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The following text is an unofficial translation by fans. There may be stylistic differences with official sources and other unofficial translations.

This page contains all of Michalis's paired base conversations.

Michalis and Kris

If Kris is male

Michalis: ...
(Kris appears)
Kris: Prince Michalis?
Michalis: Kris, was it? I've heard about your exploits. Damn that Prince Marth, he's got a sharp eye for talent.
Kris: ...I'll treat those words as a compliment to Prince Marth.
Michalis: Go ahead. I'm planning to leave this land once I save Maria. There's no point in him knowing.
Kris: Leave... this land?
Michalis: That's correct.
Kris: Then... what will you tell Princess Maria? Isn't she waiting for you?
Michalis: ...I'll save her, but I won't say a word afterwards.
Kris: Wha...!
Michalis: The only one who should talk to Maria now is her sister, Minerva. I don't have the right anymore.
Kris: Why do you think that?
Michalis: I don't have any ties with Macedon anymore.
Kris: So you're running.
Michalis: What did you say?
Kris: I heard you were once reunited with Princess Minerva on the battlefield.
Michalis: You speak of during the War of Shadows. So, what of it?
Kris: That time... I wonder if the princess asked if you couldn't mend your ways.
Michalis: Bah. Why do you know that?
Kris: No, I didn't know. But, considering her personality, I just... presumed she did.
Michalis: ...Gah!
Kris: Not because you committed a mistake, or for abandoning your kingdom... I believe the princess's true wish was for you to abandon your lance and walk a new path.
Michalis: ...Hmph. You're a man who doesn't fear a king.
Kris: I'm flattered.
Michalis: I don't like you, just as I don't like Prince Marth. However... I suppose the world needs people like you right now. Damn, these are interesting times.
Kris: ...Prince Michalis.
Michalis: I'll remember you, Kris... No, Sir Kris.

If Kris is female

Michalis: ...
(Kris appears)
Kris: Prince Michalis?
Michalis: Kris, was it? I've heard about your exploits. Damn that Prince Marth, he's got a sharp eye for talent.
Kris: ...I'll treat those words as a compliment to Prince Marth.
Michalis: Go ahead. I'm planning to leave this land once I save Maria. There's no point in him knowing.
Kris: Leave... this land?
Michalis: That's correct.
Kris: In that case... what will you tell Princess Maria? Isn't she waiting for you?
Michalis: ...I'll save her, but I won't say a word afterwards.
Kris: Th-that's horrible!
Michalis: The only one who should talk to Maria now is her sister, Minerva. I don't have the right anymore.
Kris: And why is that?
Michalis: I don't have any ties with Macedon anymore.
Kris: So you're running.
Michalis: What did you say?
Kris: I heard you were once reunited with Princess Minerva on the battlefield.
Michalis: You speak of during the War of Shadows. So, what of it?
Kris: That time... didn't the princess ask you to mend your ways?
Michalis: Bah. Why do you know that?
Kris: No, I didn't know. But, considering her personality, I just... presumed she would have.
Michalis: ...Gah!
Kris: Not because you committed a mistake, or for abandoning your kingdom... I believe the princess's true wish was for you to abandon your lance and walk a new path.
Michalis: ...Hmph. You're a woman who doesn't fear a king.
Kris: I'm flattered.
Michalis: If I had someone like you by my side, just like Prince Marth does now... No, I had one in the past. There was once a fearless woman standing by my side, too.
Kris: ...Prince Michalis.
Michalis: Kris. No, Dame Kris. Thank you.

Michalis and Minerva

Michalis: ...Pathetic. I'm amazed that you've managed to survive thus far with that level of skill.
Minerva: Brother... Were you watching?
Michalis: I see hesitation in your swings. Were you always this weak?
Minerva: If I'm hesitating... it's because of you, Brother.
Michalis: Oh? So I'm an eyesore am I?
Minerva: That's not it. I... I'm worried about you, Brother.
Michalis: Hahaha! If I'm causing you worry, then I've reached a new low. I won't die before I've saved Maria. I don't need your worry.
Minerva: True, you are strong, Brother. There shouldn't be any reason for me to worry. However... I sense danger. Brother, what are you seeking...?
Michalis: Pointless worry. Maria saved my life and I do not intend to waste her efforts by throwing it away. You ask what I'm seeking? That should be obvious. I haven't abandoned my ambitions. Assuredly I'll fight with you again, for the hegemony over Macedon.
Minerva: Are you serious, Brother? Can't we just hold our hands and walk the same path together, as siblings?
Michalis: Nonsense. We carry the blood of warriors in our veins–only on the battlefield can we find our true selves. It is inevitable that we should clash with each other. If you want to protect the Macedon you hold dear, come at me with your lance and do not hesitate for a second.
(Michalis leaves)
Michalis: Oh, Brother... ...The blood of warriors, you say? Perhaps you speak the truth. But Maria is different. Both you and I seek the light she radiates. The peaceful Macedon I wish for, and the mighty Macedon you seek... I know we can accomplish both. Maria might just be the link between the two of us...