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Ss fe12 menu background 01.png

The following text is an unofficial translation by fans. There may be stylistic differences with official sources and other unofficial translations.

This page contains all the data pertaining to Alen's supports.


Alen Portrait alen fe06.png Initial: 20
Per turn: +2
Is gba fireaffin.png × Is gba fireaffin.png
Portrait roy fe06.png Roy
Support Level Attack Defense Hit Avoid Critical Dodge
C 1 0 5 5 5 0
B 2 0 10 10 10 0
A 3 0 15 15 15 0

C Support

Roy: Hmm...
Alen: Is something wrong, Lord Roy?
Roy: ......
Alen: Lord Roy!
Roy: Oh! Alen. Sorry, I was lost in my thoughts.
Alen: You seem to be thinking a lot these days, Lord Roy.
Roy: Maybe so...
Alen: What are you worried about?
Roy: I was just thinking about how to move our troops.
Alen: How to move the troops?
Roy: The enemy grows stronger all the time, so strategies quickly become obsolete. I was wondering how to effectively break through their defensive lines.
Alen: That's easy, Lord Roy! Just allow me to charge in. I will shatter their shields and pierce their armor!
Roy: Thanks for the offer, but I don't want to put you in danger. There must be another way... I'll think on it some more.

B Support

Alen: Lord Roy, I have an idea to break through the enemy's defenses...
Roy: An idea?
Alen: We leave our best troops behind, and send the weaker ones to the front lines. Once the enemies are weakened, the stronger troops will be able to finish them. Please, allow me to be in the front lines with the other weaker soldiers!
Roy: But then we would risk losing you and everyone you're with...
Alen: We might suffer some casualties, but we will win the battle!
Roy: ...Alen, I can't use that idea.
Alen: W-why not, milord?
Roy: I can't use a strategy that I know will cause casualties.
Alen: But Lord Roy, casualties are unavoidable in war...
Roy: ...I think not. It may be naive to say so, but a victory with casualties is no victory at all.
Alen: You want a complete victory... Is that possible in war?
Roy: I think it is. We need another plan.

A Support

Roy: Hmm...
Alen: Still thinking, Lord Roy?
Roy: Yes, I haven't thought of a good strategy yet... But yours is out of the question, understand?
Alen: Yes, Lord Roy. But if there's anything I can do, please don't hesitate to ask.
Roy: I won't.
Alen: ...Lord Roy.
Roy: Yes?
Alen: ...To be honest, I'm not sure I agree that a complete victory is possible. But if that's what you believe, then I will support you any way I can.
Roy: Thank you, Alen. I will prove to you that we can win without casualties.
Alen: I look forward to the day of our glorious victory!


Alen Portrait alen fe06.png Initial: 20
Per turn: +2
Is gba fireaffin.png × Is gba iceaffin.png
Portrait marcus fe06.png Marcus
Support Level Attack Defense Hit Avoid Critical Dodge
C 0 0 5 5 2 2
B 1 1 10 10 5 5
A 1 1 15 15 7 7

C Support

Alen: Where's the next enemy...?
Marcus: Alen.
Alen: Oh, Sir Marcus.
Marcus: You have been performing well lately.
Alen: Thank you, sir.
Marcus: However, you tend to charge headfirst into enemy lines. Your duty is to protect Lord Roy. You must think more.
Alen: Think more...? What's there to think about? Defeating the enemy protects Lord Roy!
Marcus: What if an enemy made it past you and Lord Roy was hurt? You wouldn't be able to make it back to save him.
Alen: That's never happened...
Marcus: But you cannot deny that it is a possibility.
Alen: What must I do?
Marcus: Take your time in battle.
Alen: Take my time...?

B Support

Alen: Sir Marcus.
Marcus: Alen. What's troubling you?
Alen: I need your guidance...
Marcus: My guidance?
Alen: You told me to take my time in battle. Does that mean I've been fighting wrong this whole time?
Marcus: Not at all. But you only know one way of fighting.
Alen: There's more than one way...?
Marcus: Your courage is not a bad trait. Indeed, it is praiseworthy. I'm simply concerned you may leave Lord Roy to fend for himself.
Alen: You're right...
Marcus: A knight must consider each situation and adapt accordingly. Charging ahead is not always the correct way.

A Support

Marcus: Alen, your fighting has improved.
Alen: Thanks to you... I am trying to adapt my fighting style to each situation.
Marcus: Good. Hmm. You might be ready to take over for me.
Alen: What do you mean?
Marcus: I have grown old. I must make way for the new generation. I trust Lord Roy will be safe in your hands.
Alen: M-me...?
Marcus: Are you embarrassed to take the place of an old man?
Alen: Of course not! It would be an honor! I shall protect Lord Roy with my life and Pherae will prosper--
Marcus: Calm yourself. Your passionmis all that worries me.
Alen: Yes, you're right...
Marcus: Just try to control your emotions. Lord Roy is still young. You must grow with him. As a knight, and as a person.


Alen Portrait alen fe06.png Initial: 30
Per turn: +2
Is gba fireaffin.png × Is gba animaaffin.png
Portrait lance fe06.png Lance
Support Level Attack Defense Hit Avoid Critical Dodge
C 1 0 2 5 2 2
B 2 1 5 10 5 5
A 3 1 7 15 7 7

C Support

Alen: Lance! How fares your sword today?
Lance: Neither good nor bad, Alen.
Alen: ...Cool and calm as always, I see. I may have lagged behind you the other day, but not in this battle! Watch and learn from my skill, Lance!
Lance: Of course I'll watch. We can all learn from one another. Don't expect me to lower myself to your level, though.
Alen: Well, look at you! I look forward to sparring when the battle's done. I'll be off then. You'd better hurry along too.

B Support

Lance: Alen, the battles will only get more difficult from here on.
Alen: I know, but a challenge is just what I want.
Lance: I have something to request of you. If we lose.
Alen: If we lose?
Lance: Yes. ...If it ever looks like defeat is certain, I want you to take Lord Roy and retreat. I will act as a decoy for the enemy and buy you time.
Alen: What? But what about you?
Lance: If it has to be one of us, it may as well be me. I've served House Pherae the shortest, so--
Alen: Have you lost your mind?
Lance: ...Alen?
Alen: If you're staying, then so will I. I won't allow you to run headfirst into certain death alone.
Lance: But you're one of a long line of knights serving House Pherae. It's better that you take Lord Roy and flee.
Alen: How long you've served means nothing! Let me ask you this. Do you consider yourself any less loyal than the other knights?
Lance: ......
Alen: No answer? Then allow me. You're just as valuable as any of us! You've held to your knightly vows admirably! I've been your partner ever since you came to House Pherae so I know that well!
Lance: Alen...
Alen: Don't throw your life away, Lance. Lord Roy needs you. We all do.

A Support

Lance: Alen, about before...
Alen: You mean about if we lose? Still intending to sacrifice yourself? Or something even more ludicrous?
Lance: No, you're right. Your words were a slap in the face. Perhaps I was belittling myself because I've served House Pherae the shortest.
Alen: Your work is second to none. Well, second to mine, but that's a given.
Lance: Where does your confidence come from? I envy you sometimes.
Alen: I'm confident simply because I know I could never lose to you.
Lance: ...I'll make you eat those words after I beat you today.
Alen: Hah, not likely! See you after the battle!
Lance: Of course.
Alen: And Lance!
Lance: Yes?
Alen: Even if we lose, you won't be left behind! Remember that!
Lance: Of course!


Alen Portrait alen fe06.png Initial: 20
Per turn: +2
Is gba fireaffin.png × Is gba iceaffin.png
Portrait wolt fe06.png Wolt
Support Level Attack Defense Hit Avoid Critical Dodge
C 0 0 5 5 2 2
B 1 1 10 10 5 5
A 1 1 15 15 7 7

C Support

Alen: 498...499...500...
Wolt: Sir Alen?
Alen: Whew... Ah, Wolt.
Wolt: You're sweating so profusely... Are you all right?
Alen: Don't worry, I'm fine. I was just doing some practice swings with my sword. I'm still weak. I must train myself further.
Wolt: But... We're in the middle of a battle. Shouldn't you be saving your energy for an emergency, Sir Alen?
Alen: ...Silence! An enemy! Let's go, Wolt! Don't lag behind!
Wolt: Wha-? Y-Yes, Sir Alen!

B Support

Alen: 998!...999!...1000!...
Wolt: Sir Alen!
Alen: Ah...huff...Wolt... Good to...huff...see you...huff...again...
Wolt: M-must you train so hard in battle? The enemy won't have much left to fight if you're like that!
Alen: Maybe I'm crazy...but yes, I have to do it. The continent feels bigger and bigger the more we fight.
Wolt: Yes. Who knows what we may be up against next?
Alen: We must break through our own limits and become stronger. We must be able to stand against any so we can protect Lord Roy.
Wolt: You're right!
Alen: All right... I've caught my breath. Let's go!
Wolt: He's amazing... But I can't let him get ahead of me!

A Support

Wolt: 98...99...
Alen: Wolt?
Wolt: Sir Alen!
Alen: Are you training now, too?
Wolt: Yes, well, after seeing you, I couldn't just sit around doing nothing. I have to become strong to protect Lord Roy as well.
Alen: There you go. That's the spirit! Become strong, and surprise even Lord Roy!
Wolt: Yes!


Alen Portrait alen fe06.png Initial: 1
Per turn: +1
Is gba fireaffin.png × Is gba fireaffin.png
Portrait ward fe06.png Ward
Support Level Attack Defense Hit Avoid Critical Dodge
C 1 0 5 5 5 0
B 2 0 10 10 10 0
A 3 0 15 15 15 0

C Support

Alen: You... You're Ward, the mercenary.
Ward: Uh, yeah... Who are you?
Alen: I'm Alen, knight of Pherae.
Ward: Oh, you're one of our client's knights. Are you any good?
Alen: Right to the point... I will say that I consider myself fairly skilled.
Ward: All right, good. Let's duel.
Alen: What, right now?
Ward: Of course.
Alen: Very well. But I'm telling you now, I won't go easy on you.
Ward: I'd expect no less. Just don't start crying if I hurt you.
Alen: Let's go!
Ward: W...Whoa... You're better than I thought.
Alen: You too... Good fight!
Ward: I'll beat you next time. Got that?
Alen: Sure thing!

B Support

Ward: Hey you!
Alen: Ward! How do you fare?
Ward: I've been looking for you. We didn't finish our match yet.
Alen: Oh? I thought I won.
Ward: No way, I was just getting warmed up. You haven't seen the real me yet.
Alen: No? You haven't seen what I can do, either!
Ward: Bring it on!
Ward: You are strong...
Alen: Let's call it a tie... Lance and I used to spar like this a lot. It's great to have a partner to train and grow with.
Ward: I haven't lost yet! You'll see my true strength next time, you hear?!
Alen: Of course. Any time you're ready!

A Support

Ward: Aaaaarrrr!
Alen: ...! You're...getting better, Ward!
Ward: Y...You too! You become stronger every time we meet..
Alen: I'm nothing. It's just you who's weak.
Ward: Heh, whatever! I'll beat you! I'll crush all the enemies with my axe...
Alen: Enemies...? Ward.
Ward: What?
Alen: What do you think of this war?
Ward: What do you mean?
Alen: Do you think we can win?
Ward: What? Of course we'll win. I'm on this side, after all. How could we lose? We've also got you. No one stands a chance against the two of us.
Alen: Ha ha... You're right. We can't lose. Enough talk! Charge!
Ward: Yeah! Let's go get 'em!


Alen Portrait alen fe06.png Initial: 1
Per turn: +1
Is gba fireaffin.png × Is gba iceaffin.png
Portrait thea fe06.png Thea
Support Level Attack Defense Hit Avoid Critical Dodge
C 0 0 5 5 2 2
B 1 1 10 10 5 5
A 1 1 15 15 7 7

C Support

Thea: You! Wait!
Alen: You... You must be a Pegasus Knight from Ilia. Pleased to meet you. I am Alen, knight of Pherae.
Thea: I'm Thea. But listen, do you always--
Alen: So this is a pegasus? I've never seen one up close. Its face is so cute..
Thea: Wow, thank you... I mean, let me finish! Do you always fight like that?
Alen: So what if I do?
Thea: Don't you think you're too rash? If you fight that way you can't be sure you'll come out alive.
Alen: I know my fighting style can be dangerous. But, you see... Oh, chatting like this will give the enemy an advantage. I must be alert. Farewell.
Thea: ...There's something wrong with him.

B Support

Thea: Wait! Wait!
Alen: Thea? Is something wrong?
Thea: Please, tell me. Why do you fight like that? Your lanceplay leaves you open... Why do you rely on brute strength to attack? You won't be able to retaliate properly that way.
Alen: You've been watching me, haven't you?
Thea: Huh? N-no... Not you in particular! It's just that... I can't ignore you when you fight like that. That's all. Really.
Alen: What?
Thea: Anyway, the point is, you should fight more cautiously.
Alen: I understand your concern. But I can't hold back.
Thea: But if you keep fighting like that, you'll--
Alen: In battle, the first to match blades with the enemy are us. The knights. The enemy will judge the entire army by looking at how we fight. That's why I have to show them my full power.
Thea: ......
Alen: The slightest recoil will signal to the enemy that we can be defeated. And what's more, my fellow knights will see and may hesitate... That's why I charge ahead. I have to keep pushing forward. For the army. For victory.
Thea: ...That makes sense. ...And here I thought you were just a careless idiot...
Alen: Did you say something just now?
Thea: ...No, nothing.
Alen: I'm sorry, but I have to fight like this. Still, I respect your advice. Tell me more when you have a chance.
Thea: ...Very well, I suppose.

A Support

Thea: ...You haven't changed your fighting style, I see.
Alen: Thea.
Thea: How long will you continue fighting like that? I understand why you do... but if you perish, that's the end.
Alen: I know that well. There is only so much I can do on my own. But I am a knight, so it is my duty...
Thea: If that's the case...then will you allow me to stay by you?
Alen: Why...?
Thea: If...if I leave you on your own, I worry and...I can't focus! So I want to support you by staying close. I not good enough for you...?
Alen: Of course you are! You're strong, you can keep up with my horse, and... With you around, it seems that I always come out unharmed. I can trust you to guard my back.
Thea: Really? You'll take me?
Alen: Of course! You're a strong warrior. I couldn't ask for a better partner.
Thea: That...that's not what I meant...
Alen: I'm sorry?
Thea: I mean...the point is...we'll be together...and, I mean...
Alen: I don't understand.
Thea: ...Never mind. Forget it... Well, come on, then. Let's go. The battle awaits us.
Alen: Yes, we ride together!