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The following text is an unofficial translation by fans. There may be stylistic differences with official sources and other unofficial translations.

This page contains all of Phina's paired base conversations.

Phina and Kris

First conversation

If Kris is male

Phina: Hey, what are you doing here all alone?
Kris: I'm getting some extra training in.
Phina: Hmm, don't you get tired from training all the time?
Kris: I need to do it to become stronger.
Phina: Hmm... Hey, now that I've had a good look at you, you're not actually that bad-looking. But you don't have much of a fashion sense; you're just like Navarre in that way. Here, check me out. My clothes are cute, aren't they? See how they flutter in the wind? You won't be popular with the girls unless you're fashionable like I am.
Kris: I'd rather focus on my training, thanks. Actually, I don't really like the way you dress...
Phina: What's wrong with the way I dress? Tell me! Don't you find it cute?
Kris: It's too thin and you're not properly covered.
Phina: I'm not covered? Oh, so you like what you see, then? Kris, you rascal!
Kris: Um, no. That's not what I meant. I just thought it wasn't suited for battle...
Phina: Ohmigosh, are you embarrassed? Ooh! You're so cute!
Kris: ...I'm not cute. Excuse me.
(Kris leaves)
Phina: Hey, wait a second!

If Kris is female

Phina: Hey, what are you doing here all alone?
Kris: I'm getting some extra training in.
Phina: Hmm, don't you get tired from training all the time?
Kris: I need to do it to become stronger.
Phina: Hmm... Hey, now that I've had a good look at you, you're actually kinda cute. But you don't have much of a fashion sense; you're just like Navarre in that way. Here, check me out. My clothes are cute, aren't they? See how they flutter in the wind? You won't be popular with the boys unless you're fashionable like I am.
Kris: I'd rather focus on my training, thanks. Actually, I don't really like the way you dress...
Phina: What's wrong with the way I dress? Tell me! Don't you find it cute?
Kris: It's too thin and you're not properly covered.
Phina: I'm not covered? Tee hee. Kris, you're such a serious girl. But I bet it wouldn't do you any harm to try dressing like me. After all, your chest is rather...
Kris: W-what about my chest...!? W-wait, don't look at me like that, you're embarrassing me...
Phina: Ohmigosh, are you embarrassed? Ooh! You're so cute!
Kris: ...I'm not cute. Excuse me.
(Kris leaves)
Phina: Hey, wait a second!

Second conversation

If Kris is male

Phina: Hey, Kris.
Kris: What is it?
Phina: You really do train every single day, don't you? How can you train all by yourself when there's such a cute girl by your side?
Kris: I'll lose my competitive edge if I miss a single day.
Phina: Tsk, you're so boring. Oh, right! Hey, do you want to see my dance?
Kris: Your dance? Yes, gladly. Your dance invigorates people, right? If you dance for me, I'll be able to train twice as hard.
Phina: Then... Do you want to see a normal dance or a "special" dance?
Kris: A special dance?
Phina: You see, my special dance... I've never shown it to a man before. Because... It's very embarrassing...
Kris: I-is that so?
Phina: Yes. Because it's very revealing... But... I wouldn't mind showing it to you, Kris...
Kris: What...?
Phina: You're special to me, Kris... So even if it's embarrassing; if you want me to do it, then I will. So... Kris. Do you want to see my special dance?
Kris: ...N-no, I, er...
Phina: Ahaha! It was a joke. Look at you, you've gone all red! There's no way I'd show it to you that easily. And you took me seriously!
Kris: Y-you...!
Phina: But it's fun to tease you, Kris! If you're annoyed, then how about you tease me back?
Kris: Enough of this. I'm going back to my training.
(Kris leaves)
Phina: Oh, don't get angry at me. I was just teasing you! Hey, wait!

If Kris is female

Phina: Hey, Kris.
Kris: What is it?
Phina: You really do train every single day, don't you? Isn't it just terrible for a young girl like you to train on your lonesome?
Kris: I'll lose my competitive edge if I miss a single day.
Phina: Tsk, you're so boring. Oh, right! Hey, do you want to see my dance?
Kris: Your dance? Oh, I'd be happy to. Your dance will invigorate me, right? If you dance for me, I'll be able to train twice as hard.
Phina: Then... In exchange, you'll have to dance for me too, Kris!
Kris: M-me, dance?
Phina: Yes, it'd be unfair for me to dance alone. Not just because... dancing's rather embarrassing...
Kris: I-is that so?
Phina: Yes. But if you're with me Kris, then I won't be afraid. Come on, change into these clothes. We'll both wear these clothes to dance a special dance.
Kris: T-these clothes...? A-are these really clothes...? Not undergarments, right...?
Phina: Kris, you're so pretty. I'm sure these clothes'll suit you. So come on, off with your clothes...
Kris: N-no... I can't...
Phina: Ahaha! It was a joke. Look at you, you've gone all red! I can't believe you took me seriously!
Kris: Y-you...!
Phina: But it's fun to tease you, Kris! If you're annoyed, then how about you tease me back?
Kris: Enough of this. I'm going back to my training.
(Kris leaves)
Phina: Oh, don't get angry at me. I was just teasing you! Hey, wait!

Third conversation

If Kris is male

Phina: Fluttery! So, how was it? Did you like my dance?
Kris: Yes, I'm brimming with energy.
Phina: Are you happy that I'm here?
Kris: Yes, I am. When you're here, my training is far more productive.
Phina: You're just saying that! It's really because I'm pretty, right? You're always saying it's for your training, but truthfully you just enjoy spending time with me, right?
Kris: What? No way... ...Okay, perhaps.
Phina: Eh...?
Kris: ...At first, I thought you were annoying. But after seeing you dance more and more... Your dancing had... No, you had charmed me.
Phina: S-so you mean...
Kris: I decided not to confess my feelings. After all, you would have laughed at me. But, I...
Phina: Oh, b-but... It's still my first time doing this... So, um... B-but, if you really want me to, Kris, then I...
Kris: ...Phina.
Phina: ...Kris.
Kris: ...Gotcha.
Phina: Eh? Whaaaaat!?
Kris: You asked me to tease you back, didn't you? So I did.
(Kris leaves)
Phina: Are you serious, Kris!? I won't forgive you for this!

If Kris is female

Phina: Fluttery! So, how was it? Did you like my dance?
Kris: Yes, I'm brimming with energy.
Phina: Are you happy that I'm here?
Kris: Yes, of course. When you're here, my training is far more productive.
Phina: You're just saying that! But actually you want to dance with me, don't you? You could just ask me, if you wanted to continue what we started.
Kris: Continue what we started...? You're right. I desired to learn to dance, too.
Phina: But, if you want to dance, you will have to wear those revealing clothes. Are you really up for it, Kris?
Kris: ...I've decided. If it's to learn a new skill, I'll do whatever it takes. Besides, revealing clothes are nice. Look, I prepared some for both of us. Phina, try these clothes out.
Phina: Huh? T-these clothes are... Can you even call them clothes...? I-I might as well dance naked!
Kris: Come on, take your clothes off.
Phina: J-j-just wait a minute! These clothes... I'm fine wearing them, but are you, Kris? What would Prince Marth think of us if he saw us wearing THAT...?
Kris: I am fully prepared to fall from grace together with you.
Phina: Wait, come again!? I-I said wait a minute...
Kris: It's too late for words now. Even if you've changed your mind, I'll undress you by force if I have to.
Phina: Kya, kyaaa! N-no... Kris, stopppp! Forgive meeee!
Kris: Phina...
Phina: Huh...?
Kris: Gotcha.
Phina: Eh? Whaaaaat!
Kris: You asked me to tease you back, didn't you? So I did. But, to see you all flustered like this. So you are a little girl after all, Phina.
(Kris leaves)
Phina: Are you serious, Kris!? I won't forgive you for this!

Navarre and Phina

First conversation

Phina: Oh, Navarre. Isn't there anything I can do?
Navarre: No. Don't disturb my training.
Phina: Oh, how cold... You could at least give some more thought before turning me down. I just wanted to repay you for saving my life!
Navarre: I need no thanks.
Phina: Oh right! How about I show you my dance? They say it fills people with energy.
Navarre: I don't want to see it.
Phina: W-what if I said you could... turn your sword on me and do whatever you want with me?
Navarre: .........
Phina: I'm kidding, of course! Don't glare at me like that! I just wanted you to notice me. Hey, are you really sure there isn't anything you want to ask of me?
Navarre: ...Fine. There's one thing.
Phina: Finally! What is it? Tell me! Tell me!
Navarre: Go over there and stay there.
Phina: ...Okaaay. Heeere I go!
(Phina leaves)
Navarre: .........

Second conversation

Phina: Hmm... How should it be? Tied up in the back...? Or maybe braided...
Navarre: ...What are you talking about?
Phina: I was thinking about what your new hairstyle should be, Navarre.
Navarre: I didn't ask for one.
Phina: Navarre, your hair's so pretty. It'd be a shame to leave it like that. Leave it to me! I've got tons of cute hairdos in mind! I have to repay you for saving my life, don't forget!
Navarre: And you think you can return a favor this way...?
Phina: I've got it! Twintails! It's a hairstyle in vogue in Warren. I'm sure it'll suit you! Navarre, come here!
Navarre: Oi...
(Phina adjusts Navarre's hair)
Phina (off-screen): Squeal! Sooo cute!
Navarre (off-screen): Bah...!
Phina: Why did you undo it? It suited you...
Navarre: ...You're irritating me! Don't talk to me again!

Third conversation

Phina: Hey, Navarre. You're planning to go somewhere when this war is over, aren't you?
Navarre: .........
Phina: It's no use staying silent. I see right through you. But, why?
Navarre: ...I am just a murderer. If a battle is over, then I need to search for my next battlefield.
Phina: Don't you have any plans of settling down?
Navarre: My sword would grow dull. If I stay in a place for too long, unnecessary feelings develop within my heart.
Phina: And why do you avoid that? It's completely normal for a human. Life is more fun when full of emotion.
Navarre: That's how I live. Don't stay around me anymore. You're an eyesore.
Phina: An eyesore...? You're too cruel.
Navarre: I don't know what you don't get, but if you keep bothering me, I'll cut you down.
Phina: ...Tee hee hee!
Navarre: What's so funny?
Phina: Like I'd be afraid. You don't turn your sword on women. I know that well enough.
Navarre: ...You can't stay with me.
(Navarre leaves)
Phina: Oh... Look, now you're embarrassed. But you see, I have to repay you for saving my life, so I'm tagging along no matter what you say. And then, I'll rattle you by making "unnecessary" feelings sprout. That's how I'll repay the favor. Tee hee, I can't wait!