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Ss fe12 menu background 01.png

The following text is an unofficial translation by fans. There may be stylistic differences with official sources and other unofficial translations.

This page contains all data pertaining to Chad's supports.


Chad Portrait chad fe06.png Initial: 1
Per turn: +1
Is gba thunderaffin.png × Is gba windaffin.png
Portrait elen fe06.png Elen
Support Level Attack Defense Hit Avoid Critical Dodge
C 0 0 2 2 5 5
B 1 1 5 5 10 10
A 1 1 7 7 15 15

C Support

Chad: Sister! Wait! Wait, please!
Elen: Sorry, do you mean me?
Chad: Yeah. Sorry I yelled... But I need to ask you something.
Elen: I will help you if I can.
Chad: Okay, well, unless I'm wrong, one of these herbs is medicinal, right? Vulneraries are made from one of these, aren't they?
Elen: Yes, this one has medicinal properties. I'm surprised you knew that.
Chad: Poppa taught us at the orphanage I used to live in.
Elen: He sounds like a good man.
Chad: Yeah, he sure was! Well, I need to hurry with this herb.
Elen: Do you? Is someone hurt
Chad: Yeah, a traveler was hit by a stray arrow. It's not a large wound, but the bleeding won't stop.
Elen: My healing staff will be more effective than the herb. Can you show me to this traveler?
Chad: Really?! You'll help him out?!
Elen: Of course.
Chad: Let's hurry! This way!

B Support

Chad: Sister Elen!
Elen: Hello, Chad.
Chad: Thanks for your help before. The traveler made a full recovery. He wanted me to thank you.
Elen: I only did what anyone would have.
Chad: No way! I've never met anyone willing to use a pricy healing staff on a commoner.
Elen: What?
Chad: Only those with the St. Elimine Church treat commoners with staves. And even then, it's only when the wound is lethal or something.
Elen: ...Really?
Chad: Yeah, at least that's how it is in the Lycian countryside where I grew up. But that's why we learned how to use herbs and things. ...At least until Bern invaded.
Elen: ...I...see.
Chad: Whoa! S-sorry, I didn't mean to make you feel down or anything...
Elen: It's not your fault... I just can't believe... I can't believe my...home country would start this war...
Chad: ...Sister Elen, are you...?
Elen: Yes. I...come from Bern.
Chad: !! ......
(Chad leaves)
Elen: Chad! Wait! ...Chad.

A Support

Elen: ...Chad.
Chad: !
Elen: Wait! Don't go! Please... listen to me.
Chad: ......
Elen: My country started this war. So I understand...if you resent a person of Bern like me...
Chad: ......
Elen: But why? I see no hatred in your eyes.Only sorrow.
Chad: !
Elen: Would you...tell me about it? I think it may release some of the burden on your shoulders...
Chad: ...... ...Poppa...the father of our orphanage... He was killed by Bern's soldiers... We had a little garden where we grew food. The soldiers... They trampled it with their horses because... because they said it was in the way. It was a tiny garden with nothing but roots, and yet they still...
Elen: Then...Poppa was killed protecting the garden?
Chad: Yeah... It may have been just a bunch of roots...but it was our food.
Elen: Chad, you can cry... If you feel sad, let it out.
Chad: ...I was the oldest of the orphans, so I can't cry. The little kids and my best friend Lugh... They went into shock seeing Poppa killed before their eyes. It was my job to take care of them. I don't want to lose any more family... That's why I fight.
Elen: You're strong.
Chad: My hatred for Bern fuels my strength... The drive to avenge Poppa and protect all the orphans... That was my purpose in life. It felt just!
Elen: Do you hesitate now?
Chad: ...I hated everyone from Bern. I thought they only cared about themselves. ...Until I met you.
Elen: Chad... I'm on your side. Regardless of my home...I want to help you. Do you hate me...?
Chad: ...I don't know.
Elen: Then I'll stay at your side, Chad. I can't replace Poppa... But the least I can do is be there for you.
Chad: ...Have it your way!
Elen: Thank you, Chad.


Chad Portrait chad fe06.png Initial: 30
Per turn: +2
Is gba thunderaffin.png × Is gba fireaffin.png
Portrait lugh fe06.png Lugh
Support Level Attack Defense Hit Avoid Critical Dodge
C 0 0 2 5 5 2
B 1 1 5 10 10 5
A 1 1 7 15 15 7

C Support

Lugh: Chad! There you are.
Chad: Something smells good...
Lugh: Here you go. That's your share.
Chad: Wow, baked tarts! Where'd you get these?
Lugh: The man who delivers our meals gave me some extra ones.
Chad: ...They look so good... Can I really have them?
Lugh: Of course.
Chad: All right! Thanks! ...They taste as good as they look.
Lugh: Ha ha!
Chad: What?
Lugh: Oh, sorry. It's just that you always look so happy when you're eating.
Chad: I do?
Lugh: Yeah. You look so peaceful. I'm almost envious.
Chad: W-what the...? Don't make fun of me. I-I'll be going now. Thanks for the food!
Lugh: 7Ha ha, I wasn't making fun of you. It's nothing to be embarrassed of.

B Support

Chad: Lugh! Here.
Lugh: What? Oh, a new pair of shoes? Where did you get these?
Chad: I didn't steal them, all right? The other day I came across an old lady who lost her key, so I helped her out and she gave me these shoes as thanks.
Lugh: Then why don't you wear them? She gave them to you, not me.
Chad: No, it's all right. My shoes aren't as beat up as yours, and besides, they're a little small for me anyway.
Lugh: But we're the same size. If they're small for you, they must be small for me, too.
Chad: J-just take them! I'm older, so my feet are a little bigger than yours!
Lugh: What? That's not how it works!
Chad: Of course it is! End of story. Just take the shoes, all right? See you.
Lugh: Chad! ...Thanks.

A Support

Lugh: Chad! What's wrong? Is something on your mind?
Chad: Lugh... I was just thinking that we've been in this army for a while now. I wonder how the children are doing...
Lugh: Yeah, I wonder. I hope they're being good for the Elimine priests...
Chad: I wonder if they're waiting for us to return...
Lugh: ...I'm sure they are. We're family.
Chad: I've got to say... I'm glad you came.
Lugh: Oh? Do you finally think I'm strong enough?
Chad: I already knew that you were strong...
Lugh: Then what?
Chad: How can I say this...? Your twin brother, Raigh. I always felt I was the odd one out when we three were together.
Lugh: Don't be ridiculous! You're family to me, just as much as Raigh is!
Chad: Yeah, I know! I know better now. I was just creating a wall around myself. But now I know that you're family.
Lugh: ...Okay, I'll let it slide. You're my older brother, even if you are...a little childish.
Chad: What?! Get back here, Lugh!
Lugh: Ha ha ha ha...


Chad Portrait chad fe06.png Initial: 1
Per turn: +1
Is gba thunderaffin.png × Is gba animaaffin.png
Portrait cath fe06.png Cath
Support Level Attack Defense Hit Avoid Critical Dodge
C 0 1 0 5 2 5
B 1 2 0 10 5 10
A 1 3 0 15 7 15

C Support

Cath: Hey.
Chad: Whoa! Who are you?
Cath: You've got talent.
Chad: Okay, so who are you?
Cath: ... You don't know me? I'm Cath, Master Thief!
Chad: ... Who?
Cath: ...Stupid, ignorant... I'm a better thief than you. You're below me. You should be begging me for tips.
Chad: I don't think so. I learned how to steal all on my own, and I'm gonna keep it that way.
Cath: No, you won't get any further like that. I guess I can take you under my wing. Show you the ropes. Since you insist.
Chad: Wait, when did I--
Cath: Now you're my first apprentice. You must do my bidding.
Chad: Why should I?!
Cath: I know one good reason. Isn't this your bag?
Chad: H-hey! When did you...? Give it back!

B Support

Chad: Hey!
Cath: Oh, it's you.
Chad: Give me back my bag! Now!
Cath: Easy there, fella. Here ya go.
Chad: ......
Cath: What are those sketches? Who is that?
Chad: Poppa... Not my real father, but close enough.
Cath: ...You're an orphan.
Chad: ...I wasn't the brightest student, but Poppa always praised my drawings. He said I had nimble fingers and that I could be an artist someday...
Cath: ...... I see... ...... ...... Argh! Now things are awkward. I like it positive. You should too, Firsty.
Chad: What do you mean by "Firsty"?
Cath: That's you. You're my first apprentice, remember?
Chad: I never agreed to that!

A Support

Cath: Hey, Firsty. How ya been?
Chad: ... Fine.
Cath: I've been watching you. You seem to be improving. You're still nowhere near my level, though. Of course.
Chad: Yeah, whatever. I'm not your apprentice.
Cath: Hey, wait. If not my apprentice, then how about my partner?
Chad: ...Partner?
Cath: Yeah. We could be partners. The fabled pair of thieves out to save the poor! Sounds pretty cool, huh?
Chad: Partners... ...Sounds stupid. No thanks.
Cath: What? Wait a minute! I'm Cath, Master Thief! You should be honored! Come back here!


Chad Portrait chad fe06.png Initial: 1
Per turn: +2
Is gba thunderaffin.png × Is gba iceaffin.png
Portrait raigh fe06.png Raigh
Support Level Attack Defense Hit Avoid Critical Dodge
C 0 1 2 5 2 5
B 0 2 5 10 5 10
A 0 3 7 15 7 15

C Support

Chad: Hey! Raigh!
Raigh: ...Chad. I don't recall summoning you.
Chad: Look, I wouldn't be here if I didn't need to be.
Raigh: What do you want?
Chad: Roy... I mean Lord Roy wants to see us.
Raigh: You think I care?
Chad: P-pipe down! Don't be so loud! That Merlinus guy'll be after us again!
Raigh: You're afraid of that old geezer, aren't you?
Chad: Well, sure. He and Lord Roy are nobles.
Raigh: Ha ha. Little Chad bows down to nobles now, does he?
Chad: ...Laugh if you like. But let me say this. Nobility don't like to be opposed. Lord Roy doesn't seem like he would anger too easily, but I don't know about the others.
Raigh: ......
Chad: I don't want to see the people I care about get hurt. I know you're proud of that mouth of yours, but unless you want to be killed, keep it shut. ...I'm going. You better come, too.
Raigh: ......

B Support

Raigh: ...Hey.
Chad: ...What?
Raigh: You still steal, don't you?
Chad: I've got no choice. I can't use magic like you. My only use in this army is picking locks and gathering intel...
Raigh: No, I think it's invaluable.
Chad: What?
Raigh: The other day when we went to see that Roy fellow... He said he appreciated our work because we're close to his age. But you humbled yourself the whole time, belittling your work.
Chad: Yeah? And?
Raigh: You do something no one else can. Have some pride in it. You look stupid when you put yourself down.
Chad: ...Uh, are you trying to cheer me up?
Raigh: D-don't be ridiculous! Why would I ever want to cheer you up?!
Chad: Yeah, I thought so. Good, you had me scared for a second.
Raigh: ...Fine! I'm leaving!
Chad: Hey! What's your problem?

A Support

Chad: Hey!
Raigh: ......
Chad: Don't ignore me. I need to talk to you.
Raigh: About what?
Chad: What are you planning to do when the war ends?
Raigh: ...You first?
Chad: I'll go see the children. Then I'll try and get enough money to rebuild the orphanage.
Raigh: Then I'll go with you. I can help out until the kids have a home at least.
Chad: ... I thought you would.
Raigh: What?
Chad: I knew you had a heart deep down inside.
Raigh: Wh--?!
Chad: Lugh always said you were a kind boy. I used to think he only defended you because you're brothers, but I guess not. Your brother knows the real you.
Raigh: ... You're just as naive as Lugh! Say what you will! I'm leaving!
Chad: Hah, there's no need to be embarrassed... Hey! Wait! You're actually leaving?!


Chad Portrait chad fe06.png Initial: 1
Per turn: +1
Is gba thunderaffin.png × Is gba windaffin.png
Portrait hugh fe06.png Hugh
Support Level Attack Defense Hit Avoid Critical Dodge
C 0 0 2 2 5 5
B 1 1 5 5 10 10
A 1 1 7 7 15 15

C Support

Chad: Hey! Are you Hugh?
Hugh: Huh? So what if I am, kid?
Chad: ...Is it true that you're a moneylender?
Hugh: Maybe. Why?
Chad: I want to borrow 3,000 gold.
Hugh: Well, you're out of luck, kid. I only lend money to grown-ups. Especially to lovely ladies.
Chad: ... Oh. All right then, I'll ask someone else then.
Hugh: Hey, hey, hey, slow down there. Have a little more persistence, kid. You can't give up so easily.
Chad: But you only lend money to adults, don't you?
Hugh: Well, if you insist, I can make an exception for you. But your interest will be twice the normal rate.
Chad: I thought you'd say something like that. ...But fine. Let me borrow the money. I'll give it back when we get paid.
Hugh: One, two, three. Here you go, 3,000 gold.
Chad: Thanks. See you later.
Hugh: Remember, it's 4,000 after interest! ...How could I turn him down after he looked at me like that? This is why I hate kids...

B Support

Chad: Hey! Here's the money I owe you.
Hugh: One, two, three, four. Yup, that's 4,000. I haven't seen you around lately so I thought you ran off with it.
Chad: I keep my promises. What kind of person doesn't?
Hugh: You'd be surprised. You're an honest kid. You sure you chose the right career?
Chad: Stop calling me "kid". My name is Chad.
Hugh: All right. So tell me, Chad, why'd you become a thief?
Chad: ...Stealing's the only way I could live. I'm an orphan.
Hugh: Did you live alone?
Chad: No, I lived in a small orphanage in Lycia near the border to Bern. I grew up with other orphans. We did pretty well. Poppa and the other kids and me... ...If this war hadn't broken out, I'd still be there.
Hugh: ......
Chad: Poppa was a good man, but he could only keep the orphanage running through charity. After the war started we began to run low on food and clothes. I was the oldest of the orphans, but I couldn't find any work. So the only way to get food was to steal.
Hugh: Then I'm guessing you sent that 3,000 gold to the orphanage...
Chad: No. ...The orphanage isn't there anymore.
Hugh: What!?
Chad: Poppa was killed by Bern's troops and the place was burned down...
Hugh: W-What about the children? Were they spared?
Chad: Thanks to Poppa, yeah. None of us were hurt. The children are with the St. Elimine Church now.
Hugh: ......
Chad: I used the money to buy a strong sword. I'm going to use it to end this war quickly. Then I can go back to the children!
Hugh: So the kids are family to you. You want to protect them.
Chad:That's right. I've got nothing else. You got a problem with that?
Hugh: Not at all... I'm sorry I was so rude with you before. You've already grown up, Chad. You're certainly more of an adult than I am.

A Support

Hugh: Hey! Chad! Have you been doing well?
Chad: Yeah, I guess. But not as well as you.
Hugh: Man, are you always such a downer? Can't you be more like, "Hey, Hugh! What's up?" And smile for a change.
Chad: ...I think I'd vomit if I tried to do that.
Hugh: Aw, come on! Your story really made me think. I want to help you!
Chad: ...Are you really a mage, old man? You seem more like some kind of jester or something.
Hugh: O-old man!? Does this handsome face look like it belongs to an "old man"?!
Chad: Yeah. Well, compared to mine, anyway.
Hugh: Ugh! Daggers through my heart! ...I take personal offense to "old man". Seriously, you can call me anything. Smelly, messy, stupid, anything. Just don't call me "old man"! I feel like my soul has died a little after hearing that!
Chad: ...Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Ha ha...huff... stomach...! Ha ha ha...!
Hugh: !!
Chad: Oh man, that reaction was priceless. I really pressed your buttons with that, didn't I? Fine, I'll call you Hugh. You're okay with that, aren't you? Since you claim you're not an old man.
Hugh: So you are capable of laughing after all!
Chad: Huh?
Hugh: You've always got that glare in your eyes. Your brow is always furrowed like you're mad. And you're rude, you have an attitude, and you never smile.
Chad: Sorry, what are you talking about?
Hugh: I've seen so many kids lose the ability to laugh thanks to this war. Grown-ups have a lot of issues, but come on, kids have to laugh. Even if the idiots who start these wars don't think so.
Chad: ......
Hugh: If there are still kids who can laugh, then maybe there is hope after all. I know you've had it rough, but you have to laugh once in a while, okay?
Chad: H-hey! Don't mess up my hair!
Hugh: Ha ha ha ha, sorry! I'll see you later. Just don't screw up!
Chad: ...Maybe adults aren't all as awful as I thought...