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Ss fe12 menu background 01.png

The following text is an unofficial translation by fans. There may be stylistic differences with official sources and other unofficial translations.

This page contains all data pertaining to Clarine's supports.


Clarine Portrait clarine fe06.png Initial: 1
Per turn: +1
Is gba thunderaffin.png × Is gba animaaffin.png
Portrait lance fe06.png Lance
Support Level Attack Defense Hit Avoid Critical Dodge
C 0 1 0 5 2 5
B 1 2 0 10 5 10
A 1 3 0 15 7 15

C Support

Clarine: Oh? And you are...
Lance: Ah, you must be Lady Clarine of House Reglay. I am Lance, knight of Pherae. We are honored to have someone of your stature among us. I apologize for any impudence you may have experienced from the men. The soldiers are simply a bit anxious because of this war.
Clarine: Oh... Yes, consider them forgiven. I don't often grant favors like this so easily. Consider it an honor!
Lance: Yes, I thank you, milady. Now, let me take your hand...
Clarine: My... So civil and gentlemanly! For a country knight, that is.
Lance: I am honored.
Clarine: O-of course, your manners are nothing compared to our knights back home.
Lance: Please forgive my breeding, milady.

B Support

Clarine: Lance.
Lance: Lady Clarine, is there anything I can do for you?
Clarine: As the daughter of House Reglay, I order you to serve as my bodyguard henceforth.
Lance: But--
Clarine: In truth, you are a bit on the feeble side... But I don't have many knights to choose from, so you will do. You must stay by my side and defend me at all times. Understood?
Lance: If Lord Roy orders it, it will be done.
Clarine: But... I'm ordering it! Me!
Lance: If I may object, milady, I cannot follow your orders directly. A knight must serve his lord, and only his lord. One who fails in that is no longer a knight.
Clarine: I...I knew that! I was merely testing your knightly integrity!
Lance: Yes, milady. Forgive me.
Clarine: Y-yes, well, you passed my test. Stand proud, knight!

A Support

Clarine: Lance!
Lance: Yes, Lady Clarine?
Clarine: Even if you are not mine to order... Are we not a lady and knight?
Lance: Indeed we are, milady.
Clarine: In-indeed... As such, I hereby permit you to kiss my hand.
Lance: Thank you, milady.
Clarine: Lance, I don't want you to misunderstand. The kissing of my hand is a symbol of the difference in our status. There is no more meaning to it than that!
Lance: Yes, of course, milady.
Clarine: Yes... Of course... You're not... disappointed...?
Lance: Did you say something, milady?
Clarine: N-No! Nothing! Back to your duties, knight!


Clarine Portrait clarine fe06.png Initial: 1
Per turn: +1
Is gba thunderaffin.png × Is gba thunderaffin.png
Portrait dieck fe06.png Dieck
Support Level Attack Defense Hit Avoid Critical Dodge
C 0 1 0 5 5 5
B 0 2 0 10 10 10
A 0 3 0 15 15 15

C Support

Clarine: Excuse me, would you mind sitting still? I'm trying to heal your wounds for you...
Dieck: What's a kid like you doing in the battlefield?
Clarine: !!
Dieck: Are you lost? Where are your parents?
Clarine: !!! Watch your tongue! Have you any idea who--
Dieck: Yeah, you're high rank nobility, right? That's no reason for you to be here, though.
Clarine: !!! Filthy peasant...! Listen and be dumbstruck! I am Lady Clarine of House Reglay of Etruria!
Dieck: What? Then you're Lord Pent's daughter...
Clarine: You know my father?
Dieck: And Klein's little sister...
Clarine: You know Klein, too!? Who...are you...?
Dieck: Nervermind. Forget it.
Clarine: I shall NOT forget it!
Dieck: Clarine, was it? Be careful out there.
Clarine: What!? Wait! ...Who is he...?

B Support

Clarine: ...I told you to speak! Who are you? Keeping quiet is of no benefit, but talking will put you in my good graces!
Dieck: Do you ever shut your mouth? Seriously, let me be, kid...
Clarine: You will address me as Lady Clarine!
Dieck: Whatever. Listen, "Lady" Clarine. Try doing something other than tailing me everywhere. You might actually be useful for once in your life.
Clarine: Foul man...!
Dieck: I'm foul, all right. Probably best just to avoid me.
Clarine: ...You are manipulating me. I will not be driven away so easily.
Dieck: Yikes, there's nothing attractive about you at all. You say you're Lady Louise's daughter? I don't believe it.
Clarine: That's it! My family! I want to ask you about my brother!
Dieck: Dang, you saw right past the insult! You're catching on, kid...
Clarine: You will address me as Lady Clarine!
Clarine: Wait! Wait, I say!

A Support

Dieck: ...All right, you win. I'll tell you. Just stop following me everywhere I go...
Clarine: Finally, you see reason. Please go ahead. Start at the beginning.
Dieck: It's not really a long story or anything... I just used to work for your family as an arena combatant.
Clarine: Are...are you Dieck, by chance?
Dieck: Uh, yeah. You didn't even know my name?
Clarine: Truly?! I always wanted to meet the noble Dieck!
Dieck: What are you talking about?
Clarine: You saved my brother's life!
Dieck: Who told you?
Clarine: Everyone! My father, my mother, my brother himself... I grew up hearing about the great man named Dieck.
Dieck: ......
Clarine: I was still in the cradle when you left... I always regretted not being able to meet you. But finally, here you are!
Dieck: Okay, yeah... So now you've seen me. Satisfied?
Clarine: I am.
Dieck: Good. Then you'll stop hovering around me wherever I go.
Clarine: Oh, no, I'll follow you to the ends of the continent!
Dieck: Anything but that...
Clarine: You saved my brother's life. I owe you a debt of gratitude. I want to hear all about my brother. Oh, you could regale me with tales for hours...
Dieck: ...Maybe I could, but I won't.
Clarine: Oh! Wait, Dieck! Come back! I'll never let you go!


Clarine Portrait clarine fe06.png Initial: 1
Per turn: +1
Is gba thunderaffin.png × Is gba darkaffin.png
Portrait rutger fe06.png Rutger
Support Level Attack Defense Hit Avoid Critical Dodge
C 0 0 2 5 5 5
B 0 1 5 10 10 10
A 0 1 7 15 15 15

C Support

Clarine: Oh! We certainly do meet a lot.
Rutger: ...You again?
Clarine: You will address me as Lady Clarine.
Rutger: ......
Clarine: I want to tell you something.
Rutger: Yes?
Clarine: It is about your appearance.
Rutger: What?
Clarine: You actually do have quite an attractive face. Of course, it is no comparison to my beloved brother Klein's, but for a commoner, you aren't entirely hideous.
Rutger: ......
Clarine: I can use my Etrurian aesthetic sense to make you into a truly handsome noble...
Clarine: Oh! Wait! Where did he go? I was not finished speaking to him! I should have known he was nothing but a tramp!

B Support

Clarine: There you are! I won't let you go this time!
Rutger: ...Leave me be.
Clarine: What? That is no way to respond to a lady's kindness!
Rutger: You're getting on my nerves.
Clarine: That is no way to talk to a lady... not how a proper gentleman...should act...
Rutger: ......
Clarine: ......
Rutger: ...All right, I'm sorry. Stop crying.
Clarine: I-I'm not...!
Rutger: ......
Clarine: ...I know he is not to blame... So why am I acting this way...?

A Support

Rutger: ...Hey.
Clarine: Oh...
Rutger: You dropped this.
Clarine: ...I know he is not to blame... So why am I acting this way...?
Rutger: ......
Clarine: Um... I just realized... I don't know your name... Might I trouble you to tell it to me?
Rutger: ...Rutger.
Clarine: Rutger... I never even thanked you for saving me... It is no wonder you don't like me...
Rutger: ......
Clarine: I thank you for rescuing me in my time of need... I know it is far overdue, but I hope you will accept my thanks...
Rutger: ...That's not like you.
Clarine: What?
Rutger: Don't try to be someone you're not. You're good at screaming, so stick with that.
Clarine: Wh-what do you mean by that?!
Rutger: That's it... That's you. Give me your company once in a while, Clarine. Make me smile.
Clarine: !!
(Rutger leaves)
Clarine: Rutger...


Clarine Portrait clarine fe06.png Initial: 1
Per turn: +1
Is gba thunderaffin.png × Is gba fireaffin.png
Portrait dorothy fe06.png Dorothy
Support Level Attack Defense Hit Avoid Critical Dodge
C 0 0 2 5 5 2
B 1 1 5 10 10 5
A 1 1 7 15 15 7

C Support

Clarine: Oh? You...
Dorothy: Yes? Me?
Clarine: Why do you dress yourself in men's clothing?
Dorothy: Is that strange...?
Clarine: Of course! A lady must wear elegant dresses. And a lady must be dressed properly even when she fights.
Dorothy: Really...? I suppose you're right. I know nothing about that kind of stuff...
Clarine: Hm... So I see. Well, I suppose I can teach you all that I know.
Dorothy: What? N-no! Being ladylike doesn't suit me...
Clarine: Don't be absurd! All ladies must be ladylike. No gentleman will even give you the time of day if you look like that.
Dorothy: D-do you think so...? Well...if you're serious... then all right! Please teach me, Lady Clarine!

B Support

Clarine: So... Dorothy, what is your schedule like?
Dorothy: I'm pretty busy even off the battlefield. I help cook meals and stuff...
Clarine: What?! Leave such dirty jobs to that plebeian Merlinus fellow!
Dorothy: P-plebeian? Sir Merlinus is plebeian?
Clarine: How do you take care of your hair?
Dorothy: I wash it with water.
Clarine:What?! I don't believe this...! Here, use this shampoo. Wash your hair with it three times a day!
Dorothy: Th-three times? looks so expensive... I appreciate it, but I think it would be wasted on me.
Clarine: None of that now! I am offering it to you. Please, take it.
Dorothy: Oh... Well, thank you, I guess.
Clarine: must change your speech patterns. Try to speak more like me, with a refined, elegant tone.
Dorothy: Um... Okay... My, such a beautifious day! Let us partake of the tea and of the crumpets. Like that?
Clarine: ...This will take much work... First things first. You must learn how to take care of your hair, and how to choose your dresses, and how to dance properly, and how to turn down offers from men...
Dorothy: That much?!
Clarine: That is just to start. You mustn't give up! The path to becoming a refined lady is a difficult one indeed!
Dorothy: So it seems...

A Support

Dorothy: Um... Lady Clarine?
Clarine: Yes?
Dorothy: I've been trying really hard to be a lady, but... Nothing seems to have changed. No one seems to even notice. Maybe I should just give up...
Clarine: My...
Dorothy: I'm sorry! I know you were just trying to help me... But it's not your fault! There wasn't much to work with anyway...
Clarine: Dorothy! That is exactly what's wrong with you!
Dorothy: What?
Clarine: Listen to me. A fine lady must have confidence in herself. No matter how you dress, without faith in yourself, it is completely and utterly without meaning. Do not devalue yourself so. Do you understand?
Dorothy: Y-yeah, I think.
Clarine: Have confidence in yourself! With me as your teacher, you will be the finest of ladies!
Dorothy: ...Thank you, Lady Clarine...
Clarine: ...One additional matter... We are friends now, are we not?
Dorothy: Eh?
Clarine: Don't call me "Lady" Clarine. Simply "Clarine" will do.
Dorothy: Oh, right. Okay. Thanks, Clarine!
Clarine: ...Ahem! Today we shall cover how to properly drink tea!
Dorothy: All right! Tell me everything you know!


Clarine Portrait clarine fe06.png Initial: 40
Per turn: +3
Is gba thunderaffin.png × Is gba iceaffin.png
Portrait klein fe06.png Klein
Support Level Attack Defense Hit Avoid Critical Dodge
C 0 1 2 5 2 5
B 0 2 5 10 5 10
A 0 3 7 15 7 15

C Support

Clarine: Eeek! Klein!
Klein: W-what's wrong, Clarine?
Clarine: You look absolutely stunning in that outfit!
Klein: ...That's all? And here I was wondering what kind of danger you were in...
Clarine: My dear brother Klein! Everyone is so aesthetically handicapped in this army! You are a lone diamond shining in the rough!
Klein: You only think so because we're family...
Clarine: I do not! There are none in this world who can match your beauty. Knight General Perceval may have more authority, but you clearly have superior sense in beauty!
Klein: ...Clarine, a lady shouldn't verbalize such things.
Clarine: I only say what is true.
Klein: ...Clarine.
Clarine: But if that's what you think, Brother, I will try.
Klein: Good.

B Support

Klein: Clarine, come here.
Clarine: Oh, Klein? How do you fare today?
Klein: Not well, I'm afraid.
Clarine: Is something wrong?
Klein: Is it true that you spoke harshly to a cleric and made her cry yesterday?
Clarine: Absolutely not. I did not make her cry. She is the one who chose to cry.
Klein: ...But she cried because of what you said to her.
Clarine: It was her fault! She was trying to keep you for herself.
Klein: What do you mean?
Clarine: ...She healed your wounds before I got the chance.
Klein: Clarine!
Clarine: I wanted to heal your injuries so you would be proud of me! All I want is to be of some help to you, Brother...
Klein: ...I was proud of you. I was so glad that my naive little sister had grown up so much... But now that you've done this, I don't know what to think anymore...
Clarine: I-I'll never do it again! Please don't hate me, Klein!
Klein: Don't be ridiculous. I could never hate you.
Clarine: Oh, thank you, Klein!

A Support

Klein: What's wrong, Clarine? You look sad.
Clarine: I...I don't want to go backto the manse after the war...
Klein: Why not? Mother and Father anxiously await our return.
Clarine: I do want to see Mother and Father... But if I return to the manse, I will be nothing but a doll once more. Never again to see the outside world, concerned only with decorating myself...
Klein: Well, that is how most Etrurian ladies are.
Clarine: Yes, I know... But being the most elegant in Etruria does not seem as appealing as it once did.
Klein: That's because you're growing and maturing, Clarine. If you stay at the manse, you couldlive your life without any worries.
Clarine: But it would be so horribly boring!
Klein: Yes, indeed... All right, here's what we will do. Once this war is over, we will first let Mother and Father know we are safe.
Clarine: Of course.
Klein: From there we can discuss your future and what you want to do.
Clarine: Oh, I already know what I want to do!
Klein: Do you?
Clarine: I will become Mage General like General Cecilia!
Klein: Err... Are you serious?
Clarine: Of course! As Mage General, I will give you, the new Archer General, my full support. Then we shall be together always!
Klein: Clarine... Let's be realistic...
Clarine: Oh, how wonderful it would be for us both to wear that elegant general uniform...
Klein: Clarine... You haven't grown at all.
Clarine: Did you say something?
Klein: No. Never mind.