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Ss fe12 menu background 01.png

The following text is an unofficial translation by fans. There may be stylistic differences with official sources and other unofficial translations.

This page contains all data pertaining to Raigh's supports.


Raigh Portrait raigh fe06.png Initial: 1
Per turn: +2
Is gba iceaffin.png × Is gba thunderaffin.png
Portrait chad fe06.png Chad
Support Level Attack Defense Hit Avoid Critical Dodge
C 0 1 2 5 2 5
B 0 2 5 10 5 10
A 0 3 7 15 7 15

C Support

Chad: Hey! Raigh!
Raigh: ...Chad. I don't recall summoning you.
Chad: Look, I wouldn't be here if I didn't need to be.
Raigh: What do you want?
Chad: Roy... I mean Lord Roy wants to see us.
Raigh: You think I care?
Chad: P-pipe down! Don't be so loud! That Merlinus guy'll be after us again!
Raigh: You're afraid of that old geezer, aren't you?
Chad: Well, sure. He and Lord Roy are nobles.
Raigh: Ha ha. Little Chad bows down to nobles now, does he?
Chad: ...Laugh if you like. But let me say this. Nobility don't like to be opposed. Lord Roy doesn't seem like he would anger too easily, but I don't know about the others.
Raigh: ......
Chad: I don't want to see the people I care about get hurt. I know you're proud of that mouth of yours, but unless you want to be killed, keep it shut. ...I'm going. You better come, too.
Raigh: ......

B Support

Raigh: ...Hey.
Chad: ...What?
Raigh: You still steal, don't you?
Chad: I've got no choice. I can't use magic like you. My only use in this army is picking locks and gathering intel...
Raigh: No, I think it's invaluable.
Chad: What?
Raigh: The other day when we went to see that Roy fellow... He said he appreciated our work because we're close to his age. But you humbled yourself the whole time, belittling your work.
Chad: Yeah? And?
Raigh: You do something no one else can. Have some pride in it. You look stupid when you put yourself down.
Chad: ...Uh, are you trying to cheer me up?
Raigh: D-don't be ridiculous! Why would I ever want to cheer you up?!
Chad: Yeah, I thought so. Good, you had me scared for a second.
Raigh: ...Fine! I'm leaving!
Chad: Hey! What's your problem?

A Support

Chad: Hey!
Raigh: ......
Chad: Don't ignore me. I need to talk to you.
Raigh: About what?
Chad: What are you planning to do when the war ends?
Raigh: ...You first?
Chad: I'll go see the children. Then I'll try and get enough money to rebuild the orphanage.
Raigh: Then I'll go with you. I can help out until the kids have a home at least.
Chad: ... I thought you would.
Raigh: What?
Chad: I knew you had a heart deep down inside.
Raigh: Wh--?!
Chad: Lugh always said you were a kind boy. I used to think he only defended you because you're brothers, but I guess not. Your brother knows the real you.
Raigh: ... You're just as naive as Lugh! Say what you will! I'm leaving!
Chad: Hah, there's no need to be embarrassed... Hey! Wait! You're actually leaving?!


Raigh Portrait raigh fe06.png Initial: 20
Per turn: +3
Is gba iceaffin.png × Is gba fireaffin.png
Portrait lugh fe06.png Lugh
Support Level Attack Defense Hit Avoid Critical Dodge
C 0 0 5 5 2 2
B 1 1 10 10 5 5
A 1 1 15 15 7 7

C Support

Lugh: Raigh! Raigh! Can you hear me, Raigh?
Raigh: ...Yes, I can hear you. You don't have to shout like that. ...What do you want?
Lugh: Here. That's your share.
Raigh: Hm? What are these?
Lugh: Baked tarts. The man who delivers our meals gave me some extra ones. They look good, don't they?
Raigh: ...Sweets... They're hard to find nowadays. Savor them and eat them for yourself.
Lugh: It's no fun if I eat them alone. Let's eat them together a little later. Anyway, I have to go now. Oh, one more thing. You should at least respond when you're spoken to! I don't mind that much, but strangers might get ideas. They might think that you're antisocial or something.
Raigh: Well, they'd be right. ...But whatever. My dear brother is as naive as ever.

B Support

Lugh: Raigh!
Raigh: ...What?
Lugh: Are you doing all right?
Raigh: What do you mean, "all right"?
Lugh: I was a little worried that you'd left again. The first time was so sudden. You just left a note and disappeared. I thought you might have walked off again without a word...
Raigh: ...Lugh.
Lugh: Your note said you wanted to train your dark magic skills alone. Was your way? You didn't want me around...?
Raigh: N-no, that's not it... I always planned to come back once I became a powerful shaman.
Lugh: I knew it, Raigh! I knew you'd come back for the children!
Raigh: What? No, that's not--
Lugh: I'm so relieved! You haven't changed at all. You're still the kind-hearted Raigh I know and love. I'll go pray! I'm going to thank God for letting me see you again!
Raigh: Uh... Bye, I guess? ...Sigh... Why is he like that?

A Support

Raigh: Lugh, I need to tell you something.
Lugh: What is it, Raigh?
Raigh: I...I'm sorry I left the orphanage without saying anything. I...uh...I want to apologize for that...
Lugh: It's all right now. I understand.
Raigh: A-and one more thing! I'll never disappear without telling you again!
Lugh: Great.
Raigh: So will you stop hovering around me all the time? Come on. Please!
Lugh: ...Do you dislike being near me?
Raigh: Er... N-no, not exactly, but...
Lugh: Then what's the problem? Who knows if we'll still be together when we grow up?
Raigh: ...Lugh?
Lugh: If... If I don't make it through this war, promise me you'll pick up the children at the St. Elimine Church.
Raigh: Don't say that. We'll both survive.
Lugh: Yeah... You're right. Something's wrong with me today.
Raigh: I won't let you die. You're my brother. My only brother.
Lugh: Thanks, Raigh.


Raigh Portrait raigh fe06.png Initial: 1
Per turn: +1
Is gba iceaffin.png × Is gba darkaffin.png
Portrait sophia fe06.png Sophia
Support Level Attack Defense Hit Avoid Critical Dodge
C 0 0 5 5 2 5
B 0 1 10 10 5 10
A 0 1 15 15 7 15

C Support

Raigh: Hey, you over there!
Sophia: ......
Raigh: Hey! Can you not hear me, or are you just ignoring me?
Sophia: ...Uh... ...Me?
Raigh: Is there anyone else here? Geez, are you deaf, or just plain stupid?
Sophia: ......
Raigh: Anyway, I heard you use ancient dark magic. Is it true?
Sophia: ......
Raigh: Let me see your spell books. I don't think I've ever seen...
(Raigh jerks upward)
Raigh: Ow! What the... Did you just do that?
Sophia: ...Please...don't
Raigh: ...Well, well... You dare stand up to me?
Sophia: ......
Raigh: Ah, fine. I'll leave you alone for now. But you're showing me that spell book the next time we meet!
(Raigh leaves)
Sophia: ......

B Support

Sophia: ......
Raigh: ? Whoa!? Y-You!? Damn, how could I not have noticed you coming so close... Wh-What do you want!? Are you trying to pay me back for the other day?
Sophia: ...Here...
Raigh: The dark magic book! The legendary one...!
Sophia: ...Yes... ...You know much...
Raigh: Of course I do! Do you have any idea how long I've been looking for this!? So this is it... ...Wow... I can feel its power...!
Sophia: ...Do you want it...?
Raigh: I can have it!? But...are you sure? Don't you need it as well? Why give it to me?
Sophia: ......
(Sophia leaves)
Raigh: Hey, wait! Hey!

A Support

Raigh: Hey, you over there! You! With the long dragging hair!
Sophia: ......
Raigh: I'm giving this spell book back to you.
Sophia: ...What? ...Why...?
Raigh: I don't need things to be given to me. I'm not a beggar.
Sophia: ...Yes... ...But...I wanted to give you...
Raigh: What? Why?
Sophia: are a good person...
Raigh: Huh?
Sophia: ...You always act strong... actually have a kind heart... ...So...I give it to you...
Raigh: I have a kind heart!? Only my brother ever said something as ridiculous as that!
Sophia: ...I know you...better than you know yourself...
Raigh: ...Don't talk like that. You'll scare people off.
Sophia: ......
Raigh: It doesn't bother me, though.
Sophia: ...Thank you...
Raigh: ...What's your name? I'm Raigh.
Sophia: ...Raigh... ...My Sophia...


Raigh Portrait raigh fe06.png Initial: 5
Per turn: +1
Is gba iceaffin.png × Is gba windaffin.png
Portrait hugh fe06.png Hugh
Support Level Attack Defense Hit Avoid Critical Dodge
C 0 0 5 2 2 5
B 1 1 10 5 5 10
A 1 1 15 7 7 15

C Support

Hugh: Hey!
Raigh: Oh.
Hugh: There you are! I never would've guessed you'd be here in this army. I've been looking all over for you!
Raigh: ...Well, I sure wasn't looking for you.
Hugh: Taking advantage of my kindness like that... This is why I don't like kids. Now give me back my Resire book.
Raigh: Ah, yes. That thing.
Hugh: ...You haven't used it up already, have you?
Raigh: ......
Hugh: ...Hey...
Raigh: ...Calm down, I've got it. I was just borrowing it. I was planning on giving it back to you some day.
Hugh: Y-You little runt... You said you just wanted to see it for a sec, so I lent it to you. I wasn't expecting you to take it and run off!
Raigh: Look, I've said this a million times. I'm borrowing it, not stealing it.
Hugh: Well, when are you going to return it?
Raigh: Well, let's see... I suppose I'll give it back to you after I use it twenty times.
Hugh: You'd better keep your word!
Raigh: Of course.
(Raigh leaves)
Hugh: ...Oh, well, I guess I'll just have to wait... ...Whoa, wait a minute! It'll be gone by the time you use it twenty times!

B Support

Hugh: Hey!
Raigh: Oh.
Hugh: I'm not letting you go this time! Give me back that Resire book now!
Raigh: ...Sorry, but I can't.
Hugh: What!?
Raigh: You're a mage. What's the point in you having a Resire book?
Hugh: Erg... That's not the point...
Raigh: A powerful spell that could be put to use in battle would be wasting away in your hands. Who would be responsible if we lost a battle because we didn't use it?
Hugh: Er... F-Fine, I'll let you have it for now. But you're gonna give it back to me with interest, you hear!?
(Hugh leaves)
Raigh: ...Hmph, what an idiot. How can he be fooled by such a lame excuse? I have yet to understand such blatant stupidity.
(Hugh reappears)
Hugh: ...Hey.
Raigh: ...Crap...
(Raigh leaves)
Hugh: You little...! Give it back to me now!

A Support

Hugh: Hm? What's this?
Raigh: I'll give you that gem.
Hugh: Where did you get this?
Raigh: That's none of your business. Anyway, I'm giving you that in return for the spell book.
Hugh: Nope. I can't accept this!
Raigh: Why not? The gem's enough to buy another Resire book.
Hugh: This isn't about money. It's about my pride. ...Let's see... I want you to apologize to me. Then you can have the spell book for free.
Raigh: Ha... I can't believe you're being so stubborn over something so stupid.
Hugh: Hey, so are you. All you have to do is say you're sorry.
Raigh: Well, I won't. I've paid you back with the gemstone.
Hugh: Well, I'm not taking it. You're going to be in my debt until you apologize!
Raigh: ......
Hugh: ......
Raigh: ...Hmph... Adults.
Hugh: ...What a stubborn little brat.


Raigh Portrait raigh fe06.png Initial: 1
Per turn: +1
Is gba iceaffin.png × Is gba animaaffin.png
Portrait niime fe06.png Niime
Support Level Attack Defense Hit Avoid Critical Dodge
C 0 1 2 5 0 5
B 1 2 5 10 0 10
A 1 3 7 15 0 15

C Support

Niime: Hm...
Raigh: ? ...What?
Niime: I see you use dark magic. Although it looks like you're still a beginner.
Raigh: ! ...Look, lady. I'm busy. I don't have time to spare for old folk like you.
Niime: Come now, there's no need to rush. Studying on your own isn't going to get you any further.
Raigh: !? How do you know...
Niime: ...I haven't lived this long for nothing, boy. I think I've seen more darkness than you have.
Raigh: Who... Who are you...?
Niime: My name is Niime. You should remember your elders' names...

B Support

Niime: Ah, it's the rude little chap from the other day.
Raigh: ......'re 'The Hermit on the Mountain.' The master of darkness...
Niime: Well, I see I've become famous. What do you want from me?
Raigh: ...I... I want you to teach me your dark magic. Teach me all of it!
Niime: Hm... Boy, is that how you ask people for favors?
Raigh: ...I'll change my tone if you don't like it. If you want me to bow my head to the ground and apologize, I'll do it. So please teach me your dark magic!
Niime: ...... Hm, interesting... ...All right, try reading this for a start.
Raigh: this...?
Niime: Can't you tell? It's an archaic language used in the oldest spells.
Raigh: What...? The ancient scrolls I know aren't written like this...
Niime: Do you understand how deep dark magic is now? I'll give you that. Good luck reading it.
(Niime leaves)
Raigh: Hmph... Of course I'll read it...

A Support

Niime: Well? How's your studying going?
Raigh: ......
Niime: Hm... Don't even have the time to talk, eh? You're a rude one, and you don't know how to respect your elders. But you seem to be serious about learning dark magic. Boy, why do you seek the power of darkness?
Raigh: ...It's not like I have some grandiose reason. I use dark magic for myself. I want to protect those I hold dear, and destroy all those who oppose me. That's the power I seek.
Niime: The power you're trying to obtain... It's not to be taken lightly. It can tilt the planet if misused.
Raigh: I'll blow up a planet or two any day.
Niime: ...I see. Well said, boy. Now come...come into the depths of darkness... Of course, you're going to have to study that book first.
Raigh: ...... ...Thank you.
Niime: Hm? What was that?
Raigh: ...Nothing.