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Ss fe12 menu background 01.png

The following text is an unofficial translation by fans. There may be stylistic differences with official sources and other unofficial translations.

This page contains all data pertaining to Dorothy's supports.


Dorothy Portrait dorothy fe06.png Initial: 1
Per turn: +1
Is gba fireaffin.png × Is gba thunderaffin.png
Portrait clarine fe06.png Clarine
Support Level Attack Defense Hit Avoid Critical Dodge
C 0 0 2 5 5 2
B 1 1 5 10 10 5
A 1 1 7 15 15 7

C Support

Clarine: Oh? You...
Dorothy: Yes? Me?
Clarine: Why do you dress yourself in men's clothing?
Dorothy: Is that strange...?
Clarine: Of course! A lady must wear elegant dresses. And a lady must be dressed properly even when she fights.
Dorothy: Really...? I suppose you're right. I know nothing about that kind of stuff...
Clarine: Hm... So I see. Well, I suppose I can teach you all that I know.
Dorothy: What? N-no! Being ladylike doesn't suit me...
Clarine: Don't be absurd! All ladies must be ladylike. No gentleman will even give you the time of day if you look like that.
Dorothy: D-do you think so...? Well...if you're serious... then all right! Please teach me, Lady Clarine!

B Support

Clarine: So... Dorothy, what is your schedule like?
Dorothy: I'm pretty busy even off the battlefield. I help cook meals and stuff...
Clarine: What?! Leave such dirty jobs to that plebeian Merlinus fellow!
Dorothy: P-plebeian? Sir Merlinus is plebeian?
Clarine: How do you take care of your hair?
Dorothy: I wash it with water.
Clarine:What?! I don't believe this...! Here, use this shampoo. Wash your hair with it three times a day!
Dorothy: Th-three times? looks so expensive... I appreciate it, but I think it would be wasted on me.
Clarine: None of that now! I am offering it to you. Please, take it.
Dorothy: Oh... Well, thank you, I guess.
Clarine: must change your speech patterns. Try to speak more like me, with a refined, elegant tone.
Dorothy: Um... Okay... My, such a beautifious day! Let us partake of the tea and of the crumpets. Like that?
Clarine: ...This will take much work... First things first. You must learn how to take care of your hair, and how to choose your dresses, and how to dance properly, and how to turn down offers from men...
Dorothy: That much?!
Clarine: That is just to start. You mustn't give up! The path to becoming a refined lady is a difficult one indeed!
Dorothy: So it seems...

A Support

Dorothy: Um... Lady Clarine?
Clarine: Yes?
Dorothy: I've been trying really hard to be a lady, but... Nothing seems to have changed. No one seems to even notice. Maybe I should just give up...
Clarine: My...
Dorothy: I'm sorry! I know you were just trying to help me... But it's not your fault! There wasn't much to work with anyway...
Clarine: Dorothy! That is exactly what's wrong with you!
Dorothy: What?
Clarine: Listen to me. A fine lady must have confidence in herself. No matter how you dress, without faith in yourself, it is completely and utterly without meaning. Do not devalue yourself so. Do you understand?
Dorothy: Y-yeah, I think.
Clarine: Have confidence in yourself! With me as your teacher, you will be the finest of ladies!
Dorothy: ...Thank you, Lady Clarine...
Clarine: ...One additional matter... We are friends now, are we not?
Dorothy: Eh?
Clarine: Don't call me "Lady" Clarine. Simply "Clarine" will do.
Dorothy: Oh, right. Okay. Thanks, Clarine!
Clarine: ...Ahem! Today we shall cover how to properly drink tea!
Dorothy: All right! Tell me everything you know!


Dorothy Portrait dorothy fe06.png Initial: 20
Per turn: +2
Is gba fireaffin.png × Is gba iceaffin.png
Portrait saul fe06.png Saul
Support Level Attack Defense Hit Avoid Critical Dodge
C 0 0 5 5 2 2
B 1 1 10 10 5 5
A 1 1 15 15 7 7

C Support

Dorothy: Oh! There you are!
Saul: Oh, hello, Dorothy.
Dorothy: Where were you, Brother Saul? You always wander off without saying anything...
Saul: It is not "wandering off", Dorothy. I was diligently spreading word of our church at the villages on the way here.
Dorothy: ...Somehow I don't think you were doing your job.
Saul: Don't be ridiculous. I found a young maiden being harassed by a very rude man.
Dorothy: You mean yourself?
Saul: Please, Dorothy, have some faith in me. Anyway, I drove the man off and rescued the maiden. I acted exactly as a holy man ought to.
Dorothy: Really? You're not exactly very strong. How did you do it?
Saul: I went to the man and clung to him, crying, "I thought we loved each other! Why do you reject me?!"
Dorothy: ......
Saul: The man fled with great haste. The maiden, however, was also gone by the time I looked back.

B Support

Dorothy: Brother Saul! I can't believe you!
Saul: What is it, Dorothy? Can't I have a single moment of peace and quiet?
Dorothy: Oh no, you're not brushing me away this time. I heard what you've been up to. You've been flirting with every girl in this army.
Saul: There is a misunderstanding. I was just trying to spread the love of God...
Dorothy: No, I'm not accepting that again!
Saul: What do you mean?
Dorothy: I've heard that excuse before. Think of something better!
Saul: Hm... Very well. Wait a moment while I think of a new one.
Dorothy: What's the point of that?!
Saul: ...Dorothy, why are you so upset? This is nothing new.
Dorothy: That's exactly the problem! People will misjudge the church if they see you.
Saul: I am insulted! I do my job properly, Dorothy. Or haven't you noticed the sharp increase in our female followers?
Dorothy: Don't you understand? If you're just flirting with everyone...
Saul: Understand what?
Dorothy: Enough of this! I'll chew you out tonight when we go back to the chapel.
Saul: ...Sigh...

A Support

Saul: Dorothy...
Dorothy: What is it? I still haven't heard a valid explanation.
Saul: Dorothy, I am sorry... I am sorry I...never understood your feelings...
Dorothy: ...Huh?
Saul: I understand perfectly now. You dislike my flirting because I've always left you out of it.
Dorothy: Wha...?!
Saul: Dorothy, I never knew that you had such strong feelings for me...
Dorothy: Ah, er, um... Th-that was just...
Saul: But I am a servant of God... I must be equally caring to all women. Please forgive me, Dorothy...
Dorothy: Uh... Um, er... I...
Saul: How did that sound, Dorothy?
Dorothy: ...Wh-what?
Saul: I pondered deeply, and that was the best excuse I could come up with.
Dorothy: ......
Saul: V-violence is not a solution, Dorothy. Our loving God would not approve of you pointing your bow at an ally...
Dorothy: I don't care! Get out of my sight before I fill you with arrows!
Saul: Sigh... What are you so upset about now?
Dorothy: Your blockheadedness!


Dorothy Portrait dorothy fe06.png Initial: 1
Per turn: +1
Is gba fireaffin.png × Is gba iceaffin.png
Portrait sin fe06.png Sin
Support Level Attack Defense Hit Avoid Critical Dodge
C 0 0 5 5 2 2
B 1 1 10 10 5 5
A 1 1 15 15 7 7

C Support

Sin: ...... ...... ......
Dorothy: ...Sigh... Why am I hiding here? I want to talk to him, but... He's a little...scary. I want to see if we can show each other any tricks with the bow. But how can I approach him? Well...maybe some other time...

B Support

Dorothy: Hello, Sin! My name is Dorothy. ...A little too sudden? Would you like to have an archery duel? ...But I don't want to compete with him. What a nice bow! Where did you buy it? ...No, that doesn't sound right at all. Hmm... This is tough.
Dorothy: Oh, I know! I can bring him some food that he likes... Wait, but I have no idea what he likes... I like fruit, but what about him?
Sin: ......
Dorothy: Hmm... Well... I need to think some more...

A Support

Dorothy: Hmm... ...But why am I worrying so much over him? ...I can't figure that out, either. Anyway, I have to figure out a way to talk to him.
Dorothy: ... Oh...
Sin: ......
Dorothy: Um, H-Hello!
Sin: Yes, hello...
Dorothy: Uh, wh...what...
Sin: ?
Dorothy: W-What...what...kind...
Sin: What kind...?
Dorothy: What kind food of do like you? ...Shoot...
Sin: Fruit.
Dorothy: Huh?
Sin: You're asking what kind of food I like, right? I like fruit.
Dorothy: Uh... ...Did you hear me talking to myself?
Sin: It was difficult not to with such a loud voice.
Dorothy: Er...uh...
Sin: If you wish to talk to me, then don't hesitate.
Dorothy: It's all right!?
Sin: Of course... We fight together.
Dorothy: Yes, you're right!


Dorothy Portrait dorothy fe06.png Initial: 1
Per turn: +1
Is gba fireaffin.png × Is gba darkaffin.png
Portrait perceval fe06.png Perceval
Support Level Attack Defense Hit Avoid Critical Dodge
C 0 0 5 5 5 2
B 1 0 10 10 10 5
A 1 0 15 15 15 7

C Support

Dorothy: Look out!
Perceval: !
Dorothy: I-I-I'm terribly sorry! I was aiming for an enemy, but my arrow flew this way... Oh, what have I done? Are you hurt?
Perceval: I'm fine. It didn't even touch me.
Dorothy: I-I... I'm so sorry!
Perceval: There is no need to apologize. Things like this often happen on the battlefield.
Dorothy: But...!
Perceval: Even if I was hit by your arrow, I would share the blame. After all, it's my responsibility to be aware of my surroundings.
Dorothy: But...
Perceval: Never let your mind wander in battle. That is a rule. Just don't be too upset about it. All right?
Dorothy: ...Yes, I understand. I'm probably just being a nuisance by apologizing over and over. I'll try harder next time!

B Support

Dorothy: That last shot was just luck... I have to practice more. Perhaps I should aim more like this... Oh! General Perceval!
Perceval: Training? Very good.
Dorothy: Y-yes, thank you! I sometimes make mistakes like before, so I thought I should train myself so I'll be more than just a hindrance...
Perceval: Good... Dorothy, I've been thinking. You should relax more when you shoot.
Dorothy: Huh...? You were watching how I fight!?
Perceval: I always try to watch and understand how my comrades fight. I was waiting for a chance to tell you, but I can see that you tend to panic when you fight.
Dorothy: Yes, that's true... I get scared in real battles, and I can't move the way I want to...
Perceval: ...There is no need for archers to come out front. Stay back and cover for us. You must tell yourself that there is nothing to be afraid of. We will defend the front lines.
Dorothy: ...Good thinking!

A Support

Dorothy: ... Yes! Yes, that was great!
Perceval: You seemed to have improved, Dorothy.
Dorothy: General Perceval! I'm trying to relax when I shoot, as you said. I think...I think I'm getting better at it!
Perceval: I knew you had talent. It was just a matter of getting your confidence together, and now that you have, you'll keep improving more and more.
Dorothy: I can relax when I think that the others are defending the front lines... I'm surprised how safe I can feel on the battlefield.
Perceval: Ah, but that is the same for us up front as well. We would not be able to charge in without support from the back lines.
Dorothy: ...Am I useful to you too, General Perceval?
Perceval: Yes, you're helping me out a great deal. I look forward to your support in future battles.
Dorothy: You can count on me!


Dorothy Portrait dorothy fe06.png Initial: 40
Per turn: +2
Is gba fireaffin.png × Is gba lightaffin.png
Portrait yoder fe06.png Yoder
Support Level Attack Defense Hit Avoid Critical Dodge
C 1 0 5 2 5 0
B 2 1 10 5 10 0
A 3 1 15 7 15 0

C Support

Dorothy: Father Yoder?
Yoder: Ah, Dorothy. You look unwell. What is the matter?
Dorothy: Do you know why I can't use healing staves?
Yoder: Hm...
Dorothy: I want to help injured people by using staves like you and Brother Saul. I've been praying every day, and I think I've been faithful.
Yoder: Yes, you have. Your faith is an example to us all.
Dorothy: But I still can't help the injured... I want to heal them, but I can't. Will I never have that power? Am I unworthy?
Yoder: No, that's not it at all. Do you know the story of the owl and the eagle, Dorothy?
Dorothy: No, I don't. Please tell it to me, Father Yoder.
Yoder: It is a story of when Saint Elimine still walked the Earth. One day, during Saint Elimine's journeys, an owl approached her from the forest.
Dorothy: Yes...
Yoder: The owl said to her, "I wish to go to the land of God. Would you show me the way?" Saint Elimine thought for a moment, and replied, "God's domain lies high above the clouds. Your wings are not strong enough to take you there." The owl, disappointed, returned to the forest.
Dorothy: Poor owl...
Yoder: Yes, indeed. We shall continue the story some other time.
Dorothy: Some other time? Why?
Yoder: Remember the teachings of Saint Elimine. Do not try to understand things too quickly. You must ponder on what you are told and develop your own thoughts.
Dorothy: Oh... Right. Then please continue the story another time, Father Yoder.
Yoder: Of course, Dorothy. I promise you I will.

B Support

Yoder: ...After parting with the owl, Saint Elimine continued on her journey. The next day, an eagle swooped down from the mountain.
Dorothy: Uh-huh...
Yoder: The eagle said to her, "I wish to go to the land of God. Would you show me the way?" Saint Elimine thought for a moment, and replied, "God's domain lies in a distant land beyond the night. Your eyes will not be able to guide you through the dark." The eagle, disappointed, returned to the mountain.
Dorothy: ......
Yoder: However, the sympathetic and kind Saint Elimine could not ignore the two birds. She went back, and brought the owl and eagle together. She then told them, "Journey to the land of God together."
Dorothy: Together...
Yoder: Yes. The two birds traveled to the land of God together. The eagle used his powerful wings to carry the owl, and the owl used his great eyes to guide the eagle through the night. Together, they were able to reach the Gods's domain. That is the end of the story. Do you understand it, Dorothy?
Dorothy: Well... Sort of.

A Support

Dorothy: Father Yoder!
Yoder: Yes, Dorothy?
Dorothy: About that story...
Yoder: Yes?
Dorothy: I thought about it, but... I'm not very smart... So I still don't get it... I sort of have an idea of what it might be about, but...
Yoder: Then you have an answer, Dorothy. A story is just a story. It has no definite meaning. Each person interprets a story and comes up with their own answers.
Dorothy: Oh, good. I think I feel better now, Father Yoder.
Yoder: Do you? Very good, Dorothy.
Dorothy: But what did Saint Elimine do after that? Are there more stories?
Yoder: Yes, the journey of Saint Elimine was a long one. The next day when Saint Elimine continued on her travels...