soleil: Heehee! You make even rejection sound so polite. Would you like to have tea together sometime? I know a place.
Mitama: Leave me here in peace / Solitude is my delight / Sweet tranquility.
Soleil: Whoops, sorry. Just remember, though! I knew from the moment I saw you that we had to share a cup of tea together!
Mitama: Hmm. I'm unused to such bold geniality. Your sweet, honeyed words / Are as ash upon my tongue / I care for them not. I'm not the most sociable person, Soleil.
Soleil: Really? You seem pretty great to me. I can't help taking a liking to you, Mitama. You're like a sparkly thing.
Mitama: A sparkly...thing?
Soleil: Yeah! I'm no poet obviously. But I like that you are. The way you break into poetry—that's awesome!
Mitama: Hmpf. Awesome.
Soleil: Hey, what'd I say? I didn't mean it as an insult! You're even less sparkly. Come on—tell me another one of your poems.
Mitama: Sorry. Not now. I don't feel that I have another "awesome" poem in me today.

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Soleil: *swoon*
(Soleil leaves)
Mitama: ...
(Mitama leaves)
Soleil: *wistful sigh*
(Soleil leaves)
Mitama: It has not escaped my notice how closely you've clung to my side of late, Soleil. What, pray tell, is your motive for this?
Soleil: And it's just like I said before. I like hearing your awesome poems!
Mitama: Your words make my ears hurt. The ocean is vast / Many words swim within it / Yours flop and flounder.
Soleil: So cutting... I guess I should tell you the truth about why I want to hear your poetry.
Mitama: Please, continue.
Soleil: Poetry is about rhythm and stuff, right? Well, so is dancing. Which I stink at. Poetry will help me get the rhythm. And your poetry, Mitama, has such perfect rhythm...
Mitama: You think so? Understanding you / Is a rainbow from the clouds / It's a rare surprise.
Soleil: So since your poetry has such a nice rhythm... I was thinking if I could learn to do that, it might help me with my dancing!
Mitama: You've been dogging my heels because... you want to learn to write poetry?
Soleil: Exactly!
Mitama: that's it. Shared love of haiku / Pupil approaches master / A new friend is made.
Soleil: Huh?
Mitama: If that's what you were after, you should have made yourself clear! I will take you on as an apprentice.
Soleil: Apprentice in what?
Mitama: In poetry, of course! Anyone who desires to find their inner poet is welcome to study at my feet.
Soleil: asking me to write a poem? By myself? That's a pretty tall order to start off with.
Mitama: Ah, but you have me to oversee your first halting steps into the world of the poetic. Let the grand lesson commence!
Soleil: Right now?!
Mitama: But of course! Unless you are opposed to learning...?
Soleil: Who, me? N-never... If you're willing to step up and teach me, how can I say no? Though, um...maybe we can start some other time?
Mitama: No! We must strike while the iron is hot! Let us waste no time! We will not part until I am satisfied with your progress for today. Haiku is fleeting / Though one studies all her life / Still she yearns for more.
Soleil: Ugh, this sounds really hard. I hope I don't regret this...

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Soleil: Mitama, I came to say I'm sorry.
Mitama: Hmm? What are you apologizing for?
Soleil: We've been having these poetry jams for a while now, and I'm no better than ever. I guess there's no hope for a terminal case of rhythm loss.
Mitama: Ah, yes...I, too, was struck dumb by your ineptitude.
Soleil: A-aren't you supposed to tell me I can make it if I keep trying?
Mitama: You have no sense of imagery or metaphor. And no matter how many times I remind you, you utterly neglect the syllable count. Meter and scansion / Many feelings in few words / This is poetry.
Soleil: Wow, don't hold back or anything... Look, Mitama, I know you tried, but you're wasting your time with me. I can't do it. What a burden I've placed on your pure heart... See its gravity pull on your brow... It's a grave offense against art I've committed today.
Mitama: ... Such pearls spill effortlessly from your lips, yet a pen is lead in your hands... You are a profound mystery to me.
Soleil: I don't think I'm going to sprout a sense of rhythm, even studying with you. Sorry for following you around to hear your beautiful words. I'll cut that out.
Mitama: That was the least of my concerns.
Soleil: don't mind?
Mitama: You could stick closer to me than my own shadow, and I would think no less of you. I would forgive much in someone sincerely trying to take up poetry.
Soleil: That's so nice of you!
Mitama: As long as you have not abandoned the path of the poet, I will be your mentor. Through our time together, you may find yourself improving, inch by inch. Obstacles abound / But only one path's futile / The road abandoned.
Soleil: Mitama...I knew it! That's just the encouragement I needed to keep at it!
Mitama: Hmhmhm...that was my hope.
Soleil: I thought I might learn to dance like the belle of a ball. But maybe I'll end up being an awesome poet!
Mitama: That "awesome" again...
Soleil: Sorry. Uh... Perchance I'll one day blossom into a bloom of a thousandfold poems.
Mitama: Nicely done, Soleil. Shall we get back to work?
Soleil: That might be all the poetry I have in me today. But I'll try to keep up with you, haiku master!

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