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< Lot
Ss fe12 menu background 01.png

The following text is an unofficial translation by fans. There may be stylistic differences with official sources and other unofficial translations.

This page contains all data pertaining to Lot's supports


Lot Portrait lot fe06.png Initial: 1
Per turn: +1
Is gba animaaffin.png × Is gba animaaffin.png
Portrait lance fe06.png Lance
Support Level Attack Defense Hit Avoid Critical Dodge
C 1 1 0 5 0 5
B 2 2 0 10 0 10
A 3 3 0 15 0 15

C Support

Lance: You are Lot, the mercenary. An axe-fighter of great endurance.
Lot: You... You're Lance, knight of Pherae.
Lance: Is something troubling you? You have a worried look about you.
Lot: Oh... I was just thinking about something. Actually, this is perfect. Let me ask your opinion on something.
Lance: If it is within my meager scope of knowledge.
Lot: All right, so, axes are weak against swords. That much is common sense. What I'm wondering is why it's that way to begin with. I don't understand the physics behind it. That's what's troubling me.
Lance: I see. I wondered the same thing before. I found the answer after going through several books on tactics.
Lot: Is it...the weapon's weight?
Lance: Exactly. All weapons are designed by humans. As such, an invincible weapon with no flaws is inconceivable.
Lot: You're saying a weapon will always have weaknesses.
Lance: Right. Throughout history, many kinds of weapons have been made, and the vast majority of them have fallen out of use. Of all of them, the sword, axe and lance remain, creating the weapon triangle.
Lot: But what about weapons like the swordreaver?
Lance: Well, that brings us to a whole new dimension. What I mean is... ............
Lot: ...Ah, I see... Then what about... ............

B Support

Lance: Knight to F6.
Lot: Knight to E3.
Lance: Pegasus knight to D1.
Lot: Er... Archer to B1.
Lance: Swordmaster to F1. Check.
Lot: ...... ...You win.
Lance: So it seems.
Lot: ...Do you think it was a mistake to move that ballista 6 turns ago?
Lance: Yes, I think so. Where did you learn how to play? It's a requirement for knights, so that's how I learned it.
Lot: An old war veteran who lives close to my home taught me. I could never find anyone to play against in my mercenary groups. It looks like I'm but a novice next to you, though.
Lance: Well, you can recognize your own mistakes, so you have skill. I played with Alen the other day, but it was over in 2 turns.

A Support

Lot: What do you think of this battle?
Lance: What do you mean?
Lot: Do you think we stand a chance of winning?
Lance: ...... I honestly don't know. We are severely outnumbered. The enemy can afford to send in new troops all the time, while we must be careful not to lose even a single soldier.
Lot: Yeah... We're almost on completely different levels.
Lance: But Lord Roy often conceives genius strategies beyond my understanding. He has commanded us miraculously well thus far. Under his direction, I feel that we cannot fail. Lord Roy will surely lead us to a glorious victory.
Lot: I see.. ...You're not a yes man, thinking so just because he is your lord. So if even you believe in him, he deserves my faith... I'm certain we will succeed.


Lot Portrait lot fe06.png Initial: 10
Per turn: +2
Is gba animaaffin.png × Is gba thunderaffin.png
Portrait dieck fe06.png Dieck
Support Level Attack Defense Hit Avoid Critical Dodge
C 0 1 0 5 2 5
B 1 2 0 10 5 10
A 1 3 0 15 7 15

C Support

Lot: Hey Big Man, what do you think of our employer?
Dieck: That Roy kid? You first?
Lot: I like him. He's an impressive commander for his age.
Dieck: Yeah, he is. But... he's young. Too young.
Lot: Maybe so, but...
Dieck: I understand why you like him. He's a nice kid, and he's got brains and guts. But...these battles are all small-time. When we get to a real battle, and he's in a life or death situation... That's when we'll see what kind of leader he really is...

B Support

Dieck: Years ago...when I first became a mercenary... All I cared about was making a name for myself...
Lot: Really...? I wouldn't have expected that.
Dieck: Our squad was sent right behind enemy lines. Our mission was to go deep into Bern and finish the enemy leader. We waited in a cave for days... and then the time came. When we moved out...arrows rained down on us...
Lot: What?! Why...?
Dieck: Our employer... He had put us there so he could buy time for himself and escape. Our squad was decimated. They killed everyone. Except for me, of course. They tortured me for information.
Lot: ......
Dieck: We mercenaries are expendable in a client's eyes. That's the norm. You need to understand that.
Lot: But...that Roy kid...
Dieck: Yeah...he's different. I just wish I'd met him sooner...

A Support

Dieck: So... We're still alive.
Lot: That we are.
Dieck: ...Funny, isn't it?
Lot: What is?
Dieck: We're mercenaries. We shouldn't care who wins. We fight for money and self-preservation. We're better off walking away from a tough fight than staying.'s different now. We've been through so many tough battles, and still, here I am. Roy...makes me feel like I fight for a purpose. Like I could die for him and have no regrets.
Lot: You took the words rightout of my mouth.


Lot Portrait lot fe06.png Initial: 40
Per turn: +2
Is gba animaaffin.png × Is gba fireaffin.png
Portrait ward fe06.png Ward
Support Level Attack Defense Hit Avoid Critical Dodge
C 1 0 2 5 2 2
B 2 1 5 10 5 5
A 3 1 7 15 7 7

C Support

Ward: All right, who's next! Bring it on!
Lot: Ward, can't you calm down a bit?
Ward: What's that? You scared, Lot?
Lot: Not likely!
Ward: Then what's the problem? I rush in, and you do everything else. That's worked great so far.
Lot: Yeah, but...
Ward: But what?
Lot: Mary asked me to take care of you.
Ward: My sister said that? I'm not a kid anymore...
Lot: I wish that were true.
Ward: Did you say something?
Lot: No, nothing.

B Support

Lot: Ward, you seem to be doing well today.
Ward: Of course! I'm always great. You better fight hard, too, buddy. You need money to buy medicine for your mother...
Lot: ...I don't need to anymore.
Ward: Huh? What do you mean?
Lot: My mother, she... She didn't make it.
Ward: What!? Why didn't you tell me?
Lot: Because if I did, you'd tell me to go home to Mieu.
Ward: No kidding! She's all alone now. Don't you care about your baby sister?
Lot: But I got the message during a job. I couldn't leave without finishing.
Ward: ...Lot?
Lot: What?
Ward: You're stupider than I thought.
Lot: ...Maybe so.

A Support

Lot: Ward, you're acting strangely as of late. Do you have something to say to me?
Ward: ...Lot.
Lot: Yeah?
Ward: Don't die. Whatever you do, don't die.
Lot: What...?
Ward: If you were killed, what would happen to Mieu? She's still just a little girl. She'll be forced to live on her own.
Lot: But you're no different. Mary would be devastated if you were killed.
Ward: Oh, sure, like she would cry over me.
Lot: ...You can't honestly think that.
Ward: ......
Lot:It's not just me that can't die here. It's both of us. One day, we'll go back home.
Ward: ...It's just a dirty village with no clean water or vegetation.
Lot: Maybe so, but it's our home, and we both have people waiting for us.
Ward: Yeah, you're right. Let's not disappoint them!


Lot Portrait lot fe06.png Initial: 10
Per turn: +2
Is gba animaaffin.png × Is gba windaffin.png
Portrait shanna fe06.png Shanna
Support Level Attack Defense Hit Avoid Critical Dodge
C 1 0 2 2 2 5
B 2 1 5 5 5 10
A 3 1 7 7 7 15

C Support

Lot: Shanna, don't come out front so often. Pegasi are easy prey for archers.
Shanna: Yeah, I know.
Lot: And you're frail, so make sure you retreat if it gets dangerous.
Shanna: Uh-huh.
Lot: And--
Shanna: Lot! You're such a worrywart. I am a knight.
Lot: But you're still in training.
Shanna: Well, yeah, but...
Lot: Just remember that you can never be overly cautious in battle. Staying wary will keep you alive.
Shanna: ...Yeah, yeah.

B Support

Lot: Shanna, you can't always charge in like that.
Shanna: But Lot...
Lot: No buts. You should be more--
Shanna: Lot?
Lot: Yes?
Shanna: Why are you always so concerned about me? Oh wait, I get it. Aww, I never knew you felt that way about me!
Lot: Yeah, you wish.
Shanna: That's not it?
Lot: ...I have a little sister back home.
Shanna: A sister? Does she look like me or something?
Lot: No, not in the slightest.
Shanna: Then...
Lot: She's a lot younger than you. She isn't even ten years old. That's why I worry like I do, fighting in battles like this...
Shanna: ......
Lot: Shanna, you have an older sister, right?
Shanna: Yeah, two actually.
Lot: Then take care of yourself. If not for your sake, then for them. Imagine how they'd feel if something happened to you.
Shanna: Yeah... You're right. I'll be more careful.

A Support

Shanna: Hey, Lot!
Lot: Shanna. You seem to be doing well lately.
Shanna: I'm being more careful now. I don't rush in anymore.
Lot: Yeah, not as much as before, anyway.
Shanna: Shoot, that means I can still improve, doesn't it...? Oh yeah, I had something I wanted to tell you, too.
Lot: Something to tell me? What is it?
Shanna: A tip for battle! Do you want to hear it?
Lot: Sure.
Shanna: Then give me your ear for a sec.
Lot: Okay... Like this?
Shanna: ...... Don't stress yourself out so much, Brother.
Lot: What the...?!
Shanna: And that was from your cute little sister!
Lot: Hey! Shanna!
Shanna: Ha ha ha ha!


Lot Portrait lot fe06.png Initial: 1
Per turn: +1
Is gba animaaffin.png × Is gba iceaffin.png
Portrait echidna fe06.png Echidna
Support Level Attack Defense Hit Avoid Critical Dodge
C 0 1 2 5 0 5
B 1 2 5 10 0 10
A 1 3 7 15 0 15

C Support

Echidna: Hey, you're from the Western Isles, right?
Lot: Yeah... How did you know?
Echidna: Easy, your face. All men from that Isles have features like yours.
Lot: ...They do?
Echidna: Are you going back home after the war? If you are, I could use your help.
Lot: Yeah?
Echidna: I'm planning on building a new village in the Western Isles. It'll be for people who lost their homes during the war. I want you to help build it.
Lot: All right, I'll do what I can...
Echidna: Really? Thanks.
Lot: But I can't make any promises. I can only help if I'm still alive when the war ends.
Echidna: Talking like that already?
Lot: I only say it because it's a distinct possibility. I'm not one to make empty promises...
Echidna: You sure worry a lot for someone your age. You'll be getting gray hairs before thirty at that rate.
Lot: ...I will?

B Support

Echidna: Hey, it's you again.
Lot: You're the one who wanted to build the village...
Echidna: The planning's going along smoothly. A free village, open to anybody... It's like a dream coming true.
Lot: Do you have the money to build it?
Echidna: ...You want logistics now, eh? To tell the truth... No. But there are mines in the Isles, so I just need to go in and find the mother lode.
Lot: That seems pretty unlikely... ...Oh, wait. I know of an old, deserted gold mine you could try.
Echidna: Really?
Lot: Yeah, I went there with my friend Ward when I was a kid. There were rumors that the place was haunted, so nobody went near it.
Echidna: Go on.
Lot: Ward was really scared. He probably believed the rumors. We went in a ways, and Ward let out a scream and ran for the entrance. So I followed him out.
Echidna: Did he see something?
Lot: Yeah, snakes. Tons of them. They covered the whole cave floor. What I want to know is how they got there in the first place... But anyway, the mine was closed because of them.
Echidna: I see... So there might still be some gold left in there. Sounds interesting. We might be able to get enough money for the village there. Say, can you take me when we get the chance?
Lot: I don't mind... But it'll be dangerous.
Echidna: Oh, I'm not worried. You'll be there to protect us.
Lot: ...I will?

A Support

Echidna: Hey, how are you doing?
Lot: Still alive, at least.
Echidna: Don't you die. I need you to survive.
Lot: I don't plan on dying. I have a sister back home. And there's also...
Echidna: Also what?
Lot: Nothing. Never mind.
Echidna: Oh, I get it. You've got a speical somebody waiting for you, eh? Well, well, aren't you a lucky guy?
Lot: ...... I want to go home as soon as I can, provided I'm alive...
Echidna: Are you worrying about that again?
Lot: The enemies get stronger all the time. I don't know how much longer I'll last.
Echidna: ......
Lot: I'm confident that we'll win in the end... But I just don't know that I'll make it home.
Echidna: Come on, don't be so stupid.
Lot: ...I'm stupid now?
Echidna: Someone your age should be enjoying life! I know you have your sister to think of. But let yourself go once in a while. You might get a few cuts and bruises, but that's life.
Lot: ...I don't like cuts and bruises.
Echidna: Don't worry. If you die, I'll take care of things. So go out and get killed! It'll be fine. ...Trust me.
Lot: ...... Somehow I don't think that came out like she intended it to... Was she...trying to cheer me up?