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Claude/Quotes (Heroes)

From Fire Emblem Wiki, your source on Fire Emblem information. By fans, for fans.

Claude: The Schemer

At the castle

I'm Claude. I'm not big on formalities, so no need to put on airs. Feel free to throw me a feast any time, though.
— When summoned.
I'm not thrilled about how I got here, but seeing folks from different worlds work together like this? It's nice.
— At the castle.
Someday I'll lead the Leicester Alliance, but my ambitions are far grander. I want to change the world.
— At the castle.
I like you. If you want something, you don't just pray for it—you take action. We have that in common.
— At the castle.
Everyone here takes themselves so seriously. Why don't we have a feast? That would lighten things up.
— At the castle.
I've been mixing up a new poison. Some might call it a dirty trick, but I just like to come prepared.
— At the castle.
I was asked to say hello by <friend>, so... Hello! And with that, I'll be off.
— Delivering greetings from a friend.

On the character status screen

Right here!
— On the character status screen.
People say I'm not very noble. That's a compliment, right?
— On the character status screen.
Don't spook me like that! I's not like I was scheming or anything.
— On the character status screen.
The world would be better off without the false belief systems that we're bound to... Eh, that's what I think anyway.
— On the character status screen.
It’s time to celebrate! If you even think about sleeping tonight, I’ll consider it a personal insult.
— On the character status screen.
Back home, we have a tradition. Win or lose, we celebrate with a rowdy feast!
— On the character status screen.
We only have this one life...and counting on the gods will just get you killed.
— On the character status screen.
You and I, we're both outsiders in this world. All the more reason to stick together.
— On the character status screen.

Level 40 quote

I didn't plan on staying here this long. Time flies, I guess. Sometimes I wish I could leave, but then I think about... You. There's something about you. You have a presence that compels people to follow you—me included. I've never been much of a follower, but you make me so curious, I can't help but stay by your side. I'll go back to my world someday. Before that happens, though, I want to learn more about you. So I'm planning to stick close to you from now on. That won't be an issue, right? I'm a useful guy to have around.
— After reaching level 40 at five-star rarity.

Map quotes

All right.
— When selected on the map screen.
Where to?
— When selected on the map screen.
Lead and I'll follow.
— When selected on the map screen.

Level-up quotes

Not one of my finer moments.
— When gaining 1–2 stats from a level-up.
I expected as much.
— When gaining 3–4 stats from a level-up.
Sometimes I even surprise myself.
— When gaining 5–6 stats from a level-up.
I'll put this power to good use.
— When learning a new skill or increasing rarity.

Special skill quotes

Strategy in motion!
— When using a special skill.
My moment has arrived!
— When using a special skill.
Don't hold this against me, OK?
— When using a special skill.
Enough is enough.
— When using a special skill.

Defeat quote

We'll call it...a stalemate.
— When defeated.

Claude: Almyra's King

At the castle

I'm Claude von Riegan. As King of Almyra, I forged peace with Fódlan. Happy to do the same with you.
— When summoned.
It's been a while since I've seen Teach with that hair color. Makes me feel like a kid again.
— At the castle.
After seeing him fight up close, I get why they call Dimitri the Tempest King. He really is like a windstorm.
— At the castle.
Nice work on patrol. Diligence like yours is hard to come by. I can see why your allies rely on you.
— At the castle.
Each of us is weak on our own. Our strength comes from reaching out and opening our hearts to each other.
— At the castle.
I hope someday to live in a world that cherishes differences in race and belief. Everyone's valuable.
— At the castle.
So you're <player>. You seem about as sharp and capable as <player> said.
— Delivering greetings from a friend.

On the character status screen

— On the character status screen.
This is traditional Almyran wyvern rider garb. Looks pretty neat, huh?
— On the character status screen.
Hey now, there are better ways to get my attention. I'm not some kid anymore, you know.
— On the character status screen.
There are so many people here from all walks of life working together... It's pretty much my ideal spot!
— On the character status screen.
Fódlan isn't going to change itself. Sometimes it takes an outsider to make things happen.
— On the character status screen.
I want to see Fódlan welcome a new dawn, and I hope to have my friends there by my side...
— On the character status screen.
It may not be what I had hoped for... But it's time to move forward, right?
— On the character status screen.
There's a lot I could learn from you. I could use some of your tactics back in Fódlan.
— On the character status screen.

Level 40 quote

There you are. I've got a request for you, and I'll give it to you straight—it's a big one. After we've won peace for Askr, what would you say about coming with me back to Almyra? I know it's a lot to ask, and I don't even know how we'd manage to get you there right now... But I've come to value your strength, and if you're willing, I'm sure we'll find a way when the time comes. For now, just give it some thought. With you by my side, there's no telling what we could accomplish.
— After reaching level 40 at five-star rarity.

Map quotes

At the ready.
— When selected on the map screen.
Let's hear it.
— When selected on the map screen.
On it!
— When selected on the map screen.

Level-up quotes

Looks like I slipped up! I'll make up the slack next time.
— When gaining 1–2 stats from a level-up.
Can't afford to dwell on hard feelings. This is war, after all.
— When gaining 3–4 stats from a level-up.
History's written by the victors. That's just a fact.
— When gaining 5–6 stats from a level-up.

— When learning a new skill or increasing rarity.

Special skill quotes

This is it!
— When using a special skill.
Let's finish this!
— When using a special skill.
Another successful scheme!
— When using a special skill.
Take your final bow!
— When using a special skill.

Defeat quote

Sorry,'s up to you now.
— When defeated.

Claude: King of Unification

At the castle

I'm Claude von Riegan. Though...I no longer introduce myself as a Riegan. Or as Claude, as a matter of fact.
— When summoned.
It's up to me to plot a course to a bright new age. Of course, I'm happy to apply my experience here too.
— At the castle.
I'll leave Fódlan in Teach's hands while I try to change things beyond its borders. Hope it all works out.
— At the castle.
At a certain point you have to put the pen down and put schemes into action, ready or not. ...What, not persuasive coming from me?
— At the castle.
Fighting for your life day after day is exhausting to both body and mind. I suggest grand post-battle feasts!
— At the castle.
Whether it's battle or governing, if you stick to the old ways, you never break out of the same tired patterns.
— At the castle.
I have a message of friendship here from <friend>. You two have a good thing going, if you ask me.
— Delivering greetings from a friend.

On the character status screen

— On the character status screen.
Nobles and commoners are equals here...that suits me just fine.
— On the character status screen.
Don't spook me like that! I'm just mixing up some peaceful poisons, don't mind me.
— On the character status screen.
I have to believe this path leads to the sight I dream of seeing...
— On the character status screen.
A good general doesn't count on luck to win the day.
— On the character status screen.
If worrying's your thing, have at it. Otherwise, let's feast!
— On the character status screen.
I think the world would be better off without borders, but that's just me...
— On the character status screen.
I want to know more about you... Um, not in a creepy way. I just find you intriguing!
— On the character status screen.

Level 40 quote

I never had much faith in gods or goddesses, <player>. But now, seeing godlike folks isn't out of the ordinary. That's what it seems like, anyway. Do you believe in destiny? Like the kind of miraculous encounters that change your life? Surprise meetings that are somehow inevitable at the same time? You get what I'm saying, don't you? I feel that my meeting you was part of my destiny. Maybe even a miracle of some god's design... Well, if that god knows how I feel, they'll know I ought to stick with you a while longer, for a brighter future.
— After reaching level 40 at five-star rarity.

Map quotes

Sure thing.
— When selected on the map screen.
What's this?
— When selected on the map screen.
Let's go!
— When selected on the map screen.

Level-up quotes

Well, no use panicking at this point...
— When gaining 1–2 stats from a level-up.
Getting a little stronger is never a bad thing.
— When gaining 3–4 stats from a level-up.
Even I have room to grow.
— When gaining 5–6 stats from a level-up.
With this power, I'll plot a course to a bright new age.
— When learning a new skill or increasing rarity.

Special skill quotes

I won't back down!
— When using a special skill.
Ready or not, here it comes!
— When using a special skill.
Hold a grudge if you must.
— When using a special skill.
Leave. Now.
— When using a special skill.

Defeat quote

Sorry,'s up to you now.
— When defeated.

Claude: Tropical Trouble

At the castle

I'm Claude, of the Leicester Alliance. You're planning a trip to the beach, right? Perfect, count me in!
— When summoned.
You know, comfortable clothing like this suits me a whole lot better than some heavy suit of armor.
— At the castle.
My hometown, Derdriu, is often called the Aquatic Capital. It's a great place to spend a summer vacation.
— At the castle.
The imperial princess and crown prince are here too? Time to find out which of us is the fastest swimmer!
— At the castle.
You can't REALLY say you're living it up on a tropical island unless you put together a feast, right? Right.
— At the castle.
I'm still not gonna put my faith in any gods, but I guess I can be a little grateful for the summer season.
— At the castle.
I was sort of in the middle of my vacation, so it'd be great if I could get back to <friend> soon.
— Delivering greetings from a friend.

On the character status screen

Nothing's better than a tropical island vacation.
— On the character status screen.
Gah! Your hands are so cold! Were you holding a drink or something?
— On the character status screen.
Heroes around here are getting a little rowdy. I'll let 'em know we're aiming for a more laid-back vibe.
— On the character status screen.
*yawn* I'm gonna go find a nice, shady place to nap.
— On the character status screen.
I'm planning a big party on the beach after the sun goes down. Invite any Heroes you know!
— On the character status screen.
If the whole world were as peaceful as this island, well... It'd be nice, but...I think I'd want something more.
— On the character status screen.
Wow, I can't even enjoy one day at the beach without you ordering me around... H-hey, come on, now! You know I'm kidding!
— On the character status screen.

Level 40 quote

Phew! It's been ages since I was able to kick back and unwind like this... Beaches really are the best, huh? Now, on a completely unrelated note, did you know that the bowstring affects a bow's performance? I know, I know, it sounds obvious. But hear me out, <player>. If you keep a bow strung for too long, it'll eventually warp, and might even become useless. In other words, you need to give the bowstring a break. It's the same with people. If they stay tense and guarded, they'll get worn out, and end up falling apart. If you want to take care of yourself, sometimes the best thing to do is just give yourself time to relax. Speaking of which, I'm feeling nice and refreshed now. Time to make sure this trip is one to remember!
— After reaching level 40 at five-star rarity.

Map quotes

Bright idea!
— When selected on the map screen.
That way, huh?
— When selected on the map screen.
— When selected on the map screen.

Level-up quotes

Starting to think I may have overdone this whole vacation thing...
— When gaining 1–2 stats from a level-up.
You know, running around under the sun isn't all that bad sometimes.
— When gaining 3–4 stats from a level-up.
Looks like I've worked up quite the sweat. Now it's time to get ready for a feast!
— When gaining 5–6 stats from a level-up.
It's like you read my mind—this is just what I need to beat the summer heat!
— When learning a new skill or increasing rarity.

Special skill quotes

Ride the wave!
— When using a special skill.
Let's settle it with a swim!
— When using a special skill.
You're sunk!
— When using a special skill.
Ah, summer memories…
— When using a special skill.

Defeat quote

Ow! Cramp! Cramp!
— When defeated.

Claude: Golden Breeze

At the castle

A festival of wind, eh? Well, you've piqued my interest. Count me in.
— When summoned
It's easy to overlook what you can't see, but the wind is how seeds get scattered. We couldn't live without it.
— At the castle
I'm well acquainted with the wind. I negotiate with it every time I ride a wyvern or shoot a bow.
— At the castle
So this is the garb of the Wind Tribe, huh? They know how to read the breeze, I'll give them that.
— At the castle
If we're calling it a wind festival, then I expect it to be a wild party, full of freedom. No stuffy rules allowed!
— At the castle
The wind in Askr is no different from the wind in Fódlan. They're both invigorating, full of life and love.
— At the castle
I'm Claude of House Riegan. If you want to enjoy the wind festival, try <friend>'s castle.
— Delivering greetings from a friend

On the character status screen

This tribe can control the wind, huh? Fascinating. What kind of magic is that?
— On the character status screen
*laugh* A textbook move like that won't catch me by surprise.
— On the character status screen
So this is basically just a feast, right? Count me in.
— On the character status screen
I feel a bit strange wearing this other words, pretty much normal.
— On the character status screen
Nobles and commoners from all manner of worlds and cultures live as equals here. I love it.
— On the character status screen
We all need a breather now and then—especially when things are tense.
— On the character status screen

You know, you've got a calming air about you. I appreciate that.

Level 40 quote

You can't see, smell, or taste the wind. The only way to sense it at all is through touch. Fortunately, touch is all you need to make the wind your ally—if you know how to listen to what it's telling you. Which way's it blowing? How strong? Is it soft and steady, or is it coming at you in big, wild gusts? If you can read the wind, you can live by it. And it's far more reliable than leaving your fate up to chance. I don't have to tell you that, though. You're as good at reading the wind as I am, <player>. For my part, I need to study up. I've got a few ideas about how to make the wind a bigger part of my life...
— After reaching level 40 at five-star rarity

Map quotes

You ready?
— When selected on the map screen
We've got options...
— When selected on the map screen
Let's take flight!
— When selected on the map screen

Level-up quotes

Ugh—don't stand downwind of this. It stinks.
— When gaining 1–2 stats from a level-up
You think I'm slippery? Try and catch the wind.
— When gaining 3–4 stats from a level-up
Nothing like the wind at your back.
— When gaining 5–6 stats from a level-up
Whenever the wind is behind you, you've got to take advantage.
— When learning a new skill or increasing rarity

Special skill quotes

This'll blow you away.
— When using a special skill
Better move...
— When using a special skill
Riding high.
— When using a special skill
Scatter in the breeze!
— When using a special skill

Defeat quote

Dust in the wind.
— When defeated

Claude: Yuletide Schemer

At the castle

Claude von Riegan, here for all your winter-festival needs. Now, what's our first move?
— When summoned
These presents weigh a ton... Is now a good time to mention that I never carry my books to class?
— At the castle
Winter is pretty harsh in Fódlan. Even warm Adrestia in the south gets hit by freezing sea winds.
— At the castle
Hey! If you were a good kid, you'd be sound asleep. Real shame that you must not want presents this year...
— At the castle
I'm not really a "divine intervention" kind of guy. I think miracles are the result of dedicated effort.
— At the castle
We won't get any gifts delivered if we panic. Let's take a minute to breathe and think up a strategy.
— At the castle
Here's a winter festival gift from <friend>. I'm a busy man with places to be, so...later!
— Delivering greetings from a friend

On the character status screen

Winter festulations! Wait, that doesn't sound right, does it? Enh!
— On the character status screen
Careful with the cold hands! You could startle somebody that way.
— On the character status screen
It's great to see everybody giving gifts to kids. Really builds community.
— On the character status screen
That big tree with all the decorations on it is gorgeous. I wish I could take it back to Garreg Mach and show everybody there.
— On the character status screen
After the presents are out, let's gather everyone up for a huge feast. Then we can all just watch the snow together and unwind.
— On the character status screen
What do I want? Well, it's not something you can put in a box and wrap with a bow.
— On the character status screen
You're never gonna believe the gift I found for you. *chuckle*
— On the character status screen

Level 40 quote

Winter festival keeping you busy, <player>? Me too. A little strategy and planning goes a long way, though. All my gifts have been delivered. It's nothing compared to what these kids really need, of course. An end to all this war. A life of peace. But let's not kid ourselves—that's more than we could ever hope to deliver in one night. Still, I hope these gifts will tide them over in the meantime and keep their spirits up. Let them enjoy the winter festival while we work on getting them the gift they deserve most of all.
— After reaching level 40 at five-star rarity

Map quotes

— When selected on the map screen
— When selected on the map screen
I'll deliver.
— When selected on the map screen

Level-up quotes

Brrr! Cold fingers do not an accurate marksman make...
— When gaining 1–2 stats from a level-up
Some bumps in the road are to be expected. Don't worry, I've got a thing or two up my sleeve.
— When gaining 3–4 stats from a level-up
Only a few more presents left to deliver. Let's finish strong and celebrate our victory with a feast!
— When gaining 5–6 stats from a level-up
For me? I graciously accept!
— When learning a new skill or increasing rarity

Special skill quotes

Got you something!
— When using a special skill
This is for you!
— When using a special skill
To all a good night!
— When using a special skill
Let's enjoy ourselves.
— When using a special skill

Defeat quote

I'm freezing...
— When defeated